
"Who has been using the account under the name of Janice Brummer?"

Alex and Jane were inside the main office of the BSU bank of Switzerland, a haven of the money of billionaires.

"Verpiss Dich!"

The manager of this branch was in no mood to comply. He was their hostage, but he refused to give in.

Alex took out a bottle of poison. He laced a knife with it and sliced the manager's skin sightly.

Jane dragged in a dead guard.

"This is what will happen to you in about 3 minutes."

The manager saw the body and wanted to puke at the sight of it.

Alex had used a venom that was secreted by a caterpillar named Lonomia Obliqua. This particular venom causes internal hemorrhage and gives the person a slow and painful death. You would be bleeding out from every hole in your body, and it was meant to last long.

Blood started to flow from inside his nose.

"The process has begun."

The manager wallowed in pain. Jane was going through all the files in the room.


After a whole minute had passed, Jane finally found a file under the name Janice Brummer.

"Steven? Are you in?"

"Yes. I am going through the footage. What is the time of deposit?"

Jane read through the records and said,

"5 pm, 3 days ago."

"Check the footage dating back three days ago."

"On it."

Steven accessed the footage.

While all of this was going on, the manager was bleeding out.

"Would have been easier if you just gave us the file."

The manager struggled to breathe. It was up for debate if he could even hear what Alex said.

"Steven, did you find anything?"

He didn't respond. Steven reversed the footage and played it a second time.


"Alex, Janice might not be dead."

A woman that looked exactly like the picture they had seen before. She was with a caucasian man that was leading her by his arm.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Two people, one male, and one female. I'll send you their pictures now."

Steven sent him a message. Alex opened up and frowned.

"We will have to investigate this further. For now, prepare to transfer the money."

Steven got back to work. As of now, the manager was nothing but a corpse.

"Don't you think we were a little reckless?"

Jane raised a question.

"We can afford to be reckless in missions like these."

He didn't want to waste too much time on this. He had only a month left of his stay at the Grey family residence.

"Are you aiming for the bonus as well?"

Their mission was technically over now. They didn't need to hunt down the culprits behind this attack.

"If I leave them alone, they would try to do something like this again."

Alex said coldly. They were assassins, and this was part of the job description.

"Very well."

Jane had finally gotten a hold of his personality.

'Cold, calm, and quick.'

"I am ready to transfer the money. Contact the client."

Alex took out his phone and dialed Jack's number.

"Jack, this is Alex."

"Alex? Is the mission complete?"

"Almost. I have a very serious question to ask you."

Jack was overjoyed.

"Ask me anything."

"What does the name Janice Brummer mean to you?"

Jane was slack-jawed. Why was he asking this question now?

"A friend of my father's. She was killed a few years back."

"But she was the one that stole all your money."

Steven was extremely confused. They had all the pieces to complete this mission, so why was he messing this up?

"Impossible. She was shot in the head."

"Wait a minute, I'll send you a picture."

Alex messaged him the pictures.

"The 200 million dollars are inside her account."

Jack gritted his teeth.

"Then kill her, and get my money back."

Alex smiled.

"I have changed my mind. I have decided to give up on the mission."

Alex hung up.

"What the hell was that?"

Jane managed to snap out of her stupor and asked.

"I changed my mind."

He pressed his earpiece and said,

"Steven, post up a bounty of about 2 million on Jack Nolan."

"Have you gone insane?"

"Do as I say. And leave around 2 million in this account. Send the collective around 30 million to clean up this mess. Deposit the rest of it to my account."

Instead of 100 million, they were going to take 166 million. (The robbers spent 2 million out of it.)

"That girl in the picture was not Janice. It was someone disguised as Janice. Jack knew who she was, but the way he acted showed that he was confident he killed her."

He turned towards Jane and said.

"Normally, I wouldn't do this."

He totally would. This was free money.

"But if it pays to get a few good recruits, then I am all for it. Steven, run the man's face through the criminal database."

Steven did his work while Alex and Jane escaped the building.


A day later.

"The money is gone."

Inside a 5 star hotel in Lucerne, Katherine and Sean Brummer looked at each other in confusion. Out of the 198 million, they had only 2 million left in the account. They had received a notification regarding the transfer a few minutes ago.

"What should we do now?"

Sean was the older sibling. They both had been in the con business ever since they were children, and there was a good reason for that.

"We have to get it back. That money belonged to us, to our mother."

On the table, there was a single portrait of their mother, Janice.

"But how should we do that? We don't even know who stole it."

"It must have been him."

They both thought that this was Jack's doing.

The doorknob turned. They both were alerted.

"It wasn't him. It was me."

The door opened, and Alex stepped in. Behind him, Jane and Steven followed.

"Nice to meet you, Katherine and Sean."

He shot a needle towards Sean's hand. His wrist went numb, and he dropped the pistol.

"We mean no harm. Were you the people that stole from Jack Nolan?"

They both looked at each other. Sean gulped out of nervousness and said,

"We did."

Alex smiled.


He turned towards Steven, who handed him a file.


He threw the file towards Sean and said,

"I have erased you from all the records. No criminal files, no background, nothing."

Sean opened the file and flipped through the pages in a hurry.

"Now, you have two options."

He took a seat on the nearby sofa.

"You can keep the 2 million and live a new life. Or, you can work for me."

He picked up a piece of neatly wrapped chocolate and unwrapped it. After a short second, he ate the chocolate and savored it thoroughly.

"Honestly, I don't think that you can live a normal life. You both have been criminals since childhood, and I think that you have come to enjoy this profession quite a bit. And somewhere deep inside, I understand why."

He remembered the thrill he had first experienced he pulled off his first major heist. His previous life was shit, but it had its highs.

"You don't even know how we managed to do it."

Katherine said.

"And that is what makes you valuable. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think that you were suitable for the job."

They weren't assassins, but they could be a lot of help in the future. He needed personnel he could mold into valuable assets.

Sean snorted.

"So if we tell you how we did it, we lose our value?"

Alex chuckled.

"Quite the opposite. We help you develop better techniques and provide you with better equipment. You never kill the goose that lays the golden egg. You keep it well-fed and satisfied."

He took another piece of Lindt and passed it to Steven.

"What do you think about that?"

"Can you at least tell us who you are?"

"If you don't intend to join us, then telling you my name would make you a liability."

He released a bit of his bloodlust.

"Have you made your decision?"

Sean spoke up.

"What about Jack?"

"Rest assured. He is just as broke as you left him. Now he has a bounty on him too, so you can consider him dead."

Both of them clenched their fists.

"Is something wrong?"

Katherine spoke up.

"Thank you."

They both kneeled in front of him. All their efforts were not in vain.

"We would like to accept your proposal."

Alex stood up and said,

"Then consider yourself the members of our collective."
