Level up and Searching...

The office where the director could be found was not too far from the women's dormitory, but Axel still had to cross the Laboratory and Infirmary.

The laboratory and the Infirmary were two buildings that were connected, although there may be more zombies, it is not the most infested place, so Axel had no problems with the space in which he can move.

Using his evolved agility, Axel raced through center field and avoided groups of zombies that got in his way.

Seconds later Axel could see the entrance to the laboratory, he had to quickly cross the laboratory and the infirmary, since he was not sure if Zhang Jingqiao stayed in his office or ran to some other place.

Rushing into the lab, Axel encountered 3 Level 3 Zombies and 2 Level 5 Zombies.

'It seems that zombies are also evolving just as fast as humans, I won't have any problem due to my high stats, the problem will be girls' Axel frowned as he realized the rapid evolution of zombies.

Decapitating all 5 zombies instantly with his new jet black sword, Axel took the 2 chests that were dropped by the 2 level 5 zombies and kept them to open later in Chloe's room.

[¡Congratulations on reaching Level 6! You received 4 SP]

'Place the 4 points in vitality and show me my attributes'

[Status (Attributes]

[Strength: 70]

[Agility: 68]

[Stamina: 70]

[Spirit; 65]

[Vitality: 68]

After memorizing his points for each attribute Axel continued moving and entering the laboratory.

The laboratory itself was the same or the same size as the building where the classrooms were located.

With a total of 10 laboratory classrooms on the first floor, the corridor was long enough that it would take an average human about 6 minutes to cross or in this case that a considerable number of zombies would find themselves in the.

'There are about 40 zombies, 20 of level 4, 15 of level 5, 3 of level 6, 1 of level 7 and there is even 1 of level 8, if even in this place there are already level 8 zombies, I can't imagine inside From hospitals or shopping malls, maybe I should go to one to level up faster hehe' Axel smiled at his future farm of promising experience.

'Well let's get this shit done and move on' Getting into position and wielding his sword hard, Axel shot himself like a bullet towards the group of zombies in the hallway.

Seconds later, Axel was at the end of the corridor, behind him were 40 decapitated bodies of zombies, the liters of blackish blood spilled around, along with the putrid smell of decomposing bodies, gave the corridor an eerie atmosphere worthy of a terror movie.

Sheathing his prized sword, Axel began his counting of rewards collected from the bodies of the zombies.

"4 chests of level 1, hmm ... not bad, with this and the rest that I get it will be enough to equip the whole group"

After seeing the rewards, Axel put them away and moved to the infirmary.

POV Zhang Jingqiao

Rockford University, Gymnasium.

Inside the campus gym you could see a small group of people or survivors, it was made up of 5 people, 3 men and 2 women.

Currently the 2 women were discussing what they were going to do next.

"¿Still unable to contact the police station?" Zhang Jingqiao asked the red-haired girl next to her.

"They still don't answer and I doubt they will, they are probably too busy with all the chaos that is happening, running for their lives or dead" Ashala replied with a small sigh.

After hearing his answer, the mature black-haired beauty sighed and closed her eyes, lost in thought.

During the brief silence that was created inside the gym, one of the men moved toward both women.

"Director Zhang, do you have any way to get us out of here?" Adam asked.

Ashala looked at him like he was an idiot, as for Zhang Jingqiao it only gave him more headache.

"If I had or knew a damn way to get out of here and go to a safe place, we would not be locked in here, you know, currently the only one who can and knows how to fight is the student Ashala, we will have to wait for an opportunity to get out or wait for let a group come to hang out all together" Zhang Jingqiao replied and pointed at Ashala while looking at him.

Adam was the typical pretty rich boy and loved by many women in school, he had blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin and a normal physique, he was more of the prince type, than the manly type, that is also why he does not hold him not even a candle to our beloved protagonist, who with a simple glance wets the beauties with the coldest heart or the prudish with the most serene heart, he is incomparable! ... ok enough let's continue with the programming ~.

But there is something that nobody knew, the princely and kind looking boy, he was anything but a prince and much less kind, he was totally cruel, arrogant and perverted, a scum of society.

Adam apologized with a smile and went back to the other 2 men who were his entourage, you can call them man 1 and man 2, since they are totally irrelevant in the plot.

Adam of course had a plan, he would not let this pair of beauties go easily, Adam looked at Ashala and reveled in her beauty.

Ashala was undoubtedly beautiful, with a height of approximately 1.76 m, beautiful and bright red hair similar to the most expensive and tasty wine, seductive and deadly crimson eyes in which without a doubt any man could lose himself, all this together with her beautiful and voluptuous breasts that seemed to give off a slight smell of milk, her beautiful willow waist and her wide hips that were perfect for giving birth to any healthy child, that big and full butt waiting to be spanked and those plump thighs in which anyone would wish to be suffocated, Ashala was without a doubt a voluptuous and seductive beauty, even when she is only 19 years old.

Finishing admiring the young red-haired beauty, Adam turned his gaze around and basically drooled when he saw Director Zhang's mature and voluptuous body.

As rumor has it, Zhang Jingqiao has a quite mature and voluptuous body, with long jet black hair that reaches to her wide hips, beautiful black onyx-like eyes, a beautiful face free from wrinkles or blemishes even at 38 years old, her maternal, milky, and voluptuous watermelon-sized breasts were squeezed into her work uniform waiting to be released from their evil torture, her luscious, perfect willow waist and plump, whipping ass, her entire body oozing an aura sexual and mature.

Wiping off the slime, Adam sets in motion his plan to get hold of these luscious beauties, of course without knowing that he would never get his much-acclaimed reward.

POV Axel

[Congratulations on reaching level 7! You received 4 SP]

"Place 3 points in vitality and 1 point in agility"

Finishing managing his points, Axel continued walking towards the exit of the infirmary, he had just committed another massacre inside the infirmary, he leveled up and met his first level 9 zombie.

Got a good amount of rewards, 7 Level 1 Chests, of course they were all collected and put away.

Axel is currently on his way to his destination, the principal's office.

Running and jumping like a complete asshole, Axel finally made it to the building where the office was located, but it was completely different from what he imagined.

"Why aren't there any 'living' zombies? They were all completely annihilated" Axel wondered puzzled by the situation.

Walking towards the body of a zombie, Axel examined it carefully, realizing that its skull had been pierced by what appeared to be a spear.

"A spear? Hmm probably taken from a system chest"

Axel walked forward and started looking around.

"It seems this place is completely empty"

Continuing on his way, Axel arrived at the principal's office, the door was open and it was empty.

"Great, it looks like I'll have to keep looking" With a small sigh Axel decided to keep moving, hoping to find Zhang Jingwei's mother