The beginning of everything... and system?

USA, City A, minutes before the apocalypse.

It was noon, the birds were singing, and the bustle of the city was in full swing.

Rockford University

Rockford University was known for its great influence and incredible talents, after all to even qualify for it, you needed a great talent or a powerful family background.

With more than 100,000 students, it has an area of ​​100 acres. Includes: female / male dormitory, laboratory, observatory, gym, soccer field, basketball court, tennis court, swimming pool, theater, supermarkets, restaurants, and countless other facilities that any student can access.

Meanwhile, in a window on the second floor of the men's dormitory, a handsome young man could be seen, he seemed to be around 18 years old, with some captivating violet eyes, along with his chiseled face and short jet black hair, they seemed to give him a look totally diabolical.

This young man was named after Axel, a martial arts practitioner, as well as a student at Rockford University.

Axel was currently preparing to head to his next class, that of course was until a status screen appeared along with a countdown in front of his face:

[Get ready for a new era! The countdown begins ...






Survive, get stronger and have fun! Let the game begin!]

"Hmm, what is this supposed to mean?" Alex wondered puzzled.

He raised his right hand and realized that he was carrying a stick that appeared to be made of metal.

Just as he looked at it, the status screen reappeared.

[Stick for beginners, Weapon level 1 Attack 0-5, durability 100/100. Please make good use of this weapon to survive]

Ending the message he reappeared this time with what appeared to be his status.


[Name: Axel]

[Age: 18 Years]

[Gender; Male]

[Level 1]

[Race: Human]


[Objects: Stick for Beginners]

[Strength: 17]

[Agility: 15]

[Stamina: 16]

[Spirit; 15]

[Vitality: 12]

"I see, apparently this is like an RPG game, but from what I read this shit won't bring any good" Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Axel turned and looked out the window.

It seemed a whole new world, the sunny noon sun was nowhere to be seen, black clouds had obstructed it giving the city a feeling of depression.

People ran and screamed in desperation being chased and eaten alive by what appeared to be zombies.

Countless vehicles collided and created accidents, the city was in chaos.

Axel, noticing the new atmosphere, got to work, gripping the metal-looking stick tightly, and headed for the door.

Opening the door carefully and exiting without making any noise, he made his way to his first victim.

'If I have a status screen and even a level, I probably have to kill these guys, to level up and get stronger, at least I have to try'

He carefully approached the zombie and once close he prepared to kill him.

With a careful and strong swing he hit the zombie directly on the head, with pieces of brain and gray matter, the body of the zombie fell and disappeared on the ground.

"Great, the sound was probably loud enough to alert the other zombies, ah ~ Fu–"


Before he even finished cursing, he could hear a small sound, looking ahead and returning to his room he noticed his status screen.

[! Congratulations you were chosen by the gacha system, this is not an op system, the strongest system or some of that shit like that, this system only offers you gacha and voila, by the way it is not a conscious system either, so no it will help you with none of that ~]

"..." Axel was speechless

[Anyway I'm just a guide for your gacha system, it's time for you to see your new status and check out the new features]


[Name: Axel]

[Age: 18 Years]

[Gender: Male]

[Level 2]

[DC: 10] (Dawn Coins) (They are used for gacha, kill enemies and depending on your level get Dawn Coins, then spend DC on gacha tickets to spin the wheel and get amazing things!)

[Bloodline: None] (Exclusive to the owner of the gacha system, at least in this world, buy black tickets, spin the wheel and get amazing bloodlines!)

[Race: Human]

[Abilities: ]

[Objects: Stick for Beginners]

[Strength: 17]

[Agility: 15]

[Stamina: 16]

[Spirit; 15]

[Vitality: 12]

[Congratulations on reaching level 2, you will be rewarded with 2 SP (Stat Points), Add points to your attributes and get stronger!]