A new type of zombie

USA, City A, makeshift shelter on an upper-class avenue, 18 hours after the apocalypse.

The clock marked 6:00 am, dawn came and the sun began to make its presence known ...

But there was something different about this sunrise compared to the previous ones...

The birds did not sing and the bustle of the city did not exist, there was only an eerie silence in the whole place, the undead walked through the streets once they were trafficked with the occasional roar or howl being heard in the background.

A new day began in this new unknown world full of innumerable dangers, mysteries and opportunities.

Meanwhile, Axel's lovely violet eyes widened welcoming this new day into this new world.

Axel slowly opened his eyes as he focused on the new unfamiliar ceiling. Sitting and looking around the room, his eyes became familiar with her as he remembered everything that happened the day before.

Looking at his right hand and clenching it into a fist, Axel felt the strength of his now new evolved body.

Averting his gaze to his right side and seeing the large lump forming on his sheet, Axel reached out his hand and discovered the mature beauty below.

With great affection and love, Axel reached out his hand and began to caress the delicate face of the beauty with it.

Feeling her loving touch, Zhang Jingqiao's head couldn't help but snuggle into Axel's big hand forming a smile on her face.

After a few minutes of enjoying the pleasant sight of his new and first lover sleeping, Axel decided it was time to get up and get ready for this new day.

Getting up from the bed and stretching his body, Axel took one last look at Zhang Jingqiao's body as he made his way to the door of the room.

Axel left the room and walked to the bathroom to take a good shower and clean his sticky body from the activities he did last night.

Finishing his shower as he towel-dried his short black hair, Axel couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something important.

"Shit I have no clothes!" Axel said to himself as a wry smile formed on his face.

Because they didn't have time to get supplies yesterday, Axel only had the clothes he had been wearing while in college.

Shaking his head and deciding to ask Shana if she had clothes, Axel emerged from the bathroom with only a towel around his waist.

Walking towards the kitchen to find something to fill his stomach, Axel saw most of the girls chatting in the living room, the only one missing was Zhang Jingqiao and it was evident that it was going to take a while to get out of bed.

"Good morning girls! I hope you slept well!" Axel said as he greeted them with a smile.

The girls listen to it stiffen for a moment.

"Sleep well? Are you really asking us if we sleep well? With my mother's damn moans ringing all night, I doubt that any of us have been able to sleep well! Next time try to avoid fucking like rabbits in heat and consider others please!" Zhang Jingwei answered him while yelling at him.

Axel hearing his words his smile becomes rigid for a moment.

"Eh... were we really too loud?..."

"Heh, I can still remember Aunt Jinqiao's screaming" Chloe said as she looked at him with a small smile.

"Hai ~, I can't wait for you to make me scream the same way ~" Ashala whispered in his ear as she hugged him from behind, starting to slide her fingers down his toned chest.

Axel hearing her sensual whisper and feeling her fingers touching his body, can't help but get a little excited.

"Ashala, by God, could you stop seducing him and behaving? We still need to prepare for today" Zhang Jingwei spoke out loud to get the attention of others.

Axel hearing his words regains his sense and agrees "Jingwei is right, after all are ready we will go to find the supplies and if possible our relatives"

All the girls nod and start to prepare.

Axel seeing that they all left, quickly prevents Shana from taking her arm.

"Shana wait, do you happen to have men's clothes? I don't have any change of clothes left..."

"Yes, I still have some clothes that belonged to my father" Shana said as she took him by the hand and led him to her room.

""Did it belong?" Did something happen to your parents?"

"Yes, unfortunately they died in a car accident 3 years ago ... At that time I was living alone, it's just that from time to time they came to see me and sometimes they forgot their clothes here" Shana replied with a sad voice as they entered the room.

"I see ... I'm really sorry"

"Mn, don't worry"

Shana then started looking for the clothes in her closet. Finding the clothes she was looking for, Shana turned around and showed them to Axel.

"Ready here you go" Shana spoke with a smile.

It was a Hawaiian shirt and shorts of the same theme, basically the perfect outfit to go to the beach.

"Uh ... well, I guess it works," Axel said to himself as he took the clothes.

"Well thank you very much Shana, see you in a moment" Axel said as he said goodbye.

Shana just nodded, biting her lower lip as she watched his broad back drift away.

Minutes later ~

Axel and his girls were already ready and prepared for the adventure, Zhang Jingqiao had already woken up although she was embarrassed after knowing that her moans and screams were heard throughout the house.

Getting into the vehicle with the others, Axel decided to ask about their levels.

"Sakura, what level are you currently at?"

"Level 4" Sakura replied bluntly.

Nodding Axel turned to look at Ashala.

"I went up to level 5" Ashala said with a smile.

"Well ... after I finish gathering supplies I need you to help the others level up." Axel continued while looking at the other girls" It may be a bit harsh at first, but it is necessary, you have to have enough strength in case I am not with you" they all nodded with a solemn look.

"Okay, let's go to the nearest supermarket" Axel said as he looked at Shana.

Shana understanding it, just nodded as she guided them.

After approaching the supermarket and parking the vehicle on the corner, Axel spoke.

"I'll just go clean any zombie inside, we don't know how evolved or strong they have become, so I'll go research, meanwhile, you guys stay here and wait for me"

Nodding helplessly, the girls accepted and wished him luck.

Getting out of the vehicle and preparing his dark sword, Axel walked towards the supermarket. Once inside he began to move and look for any possible enemy.

Walking through the silent corridors, seeing some lights blink intermittently due to the damage done, Axel began to focus on whatever noise his ears could detect.

The minutes passed, Axel continued walking through the corridors, some other merchandise was lying on the floor and some shelves were empty, apparently Axel was not the only one to have come here to find resources.

Even when Axel did not hear or see any zombie, he still did not feel calm, his muscles tensed and his senses sharpened as more time passed. The place was calm and quiet, but even with all that, Axel only felt more anxious.

After investigating the corridors, Axel started walking towards the warehouse.

But just before entering it. Axel felt a look behind him. Turning around quickly, Axel could see a small fuzzy shape moving fast so he could hide.

Axel, knowing that he finally found the thing he was feeling so nervous about, sped up and chased after the creature.

Reaching for it with ease, Axel grabbed the creature's head and threw it hard onto one of the shelves.

The poor creature could only crash hard against the shelf, causing complete chaos inside the supermarket.

Approaching the crash site, Axel was finally able to see the creature's appearance in more detail.

It seemed to be some kind of zombie, it was small, about the size of a child, it had grayish blue skin like a ghost, it had compact muscles that together with its small size gave it an agile appearance, and unlike normal zombies this it had rather sharp claws.

After seeing his appearance, Axel started looking at his information.

[Zombie S1 Level 12: Infected evolved agility type. It has terrifying speed. Ability Viral infection, infection can turn life forms into infected beings.]

"An agility-type zombie huh?... in that case there should also be Force, Intelligence and Spirit-type zombies, although this last attribute still doesn't know what it is for... anyway the one that worries me the most is the intelligence type, if those bastards evolve to have the intelligence of a human, our race could become cattle or be totally eradicated..." Axel said with narrowed eyes as he lifted his foot and crushed the head of the zombie turning it into a paste of meat.

"What a damn problem"

[¡Congratulations on reaching Level 8, you received 4 SP!]