Meeting with Zhang Jingqiao and returning to Chloe's room

USA, Rockford University, four hours after the apocalypse.

Axel was currently on the top floor of the central tower of the campus, as its name says, the tower is in the center, it is the tallest building within the university and the best way to see the current panorama within the college.

It had already been more than 3 hours since he started looking for Zhang Jingqiao, he had not given up or anything like that, he was simply choosing where to go.

He had seen the odd group of survivors, but realizing that Zhang Jingqiao was not among them, he decided to avoid them.

"There are few places left that I haven't been to check" Axel went back to going over the 2 missing places.

"Ok so I have the pool and the gym, actually both places are good to hide, after all neither place was in use when all this shit happened"

Reflecting with closed eyes and feeling the cold wind and depressing atmosphere typical of an apocalypse, Axel made a decision.

Opening his eyes and looking towards the pool, Axel readied his sword and went down from the building already clear of any non-living being, because the tower was partly symbolic, there was hardly anyone inside, the only people inside it were the ones who They were in charge of maintenance, so Axel only killed about 10 Zombies from Lv 3, but unfortunately they did not drop anything and it was not enough for him to level up.

Once outside the tower, Axel ran towards the pool, arriving and entering the place where the pool was located. Axel looked for any sign of movement inside.

Finding no sign of life inside, he quickly headed towards the gym.

Bumping into the pool the same way he entered the pool, Axel encountered something he was not expecting.

Inside the gym, there were 2 women surrounding 3 corpses, one of them had a beautiful western-looking golden spear threaded through the skull and holding said spear was a beautiful red-haired girl next to a mature oriental-looking beauty.

Quickly rebuilding himself and completely ignoring the corpses Axel looked specifically at the mature beauty and realized that she was the woman he was looking for.

"hey, Aunt Jingqiao I finally found you"

Hearing and recognizing Axel's voice, Zhang Jingqiao turned around and walked quickly towards him.

Before Axel could even react, his face was crushed and engulfed by a large pair of mountains.

"Ahh~ my little Axel is back, I missed you so much~" Holding Axel's head against her big breasts, Zhang Jingqiao gave him a loving and motherly smile.

Enjoying the touch and smell of his large breasts, Axel stayed there for a good couple of minutes.

Stepping out of his cozy pair of pillows, Axel looked at the woman who could be considered his second mother.

"I'm glad you're okay, Aunt Jingqiao" Axel smiled at her warmly.

Looking at his warm smile and his oh so lovely violet eyes, Zhang Jingqiao felt that she fell even more in love with him.

That's right, Zhang Jingqiao loves her little Axel so much to the point where she would do whatever it takes as long as it is beneficial to her.

Axel oblivious to the deep love of his "second mother" looked at the other beauty that was with them.

"It's good to see you safe Ashala"

"Mm, it's good to see you too Axel" Ashala replied with a smile.

"Alright girls it's time to go back to the ladies room, there are the rest" Axel said as he walked towards the gym exit, not noticing the pair of crimson eyes that looked at him with deep hidden desire and love ... it seems that his eyes have done theirs again ...

Axel followed by a couple of beauties once again came to the surface of a new post-apocalyptic world.

"Follow me and don't be separated from me, a simple scratch could turn you into one of those bastards, which of course I can't allow, is that clear?" Axel turned his head and said to the pair of beauties.

"Ok~, nothing will separate me from my little Axel~" Zhang Jingqiao replied, hugging Axel from behind, brushing his large breasts on his back.

"Don't worry, I can take care of a few too" Ashala said while holding her beautiful spear.

"Hmm okay, Ashala I'll let you kill the zombies that are less troublesome, I need you to level up and get stronger, as for you Au- Jingqiao I don't want you to be separated from me"

Zhang Jingqiao happy that Axel stopped telling her aunt nodded enthusiastically and hugged her left arm between her breasts.

Ignoring the great softness he felt on his left arm Axel began to move towards the women's bedroom.

Leaving all the hard work to Ashala, Axel simply set about collecting the things the zombies dropped.

By the time they finally reached the women's dorm, Axel had collected 2 level 1 chests.

Quietly climbing to the second floor due to being clear thanks to him, Axel and the two women reached Chloe's room.

"Chloe open the door, I brought Aunt Jingqiao and Ashala with me" Axel said as he knocked on the bedroom door.

As the door gently opened, Chloe's pretty face was soon to be made out.

"Go ahead guys, I'm glad to hear you're okay" Chloe opened the door as she told them with a smile.

Entering with the others, Axel sat on the same bed as before.

"Mother!" Zhang Jingwei got up and shouted excitedly as he walked and hugged Zhang Jingqiao tightly.

"Oh~ my little princess, I am so glad to know that you are well" Zhang Jingqiao hugged her daughter back and kissed her forehead.

Watching as mother and daughter reunited and hugged with love, Axel couldn't help but get a smile.

Looking away from the scene and nodding to Sakura, Axel decided to open his status.

'Show me my status'


[Name: Axel]

[Age: 18 Years]

[Gender: Male]

[Level: 7]

[DC: 1070]

[Bloodline: Abyssal Primordial Dragon (Suppressed by the mortal plane)]

[Race: Half Dragon Human]


[Items: Novice Staff, Imitation Tang Sword, Stinger III, , Dark Magic Sword, 15 Chests Lv 1]

[Strength: 70]

[Agility: 69]

[Stamina: 70]

[Spirit; 65]

[Vitality: 71]

Taking the 15 Lv 1 chests out of her inventory, Axel placed the chests on a table and proceeded to open them.

While Axel took care of his, the girls couldn't help being curious and leaned in to see what he was doing.

"What is all that?" Chloe asked curiously.

"According to the system they are chests of Lv 1, I understand that the chests can give you weapons, armor and accessories of the respective level of the chest" Axel replied while he finished opening the chests.

The girls nodded in understanding as they looked at the items the chests had given.

"3 Tang swords, 2 Enhanced footwear and 2 Protective garment all level 1, hmm apparently not all chests give you things, it's a shame" With a sigh, Axel grabbed an upgraded shoe and a protective clothing and looked at his information.

[Protective Garment: Level 1 Armor, Capable of blocking 3 preliminary infections level 10 and below. Gives +1 SP to all 5 attributes.]

[Enhanced Footwear: Level 1 Armor, +3 SP Agility. Wearing these improved footwear will make your actions more agile.]

"I'll take 1 enhanced footwear, everything else can be shared between you" Axel told the girls as he put on the new tennis shoes and took out his tang sword that he had stored in his inventory, placing it next to the others.