Wyrmling, Initial Cry Trial

Mo Xiaobai ran quickly through the small forest. Trees and vines flashed past his body.

The sky had turned entirely dark at this moment. Mo Xiaobai relied on the dim starlight and his improvement in vision after his breakthrough to faintly see the path ahead of him. This prevented him from bumping directly into trees.

But, the wolf howls behind him caused his throat to turn extremely dry.

If the wolves caught him, there wouldn't be any remains left of him, right?

His hair stood on ends when he thought about this. He increased his pace again.

At night, graystone hill was far more dangerous than in the day. Mo Xiaobai personally experienced what this sentence meant.

Within the 100 meters' range, he would see gray lines occasionally. Sometimes, three to four gray lines of lights would appear at the same time.

These were all magical beasts!

It was more than what he saw in the day.

Even without the wolf pack chasing him, Mo Xiaobai needed to be careful.

He did his best not to make any sounds, but since he was running for his life, he would naturally attract the attention of some magical beasts.


A loud roar was heard on his upper-right hand corner. A graystone wild boar was rushing towards him. Its sharp tusks had a faint white glow around them.

A glint of viciousness appeared in Mo Xiaobai's eyes when he saw the graystone wild boar charging at him.

"Bug off!"

The muscles on his right arm tightened, and he slashed his sword furiously.


The heavy sword slammed into the graystone heavy sword wild boar's head, carrying a strong wind. The huge force caused the wild boar to fly away directly. The sounds of bones breaking and the cries of agony of the wild boar sounded in the quiet night.

Mo Xiaobai didn't slow down. He didn't even look at the flying graystone wild boar again. He continued escaping.

After he ran out of the forest, he saw that there were still many hills in front of him. Mo Xiaobai continued running with all his might.

Along the way, Mo Xiaobai would occasionally meet some magical beasts blocking his way. Sometimes there was only one, and sometimes there were three of them. Their levels were different too.

Some were first-rank, while others were fifth-rank.

Mo Xiaobai either killed these magical beasts or avoided them. The journey back to the base was a hard one for him. A few scratches were added to his newly bought armor, and he had a few wounds on his body. Blood was flowing out of his wounds.

Fortunately, all through this journey, Mo Xiaobai managed to stop the wolf pack from closing in on him using the terrain and his speed. He even managed to put more distance between them.

The wolf howls behind him were getting weaker. The numbers seemed to be getting lower.

Mo Xiaobai was elated.

It looked like they were about to give up. After all, they had chased him for such a long distance!

He panted and took out a water bottle from his space ring. The cold water moistened his dry throat. It also dispersed his tiredness slightly.

The wounds on his body were stinging in pain. Mo Xiaobai frowned slightly. Then, he continued running and climbed over a hill.

After climbing over the hill, Mo Xiaobai saw the base far away on the flat land in front of him. It was shimmering with light. He was heartened.

He finally made it!

He took a deep breath, and quickly ran down the slope.

Along the way, Mo Xiaobai remained vigilant, and observed the lines of lights around him.

If the lines of lights turned gray, he would avoid them hurriedly. Very soon, he climbed down the last hill and came to the flat land outside the graystone hill. He ran towards the base.


Not long after Mo Xiaobai left, Mo You and Mu Yuzhu climbed down the hill. Little Red was following beside Mu Yuzhu.

Little Red stuck its tongue out slightly. The two graystone wolves 100 meters away cried out, and ran off in another direction.

Mu Yuzhu stroked Little Red's scales lightly with her fingers. However, her gaze was fixed on Mo Xiaobai who was a distance away. There was pain in her eyes.

Mo You sighed softly when he saw Mo Xiaobai. He smiled, and said, "He got chased by a graystone wolf pack at night, but he managed to escape with light injuries. This fellow is already a qualified adventurer."

"Light injuries?" Mu Yuzhu glared at Mo You. "This is considered light injuries?!"

The corners of Mo You's lips twitched a little. He stopped speaking.

He complained in his heart. His son didn't lose a limb. Wasn't that called a light injury?

Mu Yuzhu continued, "But, I didn't expect Xiaobai to perform so well today. Based on his performance, we don't have to worry about him in the future."

Mo You nodded. "Indeed. At first, I thought that we would need to help him."

Even as experienced adventurers, they couldn't find anything wrong with Mo Xiaobai's performance today.

Especially when he was escaping from the wolf pack, his performance was exceptionally outstanding. He managed to evade many magical beasts along the way.

This was something unexpected.

"Alright, we will go back too."


At the entrance of the base, two guards were on duty.

One of the guards, who was an elf, opened his mouth and said, "Captain, an adventurer is back."

The other guard, a merfolk, raised his head and looked at the wilderness. In the dark wilderness, a figure was getting closer to them.

He raised his eyebrows slightly. "Remain alert!"

The figure in the dark got closer and closer. Very soon, the guards could see his face clearly.

All the guards were stunned for a moment when they saw Mo Xiaobai's young face.

When they saw the wounds and blood on Mo Xiaobai's body, their pupils constricted.

What kind of cruel battle did this young man experience?

Respect started to appear in their eyes as they looked at Mo Xiaobai again.

Mo Xiaobai came to the gate. He was a little puzzled when the guards stared at him, but he didn't care much about it.

He was very tired now. He just wanted to go back quickly and rest.

Just as Mo Xiaobai wanted to enter the gates, the merfolk captain stopped him. He opened his mouth, and coldly said, "Identification! You can show your adventurer's badge or your token!"

Mo Xiaobai was confused. He curiously said, "I didn't need to show it when I left the base."

The merfolk captain glanced at Mo Xiaobai, and smiled as he replied, "Young man, is this your first time in the hollow realm?"

Mo Xiaobai said, "I came with my teacher a few days ago."

"You're still a high school student?!"

The moment Mo Xiaobai said that, the eyes of all the guards widened in surprise, and they raised a commotion.

Mo Xiaobai was puzzled by the guards' expressions. "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

The merfolk captain turned around, and glared at the noisy guards. Then, his expression became gentler as he looked at Mo Xiaobai again. He smiled, and said, "Nothing. They just haven't seen a genius before. You managed to become a Force Warrior when you're still in school, and you managed to come back after night dawned on graystone hill. Young man, you're very strong."

Mo Xiaobai felt a little shy when the merfolk captain complimented him.

He smiled, and replied, "Senior, you're speaking too highly of me."

The merfolk captain smiled too. "The last time your teacher brought you here, you came back before the sky turned dark, right?"

Mo Xiaobai was stunned for a moment. Then, he nodded. "Yes."

"That's right. At night, the base became different. You need to identify yourself to enter."

Mo Xiaobai appeared enlightened.

He took out his token and passed it to the merfolk captain. The merfolk captain swiped the token on a strange-looking device. After a beep, he nodded and passed the token back to Mo Xiaobai.

"Alright, you can enter."

Mo Xiaobai nodded. "Thank you, Senior."

He turned and entered the base.

After Mo Xiaobai entered the base, the guards, who had quieted down, erupted again.

"That young man is amazing!"

"He's a Force Warrior when he's still in high school."

"That's not all. This is graystone hill at night! Even a one force point fifth-rank Force Warrior won't dare to claim that he will be able to make it back alive. Yet, this young man came back alive!"

"Omg… Are you saying that this young man might have reached one force point fifth-rank?"

The guards turned silent and looked at each other.

The merfolk captain looked at Mo Xiaobai's back, and couldn't help but exclaim, "Our Pingxi Town will probably become famous this year."

The night spirit vice-captain's gaze lit up, and he was astounded. "There's still a month before the university entrance exam starts. We might have a wyrmling in our Pingxi Town who can enter the initial cry trial."