Chapter 3 Daddy Issues

Trevor's POV

The clock ticked on the wall as the meeting was still going on for the past hour. I wasn't really paying attention to no one because I really didn't care for no one, but my Dad wants me to be in here for moral support.

I wrote down the information in my notepad as he discussed the plan on his PowerPoint. Then I tuned out everyone when he started to get on my nerves. I really need a drink because my patience is bad right now.

I could feel my Dad glare towards me and I looked up to see him scowling at me to pay attention. Sighing, I turned my attention back to the speaker. "What do you think about rebuilding Central Park where it's safer for children?" The man asks, turning to me.

I could care less about the children because they are evil and we don't get along. "Well although it's a great idea it's no point of rebuilding a park when kids are going to get hurt just by falling to the ground. Do you want to make the grounds be more safety?" I said tilting my head slightly.

The man looked at me like I said the dumbest thing. Hey, I say what's come at the top of my head.

He clears his throat. "I mean yeah but that's going to happen regardless but I'm talking about a safer playground." It's just a playground and kids don't care about all of that as long as they have fun. I fell off the playground and bumped my head. Look at me I'm still alive.

"Sure you can go with that but I'm telling you that it won't make a big difference. They can do a backflip off a slide and still have a great time. Nothing safe about a playground."

Before I could finish my debate with this dumb ass my father gets up from his seat. "I think we will save this for another meeting. Thank you for coming by Mr. Henderson." They both exchange handshakes.

Mr. Henderdick I mean Mr. Henderson exchanges handshakes with each other, giving each other warm smiles. I could tell from his grip that he doesn't like me. I mean who doesn't? I really don't care if you like me or not I'm just being me.

Leaving the meeting room, I heard my Dad walking behind me. "What you did back there was unprofessional Trevor. You need to stop being like some sober man that doesn't know how to act right."

I was being professional and I was being honest and honesty is the best.

"Dad, I was being honest and why would we lie to people's faces? That's being unprofessional." I said in a flat tone, looking down at my watch to see it was my break.

"It's called making profit Trevor. If we go through with it do you know how much money we will get? You need to start thinking smart if you want to run the company." He walked away from me and I sigh, getting on the elevator.

My phone started to ring in my pocket and I pulled out, putting it to my ear. "Trevor." I spoke to the speaker.

"Hey, baby you thought you will hear the last of me." I heard that voice that made my flesh crawl.

"How did you get my phone number, Nate?!" I hiss at him and he laughs.

"Let us not worry about that right now. Let's talk about how you miss beating this busy up."

My jaw clenches from his lack of grammar. Ever since I ended up with him 2 years ago, he never took no for an answer. He started showing up at my house unannounced, going to my job and had a fight with the front desk lady.

"I don't miss anything because you're not that great in bed anyway."

"Daddy, you knew I was the best thing you ever had and you know that. I don't know why you keep pushing our love." He purred on the phone.

"You crazy bitch stop calling my phone before I have you arrested for a long time." I threatened him and he laughed again, not phased by my threat.

"You do what you gotta do Daddy. Just know I'm everywhere and when I mean everywhere I'm somewhere watching you." He said before ending the call.

I cursed under my breath then blocked him on my phone. I have to have top security with me at all times. Getting off the elevator, I walked outside where there were people trying to get my attention.

My driver opens the door for me and I get in, closing the door behind me. The sound faded when we pulled off down the street. "The same place sir?" My driver asked me and I nodded. I go to this nice Cafe that me and Xaiver go to when we want some nice tea.

It isn't known that much but we still go there because they are nice people.

When I pull up my driver comes around to open the door for me. Getting out, I walked inside the nice environment where Jennifer greeted me with a smile. "Trevor sweetheart how are you doing?" She asks me and I smile from her everyday greeting.

"I'm good just getting the usual today." I told her and she nodded, going to the back then returning with a bag in her hand.

She handed it to me and I paid her with a big tip. "Tips are not this much money Trevor." She shakes her head, putting it in the cash register. Jeniffer deserves it because she is a hard working woman.

"Xaiver never visits me anymore." She pouts while wiping the counter with a rag.

"Yeah, he is too busy with his Fiancè and the wedding." It's his number one priority to make sure the wedding goes right.

"Yeah, that cutie with the white hair? The last time I saw them was 2 years ago."

Speaking of the devil I need to go see the bastard to see how he is doing. I said goodbye to Jennifer as my security opened the door for me. We were walking down the sidewalk until a figure bumps into me. My security blocks my way but I told them that it was okay.

"You should watch where you look beautiful." I chuckle, looking at the brunette beauty in front of me.

I extended my hand for him but he declined to get up for himself. When he got up from the ground I took the sight of his blue eyes, rosy lips and his body was a little thin but I like my men like that anyways.

I couldn't help to roam my eyes on his body. "Uh hello, my face is up here buddy." He said cutting me out of my dirty thoughts.

I grin from his cute little voice. "You have a nice body, I couldn't help but stare." His face turned sour from my saying.

"Uh thanks." He said awkwardly.

I didn't want to say Hey can I take you home so I can show you a great time and he looked like that type of person that didn't give in that easy, so I have to start off slow.

"What's your name beautiful?" I ease my way into a conversation with him.

"None your damn business." He bit back at me.

He was a feisty little one and you know those are the ones that are great in bed. "Damn it's like that?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes, not interested in my bullshit.

"Yeah, it's like that and can you please move out the way before I knock you out." He threatened me. I mean he can try but I'm 2 inches taller than him so he has a fair chance.

The beauty pushes me anyway and a lot of cameras and reporters pop out of nowhere starting to take pictures of us.

Trevor Trevor Trevor Is that your new boyfriend?!

They are like the most annoying people on earth. They are everywhere in the strangest places ready to take the million dollar shot. It's going to go viral tomorrow because they saw me with someone. Maybe I bumped down Keylan and Xaiver little trends they had.

I picked up the beauty in my arms, putting him in the car. He was light as a feather.

When I got in the car myself the beauty was screaming, banging on the window like he was being kidnapped. He was lucky I saved him because he would have been swarmed with reporters that he couldn't leave.

I touch his shoulder and he flinches. "Don't fucking touch me! I can drop kick your ass." He looked like he could whoop my ass with his short self and I started laughing at that thought.

"I'm not going to hurt you unless you want me to." When I said that his eyes went wide and he screamed louder that the whole New York population could hear him. He tried to open the door but it was locked for reasons.

"I'm just kidding." I laughed even more.

His eyes were red and swollen and he was shaking. "Can you take me home?" He pleaded me with his blue eyes looking at me.

"Until we lose the media so they won't know where you live." It's the media we are talking about they are going to find out anyway, but who is going to tell him?

He nodded then looked out the window. When we finally lost them the car ride was silent and I wanted to know more about him. "For real what's your name?" I asked him again and he turned to me with a scowl on his face.

"None of your business sir." He said, having my body in tingles. Can he say that again?

"Do I look old to you? And I'm not bothered by you calling me sir."

"Yes because you just kidnapped me and a pedophile would ask questions like that." I did look old with all these tattoos for my age, but underage people still want me but I'm not trying to go to jail for that.

He didn't even look that young and I could tell he wasn't underage. "I'm pretty sure you have to be underage and I'm 23."

"You want a cookie for it?" He snorts from my statement.

"Sure as long as I can get into your cookie jar." I gave him a sly grin while he looked at me like I was the most disgusting person in the world.

"Look here sir you are going to drop me off then never see this face again. If I see you again I'm decking your shit." When he said that the image of Juliet decking Adriana popped in my head.

Still the best night ever.

I have never seen someone get so angry with me when I'm trying to talk to them. Usually, when I did this I didn't even have to do all the chasing and begging. This is hard work.

"I have never met someone like you before. Do you have anger issues?" I said to him and he was about to say something but nothing came out. He ignored me for the rest of the ride.