Chapter 1 Pilot

Trevor's POV

Everything felt like a blur to me and nothing made sense anymore.

The pulse of my heart keeps beating faster and faster and my head is spinning from all the noise that was coming from the room. Do I know what I'm getting myself into from going into club's every night to smoke and drink?

I don't have a smoking or drinking problem. It's just I like to do all those things just for the fun of it because I have nothing better to do with my life. I didn't plan on being like this but it chose me. The world I live in just doesn't make sense.

You think I'm such a sarcastic and bubbly person on the outside but on the inside it's a whole another story. Sleeping with everyone I see is helping me cope with myself without me really showing my true colors.

That's the way I am.

I'm not boyfriend material to people. Love is just a word that people use to describe affection for another person. I just don't see the point of it. If I die one day without loving someone I'll be okay with that.

Different naked body's pass by me, giving me a wink so I would acknowledge them. I had a big meeting tomorrow at work so I couldn't bring any of these toys home with me and everyone knows that I wasn't here to make you my significant other.

I'm just here to use you then throw you away. They know the drill but they do it anyway since they can't get enough of me.

Pulling out the Vapor between my lips, I exhaled everything that was coming from the mouth and It felt like I was in another world. My world exactly.

"Can you stop hogging up the Vapor and pass it to me? You're going to smoke it all up." My friend Devin said next to me with grabby hands. He looked like he was dead by now by the way his breathing was hitching.

Shaking my head, I get up from my seat. "Man it's 1:00 in the morning you need to go home." I said while chuckling.

His eyes were drowsy from the liquor he had drunk. "So? It doesn't stop me from partying until the sun comes up!" He laughs, throwing his hands up in the air then sits up, rubbing his cheeks that are now tinted red. "Plus I'm trying to bring home one of these fine ladies tonight." He smirked.

"You're not great at picking up women. Last time they had pepper spray you because you were being desperate." I toss my raven black hair to the side where my undercut was showing.

"Not my fault one those bitches said my dick was small." I chuckled again, turning to the crowd that was downstairs. Some of these people are doing the same thing as me. Living life to the fullest where they wanted to forget about their problems.

One of the dancers walked up to me with a smile. "Hey Daddy, are you doing anything tonight?" She eye's me up and down. I wish I could take her home with me but like I said already I have work tomorrow and my Dad would be pissed that I came to work late again.

He's so worried about my health and my mom is trying to send me to rehab because she thinks I'm turning to an addict or something.

"Sorry beautiful but maybe another time." I said, giving her a wink. She did have on that tight outfit that made my member go big but I had to deal with it later.

"Will whenever you have time I'm available." She purrs then walks away making sure she was swinging something back there.

"Damn you make things so easy!" Devin said groaning, slouching in his seat in frustration.

"People love Daddy God get used to it." I told him simply. "Well, I better head out and please don't end up on my TV in the morning saying you got run over."

"I might be, who knows!" Devin responded in a bored tone.

I said my goodbyes to him, going downstairs where my security was standing at the bottom of the stairs. They followed me outside where the chilly New York greeted me. I want to move out of New York because half of the population I had slept with and I wanted new people.

Getting into the car, I pull out my phone to check social media and no surprise to see the power couple trending.

Xaiver and Keylan.

They have been non-stop trending since they got engaged a couple months back. They have been on Talks Shows, Magazines, and they are putting their wedding on TV.

I'm happy with my best friend and he deserves everything that is given to him. He treats Keylan like he is the rarest thing in the world and Keylan saved him before he turned out like me.

I wasn't saved.

Their wedding is in a couple of weeks and Xaiver couldn't be more excited that he is marrying the love of his life. He can finally show the world that they belong to each other.

Noah's POV

"Noah can you give me a hand?!" Christiana shouts for me in the other room while crying echoes. Getting up from my bed, I went into the other room to face the 2 people that matter most in the world.

My twin sister and my daughter.

Yes, I have a daughter at a very young age. Basically, I had sex with a girl at a high school party but forgot to use a condom. My parents were furious that I got a girl pregnant and they didn't want to support me.

They kicked me out of the house and my twin sister went with me because we were basically the same person and whatever I went she went. That's why I was glad to have her assist my 3 year old daughter.

The mom wanted me to abort her but I wanted to keep her because it was a living being that was mine. It was my fault that I wasn't responsible enough to use protection. Now she is my responsibility and I would never let anyone take her away from me.

Now Elle's mom didn't want to claim her because she was too young to have a baby. When she was born she signed the birth papers and left without seeing her. I'm the one who named her.

Christiana is 2 minutes older than me but she thinks she is the oldest. She said that she would never forgive our parents that they put me out just because I wanted to keep my baby.

Elle Janella Lane.

When I first held her I knew she was going to be my one and the only person I was going to love in my life besides my sister. She makes my day brighter when I'm just upset or stressed. I would never change my past for anything.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked with a frown and Elle held out her arms to reach for me. Taking her into my arms, I sway her back in fourth and she sniffles on my shoulder.

"She is such a Daddy's girl. When I tried to calm her down she wouldn't calm down for anything but when she saw you she stopped." Christina pouts but smiles at the sight.

We have never been split apart for a long time. Only when I have to go to work or school but other than that I never leave her side. I know she has tantrums when I'm not here but I want the best for her.

"She just misses me that's all." I cooed to her then kissed her cheeks. She giggles, having my mood change. "You hungry baby?" I asked and she nodded, showing her blue eyes to me. Kissing her one more time, I carried her to the kitchenliving room.

It was a small apartment but it's the only thing we could afford since I'm in College and Christina is joining College later. We didn't have anyone to watch Elle and I'm glad because I didn't want to leave anyone with my daughter.

Placing Elle in her high chair, I gave her some leftover mac and cheese because that's all she prefers to eat and she likes to watch Spongebob for some reason even though I hate that show, but anything for my baby.

Sitting down on the couch, I placed my laptop on my lap then started to type up this last paragraph to this essay for my class. I didn't have a job at the very moment but am currently looking for one.

"Ugh, I'm so tired." I groan while typing the last word to my essay. Sending it, I shut down my laptop and put it to the side.

"Maybe you don't have to go to school tomorrow." Christiana suggests and I shook my head furiously.

If I miss class then I'm going to miss something and no one got time for that. "No I'll be fine. I'm just going to drink coffee to help me." I yawn while stretching my arms out to get all the tense from my body.

Elle started to laugh at the TV, banging her fist on her table. She is such a smart little girl and I knew that I was going to try my best to give her the best life.

"I can get a job Noah to help out and put Elle in a Daycare for a couple hours-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence. Just by sending Elle to a place where I couldn't watch her gave me anxiety.

I want her to have a social life also but I'm scared. "You know I don't like people being around Elle. She gets scared of new people." I said worriedly of that thought.

"That's called letting her develop Noah. How else she going to meet new things if you are going to lock her up in the house all day." She told me, giving me the look that she was right. "I know you're her Dad and it's scary to try different things. I'm her aunt and I'm scared also. We want the best for her and us, right?"

I nodded and she came over to give me a hug. "We were on our own since we were 17 and look at us now. It's not perfect but we have each other." She squeezes my shoulder that made me crack a smile.

"Dada!" Elle whines, reaching her hands for me. Getting up from my seat, I pulled her up from her chair and sat us down so she was on my lap. She lays her head on my chest and I kiss her head, holding her tight.

"I'm going to take Elle with me to find a job and look for Daycares that are close to me and your school." Christina informed me while fixing her hair into a bun.

Elle wouldn't let me put on her coat because it was cold outside and I didn't want her catching a cold.

"Okay but make sure you keep an eye on her at all times and take her with you everywhere and I'm mean everywhere." I said giving her a serious look and she waves me off even though I tell her this every day.

"Dada no!" Elle whines while trying to push my arms away. Sometimes being a parent is hard work. "Elle put on this coat or the monsters are going to get you when you go outside." I said to her and she quickly puts on her coat.

Point Noah.

I checked my phone to read that I had 30 minutes to get to class. "Dada has to go bye bye." I said to her and her eyes started to water. I almost broke down looking at her.

"Don't go stay." She cries, clutching my shoulders and I shush her, wiping her tears away.

"I'll be back later okay?" She nodded then wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She looked beautiful when she cried.

"Give Dada a kissy." I said puckering my lips and she leans over to kiss my lips.

"You both literally do this every day." Christiana huffs while packing up Elle's bag. That's the type of bond we have. Grabbing my keys, I kiss Elle on the forehead and Christiana on the cheek then I left the apartment to wait on my Uber.

When it finally arrived I got in. New York traffic sucks and it always makes me late to class. Resting my head on the window, I took a deep breath. This is like the fourth time I was late to class and my Professor doesn't like it when people are late to his class. But he doesn't know the struggle I'm going through.

I'm only going to classes and passing because I want the best future for Elle.

When I arrive on campus, I speed walk inside the building, going to my class which already started. I walk into the classroom to have all eyes on me. My Professor stops teaching, looking at me with a raised brow. "Late to class again Mr. Lane?" Professer Griffin said to me with his arms crossed over his chest and some people started to snicker.

"Sorry, sir the traffic was bad." I responded trying not to sound annoyed.

"Maybe next time find another way to get here early." He informed me then pointed to the seat instructing me to sit down. I mumbled under my breath, sitting down at an empty seat having all eyes on me.

This was going to be a long day.