Elite Force Ring, Wolf Pack

Behind the bush, the night spirit lady looked at Mo Xiaobai with fear and astonishment in her eyes.

She swallowed a mouth of saliva, and whispered to the barbarian man, "Boss, what do we do now?"

The barbarian man was frowning heavily. He glared at Mo Xiaobai. There was fear in his eyes too.

"I didn't expect the Fake Smile Tiger, Cheng Peng, to die in his hands. Cheng Peng's cultivation stage was at one force point sixth-rank, yet this young man killed him so easily. How powerful is he?!"

The young male human at the side felt like giving up. "Boss, we can kill him if we attack him together, but one or two of us might die. We might even die together with him…"

The barbarian man didn't say anything. He just stared intently at Mo Xiaobai, and wondered if he should attack him.

As for the two rabbit-men behind the big tree, they were discussing in low voices too.

"Brother, what should we do? Should we attack him?"

"Even Cheng Peng died in his hands. Are you sure we can defeat him?"

"But… Cheng Peng had quite a lot of assets. Are we going to give up so easily?"



Their gazes flickered.

In the past, they might have given up already.

After all, it was just exceptional ingredients separated out of two magical beasts. Now, however, the assets of the Fake Smile Tiger, Cheng Peng, were there too.

Although they were shocked by Mo Xiaobai's ability, they weren't able to leave willingly with so many treasures laid out in front of them.

In the other direction, Mo You and Mu Yuzhu glanced at each other when Mo Xiaobai killed Cheng Peng. There was astonishment in their eyes too.

After a moment of silence, Mu Yuzhu slowly put down the longbow she was drawing. "Xiaobai will be fine even if we don't follow him."

Mo You nodded. "That's right. When I was his age, I wasn't so decisive."

There was relief in his expression.

Beside him, Mu Yuzhu smiled proudly. "Of course. You have to know whose son he is!"

Mo You smiled.

Isn't he my son too?

What are you saying?

He didn't want to argue with Mu Yuzhu. Instead, he squinted and looked in the direction where the other two groups of people were hiding.

"I'm afraid that they might not give up."

"Let's see how Xiaobai deals with it."

Mu Yuzhu's gaze turned cold again. She clutched her longbow tightly.


After breathing in deeply for some time, Mo Xiaobai finally managed to calm down his emotions.

Just as he planned to pick up Cheng Peng's items, he suddenly froze.

He turned and looked towards the forest. His pupils constricted.

To kill Cheng Peng, Mo Xiaobai came closer to the forest. His lines of white lights were covering the forest, so he noticed that there were actually grayish-black lines of lights in the forest too!

There were even two areas with grayish-black lights!

He tensed up instantly and grabbed his heavy sword.

Although these two grayish-black lines of lights were fainter than the lights surrounding Cheng Peng, it didn't mean that they weren't dangerous.

He scanned the areas where the grayish-black lights could be seen, and coldly said, "Who's there! Come out!"

The three-man team and the team of rabbit-men trembled when they heard what Mo Xiaobai said. They were dumbstruck.

The barbarian opened his mouth in surprise. "He's able to sense us?!"

The male human appeared frightened. "Boss, his true power might be even stronger than what he displayed."

The rabbit-woman opened her mouth too. "Brother, should we retreat?"

The two rabbit-men were staring at each other too.

After remaining silent for some time, both parties made their decision.


In Mo Xiaobai's vision, the lines of grayish-black lights in the two areas disappeared slowly, and soon turned white.

Mo Xiaobai was stunned. He was confused too.

What happened?

Just now, there were still gray lights there. Why did they disappear in the blink of an eye?

He looked carefully at the forest. After confirming that there were no more black lines of lights, he sighed in relief.

They were really gone.

Had they left?

His tense body relaxed slowly.

The Triple Slash was powerful, but it used up too much force. He only used it once, but almost a third of his force was depleted.

Of course, the main reason was that his cultivation state was too low, and his force storage was too small.

He wasn't certain he would be able to win if two more people as powerful as Cheng Peng attacked him together.

Fortunately, they seemed to have left.

Mo Xiaobai looked around him. After confirming that there were no more dangers, he started picking up Cheng Peng's items.

First, he picked up the longsword that had flown away because of his force. He instilled some of his force into the longsword to test it. Indeed, this was an elite grade longsword.

This sword probably cost a few hundred crystal remnants!

Mo Xiaobai was elated. He kept the longsword.

Then, he kept Cheng Peng's armor. It was elite grade too.

In the end, Mo Xiaobai looked at Cheng Peng's fingers.

When he saw two rings on Cheng Peng's fingers, he was stunned.

Two space rings?

He bent down and took off the two rings. He instilled force into them.

He realized that one of the rings was a space ring, while the other started glowing with a green light.

He looked at the pale gray ring with a green glow around it. He was full of surprise.

This was actually a force item! It was an elite grade force ring!

Force rings were rare. This ring probably cost more than 500 crystal remnants.

He happily wore the pale gray ring on his finger. He sensed the changes this force item was going to give him.

Wisps of energy started entering Mo Xiaobai's body from the pale gray ring. Mo Xiaobai felt that his organs and bones were strengthened to a certain extent. His breathing got longer, and his explosiveness and sharpness increased too.

Increase in stamina and sensitivity?

Mo Xiaobai was filled with joy. The effects of this ring were not bad!

After he wore it, his battle power increased again.

Then, Mo Xiaobai looked at the black space ring. He wanted to see what kinds of treasures Cheng Peng had.





Just as Mo Xiaobai planned to take a look inside the space ring, a series of howls were heard from the depth of the mountain.

The howls of the wolves sounded continuously. They were approaching Mo Xiaobai at a very fast rate.

Mo Xiaobai's expression changed completely. He turned and looked in the direction where the howls came from.

Under the dark green sky, he saw many gray shadows dashing down at a very fast speed from the mountains in the distance. There were more than 10 of them!

Mo Xiaobai felt a chill running down his spine. Goosebumps appeared on his head.

Without thinking, he turned and ran.

Wolf pack!

It had to be that elite-level graystone wolf!

His pack had to be looking for him.

Mo Xiaobai turned and rushed into the small forest. After running a few hundred meters, he noticed that the howls behind him had changed. They had become vicious and ruthless.

They discovered the corpse!

Mo Xiaobai felt cold sweat pouring down his back.

Would they look for him?

The moment this thought appeared, he heard the wolves' howls approach him.

"…" Mo Xiaobai.

The corners of his lips kept twitching. He activated his force and moved it all to his legs. He started running frantically towards the base.