The Flow Of Fate Is Irreversible.


Yuya made his way into the parking lot. He looked around, and found the earpiece at the entrance.

"Master Johann!"

Following the trail of destruction, he made his way towards the center. Bullet holes, broken windshields, dented cars, and black fragments of a possible explosion. All of this pointed to a proper battle, but this was far from the destruction that he was hoping to witness.

'Was this really a 10 versus 1 fight?'

As he was walking forward, his eyes found a stream of reddish-black liquid flowing downwards.

The smell of iron confirmed his suspicion. This was blood.

He followed the stream to track its source. Every step increased the dreadful feeling of suspense.

And then, it came into view.

Silence. He lowered his eyes towards the ground, clenching his fist with all his might.

A missing hand, and a bullet hole in the forehead. An expression that relays that hopelessness of the circumstances.

Rage. He could see blood in his eyes.

"I'll kill every single one of them."

He took the pistol from his master's dismembered fists, and prepared himself for a slaughter.

Out of nowhere, his phone started to ring. He took it out, and read the caller's name.

'Walter Strauss.'

His hands started to tremble. Controlling his fingers, he accepted the call with an impending sense of doom.

"You failed the mission."

Cold. He was Angry.

"They killed master. I will kill-"

"If you dare to move a finger without my permission, I will personally look to it that you feel nothing but pain for the rest of your life."

Yuya clenched his teeth.

'I won't let his death be in vain!'

"Get back to the base. This mission is a failure."

"Give me one chance to make this right!"

Defying all odds, Yuya dared to raise his voice.

"Your master sold both of your lives to me. I own you. As my possession, you have no right to tarnish my name. If you still want to go against my words, then you are free to do so. Do you really think you can afford to take your revenge with me as your enemy?"

A question, which dealt the final blow. Could he really take his revenge with someone like Walter hunting for his head?

After a minute of silence, Walter decided to speak up.

"Calm down, and come back. We will discuss this mission in detail once you are here. Johann was my soldier, and a representative of the Strauss Foundation. We will get our revenge, but not like this. If we slip up now, there are hundreds of people that are ready to pounce at a moments notice."

After saying that, he hung up. Yuya collapsed to his knees, finding himself surrounded by his master's blood.


The flow of fate is irreversible.



Unscrewing the cork off the wine bottle, Laura poured herself a glass of wine. Alex had allowed her to indulge herself if she was able to live through today. As a woman that found solace in the high provided by alcohol, she was going to enjoy herself for the night.

"What happened to the assassin named Yuya?"

Alex was driving them out of the city.

"He was called back to the his organization. I had to get to you as soon as possible, so I did not have time to kill him."

Alex could more or less guess what was in store for him. He went against the mission directive. Considering the value of this mission, it would be a miracle if he could survive through this.


She finished her first round pretty quickly. While she was pouring herself another glass, her mind was compelled to ask him this question.

"Who are you, Alex?"

He didn't respond. That was a very vague question.

"By all means, kids your age would piss their pants at the sound of a gunshot. You get into life and death situations like it is a job. The more I think about it, the more it starts to hurt my head."

She was drunk. It was obvious.

"What is your story?"

To end this pointless conversation, he gave a simple answer.

"None of your business."

She chuckled at his answer.

"Of course you would say that. Not an inkling of warmth in your stone-cold heart."

One more glass. Despite her current state, her hands remained steady as she poured herself a final drink for the night.

"Getting into this world was my choice. After losing everything, all I had was my heart."

She grabbed the locket neatly placed around her neck.

"For the first time in almost 20 years, I feel that I made the right choice."

The ramblings of a drunkard.

"I know that this is just work for you. But for me, you are the person that saved my life."

She rested her head onto the seat, and shed a tear of joy. By all means, she had given up on making it out of this alive.

"Thank you."

As her mind failed to withstand the combination of fatigue and alcohol, she closed her eyes, and started to snore heavily.

Alex let out a loud sigh.


After 35 minutes, he decided to park the Van by the side of the road. It was in the middle of nowhere.

"I should call her."

He took out his phone and called Aglaya.


"The mission isn't over yet."

She shrugged on her side and said,

"Still, you defeated an A-Class Assassin by yourself."

He rubbed his forehead with his fingers.

"No need for the flattery. Is the plane ready?"

As soon as they get the location, they needed to be on their way.

"Yes. 5 hours from your location, at a military airstrip belonging to the RAF."

He looked towards the Van.

"I'll have to refill the fuel tank. Thank you for the information. I'll see you in three days."