Information and arrival at Chloe's room


[Very well now we will talk about the gacha system, the types of tickets will be named below, along with their cost:

Cost (DC):

White (Normal): 500

Gold (Premium): 10,000

Black (VIP): 500,000


White: Lv 1-3 items or basic skills

Gold: Lv 4-6 items or Advanced Skills

Black: Lv 7-10 items, exalted abilities, or bloodlines.]

[Having said that, it's time to give yourself your tickets as a reward for hosting the gacha system!]

[Congratulations you received, x5 White Tickets, x3 Gold Tickets, x1 Black Ticket]

"Wow, at least I got some cool stuff after all this mess."

"Very well, Mr. Guide, could you explain to me where the said wheel is, that you have mentioned so much? I need to get ready and get out of here, I have people waiting for me out there"

[That's where I'm going, well use the ticket of your choice and enjoy your rewards!]

Finishing reading the message, Axel selected the black ticket.

[Would you like to use "Black Ticket x1"?


"Yes" Once pressed yes, Axel could see a wheel spinning at high speed on which were written different types of objects and abilities.

Seconds later the wheel finally stopped.

[Congratulations, you just received "Abyssal Primordial Dragon Bloodline"]

[Abyssal Primordial Dragon bloodline:


If the opposite sex looks you in the eye, they will be attracted to you no matter how strong their will is. The effect grows the longer they look into your eyes.

SP multiplier x2, the multiplier will grow as you get stronger, 50 SP will also be added to each of your attributes (Only the first time)

Larger penis size. When you enter a state of excitement your resistance will multiply x10 (Basically you will fuck like a rabbit in heat)

Use your hands to pleasure your partner and increase their sensitivity.

If you look into the eyes of an individual / group a sudden calm will overtake them and they will go into a stunned state (stun is optional)

Coming soon! Keep getting stronger!]

"Ah?! What the fuck is this? Primordial dragon? How is this different from an incubus? In addition to the ability to reach the void and float in the void which by the way are great for me, all the rest are skills for sex!" Axel didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

[Well that's what there is, my friend, I have to go anyway! I hope and enjoy this lovely game!]

Finishing reading this last message, Axel decided it was time to move, he still had to find his family and his friends.

Going out once more to the corridor, Axel met 5 zombies, thanks to his new increase in his attributes and his experience as a martial artist, he easily used the metal stick to kill them all.

[Congratulations on reaching Level 3! You received 4 SP]

Ignoring the system message, Axel noticed some things lying on the ground where the zombies fell before, moving and grabbing an old looking book, Axel saw a new system message.

[Eyes of perception: Skill that can discern information from monsters up to 5 levels above yours (Can be improved).]

Deciding to learn the skill, the book transformed into a white ball and flew to his head, once learned the skill, Axel headed for the stairs to get out.

Eliminating 15 level 1 zombies by heading to the exit and moving up to level 4, Axel finally left the dorm and could see the chaos made at the university.

Pieces of meat, mutilated limbs and bodies adorned the once beautiful garden, from time to time the cry of some poor soul was heard being living food.

Groups of zombies feasting on human flesh.

After admiring the "beautiful scenery" Axel moved in the direction of the women's dormitory, she knew that her family would be fine somehow, so she would take care of her dear friends first.

Moving as quietly as possible around the campus, Axel finally saw the women's dormitory, it was obviously not very different from his, and there may even be more zombies inside.

"I doubt there would be any problem if he made my way directly to Chloe's bedroom, the problem is whether they are in her bedroom or not, ah ~"

Deciding to make her way into her childhood friend's bedroom, Axel moved to the entrance.

Arriving at the entrance Axel stood for a moment and decided to use his remaining 8 SP "Use 3 for strength, 3 for agility and 2 for vitality"

Once his points were used he decided to completely clean the corridor, moving with great agility, Axel got rid of the 7 zombies of level 1, leveling up once more and reaching level 5, he looked around and picked up a box that was thrown by one of the zombies.

[Level 1 Box: Contains Level 1 Items]

Opening the box, Axel could see an elegant Chinese-looking sword.

[Tang imitation sword: This fine sword is very sharp, it can easily cut off a man's head. A great weapon against the infected.]

Holding his new sword, Axel decided to save the rookie stick for emergencies.

Once prepared, Axel headed upstairs, paying attention to his audition, Axel could discern, thanks to his evolved body, some small sobs from his friend's room.

'They seem fine, probably just scared, I have to hurry'

After reaching the second floor, Axel came across a zombie standing in the middle of the hallway, he looked a bit different from the other zombies.

Using his new skill, eyes of perception, Axel was able to access his information.

[Infected Level 5: these are being eroded by the virus infection, leaving only the desire for flesh and blood, it seems to be evolving ... Viral infection ability: as long as there is a cut on the skin, the virus will infect]

"So it also reached level 5 huh, anyway it doesn't matter, it will help me make me stronger"

Walking calmly towards the zombie holding his tang sword, Axel approached the zombie and with superhuman speed and sharpness beheaded him.

Using his 4 SP in stamina, Axel walked towards Chloe's bedroom door.

"Hey Chloe I opened the door, it's me Axel!" Axel said as he tapped on the door.

A few seconds later a few footsteps were heard and the small creak of the door opening.

"Axel, thank God you're here, I thought something bad had happened to you, come in, Jingwei and Sakura are inside"

Making a small face when he heard her speak of god, Axel entered the room.

Once inside, he sat on one of the beds and looked at the beauty that had opened the door for him, With a height of approximately 1.75 m, beautiful long jet black hair to the hips, a beautiful face like that of an angel, white skin like milk, all this together with her voluptuous breasts that seemed to be full of milk and her beautiful full butt, gave her an appearance that could make any man drool, that without forgetting her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to him give a touch more of innocence.

She was Chloe his childhood friend and one of the most important women in his life, in fact Axel has been in love with her for quite some time, but he has not because he is too greedy and also loves and wants to have other women.

But with this new apocalypse coming in, it looks like Axel's dream could come true and get the women he craves.