Chapter 17

"That's such a sad story Sasuke-kun," Sakura balls her eyes with tears streaming down the corner. With a tissue wiping away the tears.

'Well not all stories end happily," Sasuke told her with a playful smile.

"The Prince is such an idiot," Sakura said in argument pouting her cheeks in a cute way, "it must had been painful for the beautiful mermaid when she realizes all her sacrifices come to no end."

Without saying anything Sasuke reached his hand out to help wipe her tears. "Don't cry anymore I don't want to see you feeling so sad."

"You're the one who told me the story though," Sakura stopped her sad thoughts smiling a little in the corner of her mouth.

"Let's head home now or else your parents will worry for you," Sasuke said to her as he stood up from the bed.

As Sakura rests her head against Sasuke's back she feels secure. No matter whatever will happen in the future she trust that Sasuke will always be there to help her.


"What is it Sakura-chan?"

"If something were to happen to me one day and I forget about you would you love someone else?" Sakura asked feeling the insecurity in her heart.

The more she gets to know Sasuke the more she founds herself so dim in comparison to his light and talent. So much still she wants to fight for him and be together with him.

"Silly I would never stop loving you," Sasuke promised her. "Even if you don't remember me anymore, I would be willing to turn into a stone bridge and endure 500 years of wind, 500 years of sunlight, and 500 years of rain just so one day you would cross it."

Normally guys would promise such answers. But Sakura didn't anticipate Sasuke to be willing to devote himself in this way to her.

As Sasuke piggy-backed her home Sakura didn't say anything else to break the silence. She wants to only rest herself in this feeling of security.

Weeks later as Sasuke was sitting in class paying attention in class there was a new ring from the chat group.

Usually the only time he's there would be to check for his daily mission. In the chat group it is usually the two pervs Jiraiya and Sanji discussing things he could not understand.

He really don't understand how that duo have so much time to argue with each other. They should really learn more skills in his opinion.

Opening up the chat interface he saw that the notification was from Rock Lee:

[Rock Lee]: @VIP Senpai I finally upgraded my Eight Gates!

[VIP]: That's awesome to hear Lee

[Jiraiya]: Congrats!

[Member Rock Lee opened Live Streaming do you want to join?]

Live Streaming is another option that was available for members. Sasuke usually don't join in to these stuff placing his daily missions instead.

For members who want to earn extra points it is really useful though. Since they will get 10 points per member joining their streaming.

[Member VIP joined Live Streaming]

[Member Jiraiya joined Live Streaming]

[Member Sanji joined Live Streaming]

When they entered the live stream Rock Lee could see their holograms. Excitedly Lee greeted them as they entered.

"Lee it seems like you have grown from the past months," Sasuke commented as he observed Lee. He could sense that Lee had grown stronger than before.

"Thanks! You must be [VIP] Senpai," Lee bowed with respect. Because Sasuke's body was clouded with light he couldn't really see his true figure.

"Yo Lee!" Sanji walked up greeting casually. He was dressed in a regular black suit along with combined black tie.

"Hello Sanji Senpai! Hello Jiraiya Senpai!" In Lee's mind these figures from the chat group were also qualified as his heros. "Today I challenged Neji to a fight he should be arriving any minute now."

"Haha that's good make sure to beat his ass," Jiraiya said cheerfully. Without showing the seriousness befit of a future Sannin.

A figure with a pair of white eyes stepped into the background. His eyes were cold at the same time mixed with arrogance.

"No matter how hard you work you are never going to beat a genius Lee," Neji's voice was quite condescending.

"Neji-san you're thinking of yourself too highly," Lee's eyes turned firm as he readies for a fight, "If you were standing in front of my Senpais they could defeat you without a single effort."

Through chatting with Jiraiya and others in the group Lee has now demonstrated greater confidence in his skills.

There is even a growing sense of charisma exhibited from Lee's aura after he used the [Charm Boost]. His body brims with captivating energy.

Also after much convincing by Sasuke he dropped his green jumpsuit. Though still having reluctance not willing to follow Sasuke's advice to 'burn them'.

"Enough talk," Neji scoffed coldly as he rush towards Lee.

For some reason Neji didn't notice his opponent already appearing before him. He only saw the shadow of Lee's feet kicking towards his face before he landed on a group of trees afar.


"Uh," a stream of blood flowed out of the corner of Neji's mouth. 'When did he get this strong?'

In the distance Lee extended his hands palm forward asking him to come fight again.

Neji quickly stood up ready to fight again. This time he opened his byakugen to examine the strangeness of Lee's body.

'He's concentrating his chakra in his limbs,' using the Byakugen he was able to observe the flows of chakra. When Lee kicked him Neji felt like he got hit by a thick metal rod. 'When had he been able to practice chakra?'

In the distance he observed that Lee's body has disappeared in a flash appearing right in front of him again. Raising his elbow he was able to block the kick.

"Uh," Neji grunted in pain from that hit to his elbow. Quickly he raised his other elbow to protect him from a kick to the other side of his body.

In a blitz Lee does a handstand on the ground kicking straight up Neji's chin. Without giving him a breather Lee double kicks Neji in the chest as he flies in the air.

"Looks like this Black Leg Style of yours is not too shabby," commented Jiraiya as he observes the fight with interest.

"Of course," agreed Sanji with a grin. As powerful as his skill Sanji knows it takes hard work to use it so naturally like Lee. "But that boy sure is hard working."

As Sanji watches this fight a small flame ignited in his heart. He knows that even with the present strength he's still quite weak.