Chloe's Room and Rewards.

POV Chloe

It was a day like any other, the sunny midday sun adorned the city, and gave the campus a feeling of warmth.

She had just finished class and Chloe, along with her 2 best friends Zhang Jingwei and Sakura Shiroyuki, was heading to her room in the women's dorm.

On the way to the bedroom, the girls talked quietly among themselves.

"Jingwei, do you have something planned for later?" Chloe asked the woman walking to her right.

Zhang Jingwei, one of the popular beauties of the university, 19 years old and 1.76m tall, her combination of American / Asian traits undoubtedly gave Jingwei gifts that she need not complain about, her straight long brown hair crowned her delicate and beautiful face along with her sparkling emerald green eyes, underneath it, one could find a bombshell body that did not lose to Chloe's sensual body, breasts the size of a melon that seemed to bounce with every step she took, a narrow waist and a defined abdomen, along with her wide hips and a completely full butt that did not lose to her bouncing breasts, and of course we cannot forget her also full thighs, which seemed to want to attract any man to be able to delight in such an incredible delicacy.

"Hmm, we could actually go shopping together and eat in a restaurant by the way, it wouldn't hurt to invite Axel to come with us, what do you think Sakura?" Zhang Jingwei asked the last and third girl, who was to Chloe's left

Sakura Shiroyuki, um ... do you really want me to describe her?, by God basically all three have the same body type!, you know big bouncing breasts, narrow waist, nice abdomen, big ass, thighs to bite, oh ... He has jet black hair tied in a nice long ponytail, he is 1,77 m tall, he also knows the art of the sword and trains in a dojo ... orange eyes and Japanese by the way, I guess it was obvious from the name, right? Let's continue.

"Mm, that's fine with me" Sakura said as she looked ahead.

Once arriving in her room with Sakura and Jingwei, Chloe was getting ready to go out for lunch before the next class started.

Of course there was not going to be any class, nor was there a lunch, at least lunch would be until later.

As Chloe got ready and dressed, the status screen appeared, along with a message that would completely change the future of humanity and her own.

[Get ready for a new era! The countdown begins ...






Survive, get stronger and have fun! Let the game begin!]

Chloe didn't know what to do or what to say, a hint of panic and fear began to well up inside her heart.

But she didn't even have time to process what she had just seen, due to the considerable chaos that was brewing outside, Chloe nervously walked to the window, only to see something that would completely freeze her blood and make her hair stand on end.

The sunny sun was nowhere to be found, it had given way to black and completely depressing clouds.

People being chased by what appeared to be zombies, countless accidents and even a few explosions would form.

The feeling of panic and fear grew much greater inside Chloe's fragile heart, the last thing she could see before taking her vision from the window was one of her classmates, whom she had said goodbye not long ago, being mutilated, eaten and torn to pieces alive by a small group of zombies.

Chloe couldn't help but vomit aside at such a grotesque display.

Calming down and getting closer to her two dearest friends, she snuggled together with them and waited for all this to happen and it was a simple nightmare or until she could think logically and explain what is supposed to be happening with the world.

A few minutes had passed since it all started, Chloe was hugging next to the sobbing Jingwei, her mind had settled and after a little talk with Sakura, she had already taken for granted that everything that is happening is real, just we had to wait and think about what to do next.

The room was completely silent, the chaos outside had calmed down a bit, only the growls of the zombies and the small sobs of Jingwei could be heard.

But that silence did not last for long, there seemed to be someone fighting on the floor below, sounds of blows, bodies falling and footsteps were heard.

Chloe did not know whether to feel happiness or fear, after all she was not stupid, she knew that after everything that had just happened the world would be in complete chaos, the rules and morals would cease to exist, she was afraid of becoming some toy of some disgusting man taking advantage of his weakness and that of his friends.

But that feeling and thought didn't last long after hearing the voice coming from the other side of the door.

"Hey Chloe! It's me Axel, open the door!" She heard Axel's voice say as she gently knocked on the door.

Chloe quickly got up from where she was sitting and walked towards the door, opening the door with unexpected joy, Chloe found herself face to face with those captivating and abysmal violet eyes, which seemed to take her soul out of her body and consume it greedily.

With a small blush, Chloe was almost mesmerized by those dangerous but beautiful violet eyes.

Ignoring that unfamiliar feeling, Chloe proceeded to usher Axel into her room.

"Axel, Thank God you're here, I thought something bad had happened to you, come on in, Jingwei and Sakura are inside" Chloe still blushed said, as she closed the door as fast as she could.

Turning and walking to one of the beds, Chloe did her best to avoid meeting Axel's eyes.

Chloe's POV finished ~

POV Axel

Seeing her strange behavior, Axel couldn't help but wonder what the hell was going on.

'I see, so it's that' bewitching eyes 'ability from my new bloodline, it's honestly a bit troublesome'

Putting the subject aside, Axel proceeded to speak with his future and very possible haren girls.

"I guess I don't need to tell you the world just went to hell, right?" managing to get the attention of the other girls, Axel continued.

"Have any of you tried to communicate with your family or friends?" Axel asked as he looked into their eyes.

Watching them blush, Axel felt helpless. 'Later I have to find a way to control this ability'

"I tried to communicate with my teacher, but unfortunately the telephone network is down" Sakura said while avoiding her gaze, trying to control her shyness.

"Well, first of all we need a transport and go to a convenience store or supermarket, to get supplies, then we can start looking for our relatives and while we look for them I will also support them by killing zombies so they can evolve and become stronger" ending From talking, Axel saw that all the girls agreed.

"Axel, before leaving campus he needed to look for my mother, although I don't know if she's still alive, at least I need to look for her" Jingwei once more calmly said while remembering her mother.

Zhang Jingqiao Jingwei's mother is or used to be the principal of Rockford University, she is of Chinese descent and according to rumors a complete mature beauty, besides being divorced, she lives alone together with her daughter.

Remembering the figure of Jingwei's mother, Axel couldn't help but almost drool, taking control of her train of thought, Axel quickly pulled herself together and nodded.

"Okay I'll go find her, I need you three to stay here and wait for me, I'll be back as fast as I can" Axel said as he got out of bed and walked towards the door.

"Wait are you going to go alone ?! It's very dangerous" Chloe couldn't help saying.

The other girls nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, my body is evolved and strong enough to take care of myself, I also have my martial arts skills" Axel reassured them as he opened the door and left the room.

"Be careful" was the last thing he heard them say as he closed the door.

'Okay, it's time to go find a MILF, but before that I want to see my status'


[Name: Axel]

[Age: 18 Years]

[Gender: Male]

[Level: 5]

[DC: 300]

[Bloodline: Abyssal Primordial Dragon (Suppressed by the mortal plane)]

[Race: Half Dragon Human]

[Skills: ]

[Items: Novice staff, Imitation Tang Sword, x3 White Ticket, x2 Gold Ticket]

[Strength: 70]

[Agility: 68]

[Stamina: 70]

[Spirit; 65]

[Vitality: 64]

"¿Suppressed by the mortal plane?, ¿what is this a cultivation novel?, well anyway I guess I'll use my remaining tickets" Axel said while selecting "x2 Golden Ticket".

By clicking Yes, Axel could again see the wheel spinning rapidly.

A second later the wheel stopped and Axel could see a message on his status screen.

[Congratulations! You used both tickets and got two amazing prizes]

Finishing that message was followed by another.

[Stinger III: Weapon Level 5 and improved version of Stinger II, This version has an even greater destructive force than its previous versions. The revolver will never break unless destroyed by an outside force. Automatically generates 6 bullets a day. You can use it to shoot tanks without problems. Of course, the condition is that your shooting skills are adequate. A revolver with a beautiful silver design, six 25mm caliber rounds.]

Finishing reading the message, Axel could see in his right hand a silver, futuristic-looking revolver.

"With my current strength, I don't think I will have much trouble shooting this beauty, maybe a little movement depending on its power, it doesn't matter I'll try it later and see how good it is" said Axel as he looked intrigued at the beautiful design of the Revolver.

Putting away his new baby, Axel checked the next prize.

[Regeneration: Level 4 Skill, This is a passive skill that can only be learned in situations where vitality is above 100 points without the help of a team. After learning this passive skill, even serious injuries, such as broken limbs or crushed bones, can slowly recover unless the person was killed on the spot. Lost limbs can be regenerated and the speed of regeneration depends on the vitality of your body and the amount of energy absorbed during the recovery process.]

Axel was dumbfounded to see his reward.

'Shit! This skill is incredible, regenerate limbs? Perfect although it may take several days or even months to regenerate the limb, at least I will have it again and my strength will not drop, unfortunately I still cannot learn it, it only remains keep evolving'

Saving the skill book in his inventory (Didn't I say he had inventory? If you look closely in his state he has an item tab, that's his inventory, but he can only save system items) Axel continued to use his remaining 3 white tickets.

[Language Mastery: Level 2 Skill, You learn 3 languages ​​of your choice]

[Firearms Control: Level 2 Skill, Control firearms like an elite veteran soldier.]

[Dark Magic Sword: Tier 3 Weapon, This is an extremely sharp magic sword that has the power to cut gold and split jade. A model similar to the Tang sword in sharpness. Its entire body was black, the blade was 1.5 m long and had strange runes engraved on it. The hilt of the sword had three grooves and the whole body exuded a chill.]

Satisfied with his 3 rewards, Axel used "Language Mastery" to learn (Spanish, Chinese and Japanese), learned the "Firearms Control" skill and after putting away his Tang sword, he wielded his new "Dark Magic Sword".

Once ready, he walked downstairs and out of the ladies' bedroom, it was time to hunt zombies and look for MILF's.