First time with Zhang Jingqiao (R-18)

USA, City A, makeshift shelter on an upper-class avenue, 10 hours after the apocalypse.

The night had come and the moon hung in the sky at its maximum splendor.

Axel was lying in his bed, lost in thought, the apocalypse began and the whole world fell into chaos, Axel did not know what things awaited him in the future.

As Axel pondered, the door to his room slowly opened.

When Axel felt movement in his room, he quickly sat up and turned to look at the door and what he saw left him stunned.

Standing there under the moonlight was Zhang Jingqiao, wearing a tight bathrobe that did nothing to hide her voluptuous and curvy body, small drops of water fell from her shiny black hair passing over her beautiful and milky white skin, her black eyes that normally looked at him with maternal love, right now they were looking at him with nothing but lust and desire.

Entering the room and locking the door, Zhang Jingqiao approached with calm steps towards where Axel was standing.

Once facing Axel, Zhang Jingqiao grabbed his head and hugged it between his two large melons.

"¡Hmm~!... I see my little Axel can't sleep ~, don't worry ... Mommy is here... you can do whatever you like with my body ~ ..." Zhang Jingqiao whispered to Axel, while gently stroking his hair.

Axel upon hearing Zhang Jingqiao's tempting words, he couldn't help but lift his hands and crush them between the two big boobs that he loved so much.

"¡Ahn! ..." Pulling out a small groan, Zhang Jingqiao couldn't help but shudder a bit, feeling his little Axel playing and touching his two large breasts.

Plunging his head as far as he could into her breasts and smelling the delicious scent that emanated from her sensual body, Axel couldn't wait any longer, carefully lifting Zhang Jingqiao's voluptuous body and throwing it onto the bed, Axel quickly got on top of She and with force tore off the bathrobe, revealing her two large bunnies that right now were jumping happily for the joy of being released.

"¡Kyahn! ¿Axel?"

Ignoring his question, Axel immediately started kissing him, while touching and playing with his breasts, as well as his legs and his fat butt.

"¡Mmmhn! Mmm, Mmn, Mhmmhh!" Zhang Jingqiao could only allow himself to be carried away by Axel's greedy and playful hands.

Not wanting to lose to Axel's enthusiasm, Zhang Jingqiao began to return the kiss fiercely, fighting her mouth without wanting to relent.

After a lascivious kiss that lasted a few minutes, the two of them parted and began to take off their clothes with enthusiasm, Axel quickly got rid of the bathrobe that covered Zhang Jingqiao's seductive body and helped her take off her clothes.

Groping towards her large breasts, Axel took a nipple in his mouth, as he began to gently suck and bite it.

"¡Nyahn ~!" Releasing a cute moan from his mouth, Zhang Jingqiao took Axel's head and wrapped it between his breasts while moaning in pleasure.

"¡¡Ahh!! ¡¡Aahn!! ¡¡Aaah!! ¡¡Aahh!!"

"¡¡Haaahh!! ¡¡Aaahh!! ¡¡Ahnn!! ¡¡Aaah!!"

Although Zhang Jingqiao knew that they were not alone in the house and that their moans were loud enough to be heard throughout the house, Zhang Jingqiao did not care, she wanted to enjoy her time of pleasure with her little Axel.

After playing with Zhang Jingqiao's large breasts for what seemed like centuries, Axel thought it was time to go even further.

Zhang Jingqiao knew that the time had come, her pussy was completely soaked and her body extremely hot, she wanted him, and she was ready to receive him.

Separating her body from Axel's body, Zhang Jingqiao couldn't help but stare at Axel's erect cock, it was big, very big. Her former husband didn't even have the right to compare himself to such a cock. She also realized that if that thing entered her it would be thoroughly mistreated, which of course she could not wait.

Axel, on the other hand, felt his ego soar through the skies when he saw this Sexy MILF stare so intently at his member, thanking his bloodline for giving him such a good tool.

Zhang Jingqiao, unable to wait any longer, lay down on the bed and spread her legs, to show Axel her pussy and let him realize how soaked she was for him and his cock.

Axel seeing how his body practically screamed at him for his cock, he decided to get down to work, moving on top of her and aligning his cock in her pussy, Axel looked at Zhang Jingqiao with a mischievous smile.

Brushing his cock at the entrance to her soaked cunt and teasing her, Axel looked into her eyes, waiting for her plea.

"Please give it to me baby ... I love it so much ... ¡¡PUT THAT BIG COCK IN MY NEEDED PUSSY AND FUCK ME!!"

Going forward and thrusting his cock hard, Axel entered all the way.

"¡¡¡Ooohh!!!" Zhang Jingqiao screeched as her eyes rolled up to her skull and her mouth opened in an "O".

Axel when he feels how her pussy is pressed against his cock and refuses to let go. Instinctively he slaps one of her fat tits.


After feeling his grip diminish, he placed his big hands on his broad hips and began to pump hard.

"¡¡Aaahh!! ¡¡Ahn!! ¡¡Aahh!! ¡¡Haaahh!! ¡¡Aahh!!"

Zhang Jingqiao's delicious moans sounded within the room. Wanting to feel his warm embrace, Zhang Jingqiao took Axel's hands and pulled him towards her while hugging him tightly.

Zhang Jingqiao held on tightly to her little Axel and moved her hips to match her strong lunges.

The bed creaked and rocked hard under the intense movements of the couple.

"¡¡Aahn!! ¡¡Aaahn!! ¡¡Aaaahh!! ¡good, feels good ~!... ¡¡Fuck me harder baby!! ¡¡Mark me and make me yours!!"

Zhang Jingqiao kept moaning louder and louder. As Axel continued to fiercely move his cock inside her pussy. Over time, the junction where the cock and pussy were connected began to become totally juicy due to the female juice of Zhang Jingqiao, which makes it act as a lubricant, and Axel can move his hips with more speed!

Axel looks at Zhang Jingqiao's panting face, she has her tongue sticking out with her eyes intoxicated with pleasure, she had begun to lose herself in pleasure.

"¡¡Yes!! ¡¡Yes!! ¡¡I will fill this lewd body with pure semen!!"

Axel growled and spread his hands so he could grab onto Zhang Jingqiao's large and delicious breasts, they felt like they were soft and elastic dumplings in his hands!

"¡¡Aaah!! ¡¡Aahh!! ¡¡Aahn!!"

Axel did not stop and began to massage and squeeze the large breasts tightly, stretching and squeezing them continuously, causing Zhang Jingqiao to moan with pleasure.

"¡¡Aaahn ~ my, my breasts ~!! ¡¡Aaahh! ¡¡I will cum ~!!"

Axel felt Zhang Jingqiao's pussy suddenly clench as he began to orgasm.

Axel felt her pussy clench hard and his cock crushed. Gritting his teeth, Axel had to resist the urge to ejaculate.

Axel suddenly grabbed Zhang Jingqiao by the armpits and lifted her on top of him.

"¡¡Kyahn ~!!"

But he didn't stop and started making her climb down and onto his cock, using it as if it were a toy.

"¡¡Ahhh! ¡¡Aaahh!! ¡¡Aahh!! ¡¡My pussy Aahh ~ ... my pussy is being abused by your big cock ~!!"

Zhang Jingqiao became even more excited to be used as a toy.

She could feel Axel's cock entering her, touching and pounding the entrance to her uterus.

"¡¡Ahhhh ~ my, my uterus, Aahh!! ¡¡Aahn ~!!"

Zhang Jingqiao extended both hands towards Axel, and hugged him tightly!

"¡Ah! ¡Ah!, ¡Jingqiao!"

"¡¡Aahh ~!! ¡¡my Axel, my little Axel!!"

"¡¡I love you!! ¡¡I love you, Jingqiao!!"

"¡¡Aaahh!! ¡¡Aaahh ~ Really? I'm happy!!"

"¡¿Do you love me, Jingqiao?! ¡¡Tell me

you love me!!"

"¡¡I love you!! ¡¡I love you!! ¡¡Kyaahn ~!!"

Axel kissed and sucked on Zhang Jingqiao's lips as he fiercely moved his waist. Zhang Jingqiao also frantically tangled her tongue with her.

"¡¡Aaahn!! ¿¡I'm cumming!? ¡¡I'm cumming again!! ¡¡I'm cumming!!"

"¡Ah! ¡I also cum Jingqiao! ¡Make sure you cum well!"

"¡¡Haahh!! ¡¡Aaahn!! ¡¡Aaaahh ~!! ¡¡¡Ahnn!!!"

Zhang Jingqiao hugged Axel fiercely, while wrapping her legs around his waist, not allowing him to separate from her, ¡while she cums!

Axel cums while flooding Zhang Jingqiao's uterus with his seed, pumping and filling her to the brim.

Zhang Jingqiao feeling the milk that he longed to fill it to the brim, he cums harder while panting. Her voluptuous body shudders with pleasure as her pussy drips liters of female juices, making a large puddle under her, her eyes rolling with her tongue sticking out, panting like a bitch in heat.

Axel keeps moving her hips until all the semen is drained from her balls. After finishing, Axel takes his cock out of Zhang Jingqiao's pussy and lays her down on the bed while he sits down to rest from his orgasm.


After a few minutes, Axel is still not satisfied, without even telling Zhang Jingqiao, he grabs her body and moves her to place her in a doggy style.

"¿Eh?, Axel w-wait! ¡I'm still sen-, Kyahn ~!!"

Without even letting her finish, Axel thrusts his cock deep inside her.

"Aaah ... ah ... It's in ... ¡¡Aaahnn!!"

Pulling his cock out and in slowly, Axel admires the delicious fat ass in front of him. Satisfied with the sight, Axel begins to move his waist faster as he whips Zhang Jingqiao's thick ass with his big hands.

* PAH! * * PAH! *

"Mmm ... Axel ... ¡¡Aaahnn!!"

* PAH! * * PAH! *

"¡¡Aaahh!! ¡¡Aaahnn!! ¡¡Aahh!!"

* PAH! * * PAH! *

"¡¡Kyaahn!! ¡¡Aaahh!! ¡¡Aaahhnn!!"

Zhang Jingqiao can't even form a word, he can only moan, moan, and moan like any other whore.

* PAH! * * PAH! * * PAH! *

* PAH! * * PAH! * * PAH! *

* PAH! * * PAH! * * PAH! *

The only sound available within the room was the sound of skins slapping and Zhang Jingqiao's intermittent moans.

After a few minutes of fucking Zhang Jingqiao hard and spanking her fat ass, Axel moves his left hand to her chin and draws her in for a lascivious kiss while playing with her tits using his right hand.

"¡¡Mmmhn!! ¡¡Mmm, Mmn, Mhmmhh!!"

Zhang Jingqiao felt his body shudder with pleasure due to his lover's rough play.

Zhang Jingqiao could only squirt and cum hard, while rolling her eyes and sticking her tongue out for Axel to play with her at will.

"¡¡Hooeh!! ¡¡Hoaahhhnnn!!"

After what feels like an eternity, Axel finally lets out his seed inside her, once again filling her satisfied womb.


With one last squeak, Zhang Jingqiao collapsed on the bed with a satisfied smile.

Pulling her cock out of Zhang Jingqiao's pussy, Axel lies down on the bed, accommodating her beloved wife in her embrace.

Settling down and closing his eyes, Axel falls asleep hoping that tomorrow will also be such a productive day.