The Herald Of The Collective.

"How does that explain your constant staring? And why did you send that girl after me?"

Alex wanted an explanation.

"That wasn't my decision. Father had ordered her to do that in exchange for a second chance."

"And I am guessing that you don't know why he did that."

She placed her hand on his head.

"You have grown up to be such a smart boy."

She wanted to ruffle it, but he grabbed her hand and said,

"Don't treat me like a kid."

He did not know her, period. They were not friends.

"But you are a kid."

She smiled softly. His rude behavior wasn't going to faze her.

The driver looked towards him through the rear view mirror. No one was allowed to touch the young mistress like that.

Alex sensed the hostility, and let her hand go.

"What was the second chance for?"

He changed the topic. No point in being rude towards her.

"She failed a mission."

"Big deal. Every family is bound to fail 2-3 missions every year. Why did she need a second chance for that?"

The car stopped. They were in front of the stairs leading to the doors of the mansion.

The door locks were unlocked.

"The Smirnov Family doesn't allow any failures."

They were the strongest family for a reason.

"Was she supposed to kill me or just incapacitate me?"

They both walked out of the car.

"Incapacitate you."

They walked up the stairs together.

"She did her job well. Why did you kill her?"

Right outside the door, she turned around and said,

"Because I wanted to."

The orders were to kill the girl if she failed. She did incapacitate Alex, but because Aglaya didn't like that, she chose to kill her and give Alex the antidote. That way, it would seem like Alex didn't lose to her, and her death will be justified in Aglaya's eyes.

'She is just like her.'

Bending the rules to get what you want.

The doors opened.

"After you."

Alex was being wary out of habit. He did not trust her in the slightest.

"Well, aren't you a gentleman?"

She accepted his offer and walked into the hall first. Alex was right behind her.

Inside the giant, silver tinted hallway, there was someone waiting for them.

"Father, I have brought him."

She bowed towards him on one knee.

Maxim Smirnov. The Herald Of The Collective.

"What about Alyona?"

"She failed."

She didn't hesitate. He sighed and said,

"Welcome to our family. I have been looking forward to this meeting."

False. He was fed up of this kid. Sylvia being active was a headache for all of them.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them now. I am usually very busy, so I don't think that I will have enough time to pay attention to your development."

Unlike the others, he didn't want to take Alex into his family.

"I have only one question for you."

A question that he had been thinking about for a day now.

"Let us sit down first."

Three of them walked towards the sofa at the center of the hall. After settling down, he said,

"Ask away."

Alex prepared himself.

"Who do you think killed Zhao Ling Shan?"

Maxim raised his eyebrow. Aglaya was oblivious to the question.

"That is a name that I haven't heard for years. But I think that the case was very clear. It was Zhao Qiao."

Alex nodded.

"Did the collective investigate the death thoroughly?"

Someone that was to benefit from the collapse of the rising Zhao family.

"Yes. The collective did everything it could. Do you have something new to add to this?"

He was calm.

"I had my suspicions on 2 people. My father and You. There could be something else to this case, but I don't have any evidence of it."

In reality, it was only Maxim that he had his suspicions on. Zhao Qiao had confirmed that Ronald had nothing to do with it.

"Well, without any evidence, you cannot prove much. If you have something, please let me know in the future. The collective aims to serve true justice, no matter what the price is or how long it takes."

'This kid is interesting. Very Interesting!'

No one from the collective had the balls to ask him this question. Maxim was pleasantly surprised.

"Then I have no other questions."

Alex was perplexed. Maxim didn't feel offended.

'If he wasn't the killer, then who was?'

"Then we are done here. I hope that you will learn a lot while you are here. Aglaya will hand you your schedule on my behalf. Everyone has to follow it, so make sure that you do so to. I have to leave now, but it was nice talking to you."

The life of the collective head was very hectic. He had made enough time for a few more questions, but If Alex didn't have any, he could go straight back to work.

He left for his office. Aglaya looked at Alex and asked,

"How the hell did you do that?"

He didn't understand.

"Do what?"

She smacked him on the back and asked,

"You managed to impress father in one meeting. How did you do that?"

He flicked her forehead and said,

"I asked him a question. Nothing else."


Aglaya pouted, but she was happy. He was finally opening up to her.

'System, did you get his parameters?'


He didn't do much.

Aglaya stood up and said,

"I'll take you to your room."