
"Master Alex."

He stepped out of the plane. A blonde haired girl dressed in a black turtleneck dress greeted him with a smile.

"What is this place?"

Alex hadn't been notified about the location that he was being taken to.

"You are in Yakutsk, Master."

Her behavior was very formal.

"You can call me Alex."

"Very well. Follow me, Alex. Your luggage will be taken care of by our servants."

He smiled and said,

"Lead the way."

They walked out of the airport. There were two BMW's waiting for them.


A needle came straight for his neck. Before it could pierce his neck, he caught it with his fingers.

She turned and pulled out a knife from from her dress, aiming to strike Alex right at his heart.

He grabbed her arm before she could hurt him, and pricked her neck with the needle in his hand.

She started to fade out. After a few seconds, she was out.

He looked towards the direction of the attacker that had tried to sedate him with the needle.


Sting. A needle was pierced through his leg.

"You are-"

Alex was feeling drowzy. Before he could pass out, he had one attack in him.

"A fatal flaw."

A punch straight to her face. All the power that he could muster up.

The girl struggled to keep her body stable. The punch was meant to separate her head from her neck. She was barely able to absorb the attack. Her face had turned blue in an instant, and she couldn't see with one eye due to the massive swelling. Her Jaw was broken, and her mouth was left hanging due to the strike.

She looked towards her opponent in shock.

Alex fell headfirst onto the snow covered ground.

The doors to the car opened. A red-haired girl walked towards his unconscious body. She couldn't have been a day older than 14, and her complexion was as white as the snow. Behind her, Two hulking men followed.

"Onisim. Bring him back to the car."

One of the men picked Alex up and carried him back to the BMW.

She looked at the other guard and said,

"Koldan, kill her."

The man named Koldan walked towards the female assassin. Her senses had been numbed by the punch, so she couldn't see or hear anything. He swiftly grabbed her neck, and snapped it without much resistance. The blood started to flow from her mouth, and he dropped the dead body on the ground.

"Clean this mess up. Report back to the mansion after you are done."

After placing Alex into the car, Onisim joined his brother in the cleanup. The red-haired girl entered the BMW, and left along with the unconscious Alex.

She placed his head on her lap, and stared at his face with a smile.


She placed her hand on his hair. He was real.

"It is nice to see you again, Alex."

"Do I know her?"

Back inside the system space, Alex was struggling to believe what was happening.

The girl was acting like she knew him. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember anyone resembling her in the past.

"At least she didn't kill you."

The system took her appearance and appeared in front of him.

"She didn't, but this seems like a worse situation."

This was the same look that Sylvia had when she was training him. A face filled with Pride.

"For now, I won't panic. Let's see how this goes."


After a 4 hour ride,

They had reached their destination. The Smirnov Family estate. A place only accessible by road, and after crossing various checkpoints that were monitored constantly.

The girl took out a needle and pierced it in his neck.

An antidote.

"Keep monitoring her movements."

He said as he left the system space.

He opened his eyes. The girl was had been staring at his face for four straight hours now.

"Can I get up?"

Her smile was very charming.

"You are not surprised?"

He sighed.

"I am, but I don't want to overexert myself by expressing too much."

She allowed him to sit up.

"Welcome, Alex."

The gates opened.

"The Smirnov Family has been waiting for you."

She was still staring at him with that expression.

He looked straight into her eyes and asked,

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

She wasn't startled. Her smile remained the same.

"You don't remember me, right?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"I am Dima's sister. Aglaya Smirnov."

She answered.

"And as for why I am staring at you,"

Her light blue eyes were hypnotizing.

"Brother has asked me to take care of you on our Family's behalf."