Sand vs Sand

Kazemaru returned to the field with all his faith. With a sharp gaze, he glanced at Kisho with a sharp look like he was going to kill him at any moment but soon Kaze took a deep breath before slapping his cheeks with his palms.

"Are you sure you're okay Kaze?" Ryu looked at Kaze with misgivings hoping everything would be all right.

"I'm fine, right now my focus is only for the sake of our team's victory," Kaze replied as he got ready to take his position.

The second half Jump Ball was finally done and as usual Shin could easily win the aerial duel with his abilities. He passes the won ball from the aerial duel to Raito and prepares to attack.

"Damn ... without Ren I can't fill my abilities quickly," grumbled Raito while looking at Ren who is now reserved.

"Calm down ... I've figured this out," Kaze replied.

While giving a signal to Shin, Kaze immediately created a small sandstorm around Raito's feet accompanied by a gravitational field that allowed him to quickly replenish the abilities of his legs.

"Alright ... it's time for us to act !!" exclaimed Raito.

"Dragon Essence"

Ryu immediately cast his technique and aimed it at Raito and with Raito now made a combination attack with the speed they had. The two of them seemed to share their thoughts and pass each other around until they finally scored after confusing their opponents with their speed.

Attack after attack was launched and defense after defense was carried out until finally Kaze now faced Kisho who was preparing with his sand ability.

"Sorry for my previous actions which were too emotional," said Kaze.

"Don't think about it, I understand your feelings that feel dumped by your beloved brother but I hope you don't hate your brother too much because there is something that makes him like that," replied Kisho.

"What do you mean? Is there something hidden from me?" Asked Kaze.

"You want to tell me a lot about willing to me but for the reason why he left you you will find out later," replied Kisho.

After chatting for a while, the match between sand skill users finally started. Kaze immediately used his sand ability to grip Kisho's leg by making the sand become shaped like a hand but suddenly the sand became faded so that Kisho's feet were easily freed from the grip.

Immediately Kisho passes the ball in his hand to Sawada who is ready to make herself transparent but Love tries to stop the ball by creating a barrier from the sandstorm but another sandstorm hits the sandstorm created by Kaze, making the ball bounce off due to the two sandstorms. equally strong clash with each other.

"If you want to surpass your brother, you must be able to match my sand ability first," said Kisho which made Kaze wonder.

"Your way of speaking is like I'll just fight him, I don't even know where he is right now," Kaze replied.

"I'm sure right now your brother is trying to qualify again for the national level matches and we had against him during a match where you disappeared at that time," said Kisho.

Hearing this, Kaze was silent for a moment before finally realizing that the ball was now rolling freely without anyone taking it so that Raito unwittingly caught the ball with incredible speed before anyone took it.

"I have to be able to win this match and meet Big Brother," muttered Kaze.

Raito is now dribbling a ball and trying to cooperate with Ryu with a combination of attacks that rely on their speed. Without realizing it, Sawada had used her ability to make the ball transparent so Raito was confused when she was about to pass the ball to Ryu because the ball had disappeared. Shin who realized this immediately created a gravitational field around Raito so that Sawada, who was trying to steal the ball in a transparent state, couldn't move. The ball can now be seen again, so Raito quickly takes the ball back and passes it to Shin who is nearby.

"It was almost Raito, luckily I noticed it quickly," Shin said as he returned to drible the ball intending to carry out an attack.

"Don't talk too much Shin !! We're still in the middle of the match so pass the ball to me," shouted Hiruka who saw Kouji stretching out his hands unconsciously to steal the ball from Shin's hand.

Shin immediately passed the ball he was holding to Hiruka and a moment later Hiruka immediately shot his top three points so that Kouji, who was trying to grab the ball from Shin's hand, didn't have time to defend and guard the ring so that three points were created for the Cyoku High school basketball team.

The match continued, it was seen that the two sides struggled to endure fatigue because their stamina was drained, but now the scores of the two teams have been balanced so that the audience who witnessed it became confused to determine who would be the winner in the match.

"Sir, we should immediately make substitutions because they look tired," asked Gyo.

"I think you have a point too, but I hope when you enter you have to save your abilities except in urgent circumstances," replied Mr. Yagami.

The two coaches seemed to be thinking about the same thing so there was a change of players from both sides but the Cyoku High School basketball team could only replace two of their players due to the limited reserves they had while the opposing team was now replacing three of their players who had played since the beginning of the match.

"It seems that now it will be a match between the players with the most stamina," muttered Pak Yagami.

Ren and Gyo finally stepped in to replace Ryu and Raito who looked tired because they had been running all the time with their fast movement abilities. On the other hand, Sawada, Gio and Takeshi were seen being replaced by new players who they didn't know their abilities at all because they never thought something like that would happen.

They had just entered the field, but the Hyunda High School basketball team had completely pounded the defenses by the Cyoku High School basketball team, but thanks to his Gold Eyes ability, Gyo was able to defend very well and could even steal the ball. Gyo quickly counterattacked followed by Ren who prepared to help him from behind. With the ability of his eye, Gyo glimpsed the future of the opponent's movements then passed the ball to Ren then looked for an unguarded position until finally Ren's counter-pass could make him score.

At the same time, the whistle indicating the end of the third quarter finally sounded and a scoreboard was seen that read the numbers 89-91 as the final score of the third quarter.

"I'm not strong anymore, it looks like in this last round I will not be able to survive until the time is up," said Shin.

"I think so too," Hiruka continued.

Gyo sees that his friends are very tired even though they still have to play one more round. Things get even more chaotic when the final round of matches begins and the coach of the Hyunda High School basketball team reintroduces Gio, Sawada and Takeshi who were their core players.

"Apparently so ... They deliberately beat us up in the third quarter using the reserve members so that later we will run out of stamina while their core players have replenished their stamina," thought Gyo.

whats next?

To be continued ....