
Hi there my name is Heaven, Let me give you a little background on 'me' before I leave you to the story of my Champion. As I said I am Heaven, In our Universe there are two main Divine beings, Heaven and Earth. We both have many different responsibilities that lets us escape the boredom of eternity. In a VERY basic summary, Earth is responsible for the creation of worlds, realms and all things related to Life, I am responsible for the Destruction of worlds, Realms and all things leading to and related to death. So from this, I am sure you can understand our Great rivalry!! Earth keeps creating new worlds, different races and Civilizations and it is my job to test whether they are worthy of the life they have been granted.

Since the start I have been testing many different ways to cause destruction and death. I have created deadly plagues, floods, earthquakes, undead hordes, I created hell and the abyss and have my demon invade the mortal plane every once in a while, you can Google other calamities, they are all my doing!! XD). But as time went on I started to grow bored of the same old disasters being used over and over again. So I started a new game where I would choose a champion from various worlds who have died. I would then reincarnate them with the sole mission to cause death and destruction.

I have used many ways to help them achieve this, such as grant ancient bloodlines that would attract the envy of others. Thus sending them down a destined path of constant battle, dealing with betrayal and forcing them to tread a path of blood and corpses to achieve a sense of freedom. HAHA those stories always make me laugh at how fast they became cliché XD.

I have tried reincarnating inherently evil or tormented souls, these were always the easiest to guide and have them to do my bidding as they naturally sought out death and destruction.

I have obviously tried the whole system thing, but that became boring really fast!! Those champions were fun at first, but after a while they became so easy to predict. They generally follow a few different routes. 1.Blindly believe the system and fall slave to the missions and suggestions of the system spirit. 2.Try and separate from the system and follow their own path, these never really accomplish anything. 3.Some just become idiots who try to take as much advantage as they can from the system, thereby bringing unwanted attention to themselves, always leading to THE path of cliché.(I'm sure I need say no more.)

I have been searching for a new poor soul to become my newest champion for a while now. I have previously chosen a few champions from this world called earth. It's totally a coincidence that I chose a world that has the same name as my rival... It's true!! you must believe me!!! 'Acting innocent'. I have given them the task of destroying the worlds of that annoying Earth.

However none have been successful despite all the wishes and gifts I have given them. Some tried to rush the job and ended up dying early, such pitiful idiots thinking that I or this so called 'Plot Armor' would save them, Unfortunately Plot Armor falls under the role of destiny and that is part of Earth's responsibilities. There is no way Destiny will help any of my champions in any way or form.

Other Champions have been too soft to kill innocents and have abandoned their mission, Oh how dumb they are to disobey me... Well not really, I am Literally HEAVEN! I couldn't care less about the choices my champions make, It just makes life more interesting when things don't go my way! Anyway I guess I am getting off topic, Its just nice to finally have people to listen to my stories XD. Aaaanyway let me get to the point so that I can finally start telling this actual story...

Now here is my latest Champion Rob, He is a super nerd in the terms of that world, so much so that he has been seriously wishing for immortality every night for the last 20 years!! And I mean every night regardless of his physical or mental condition.

Now some may think there has to be something wrong with him to do this, or he must have gone through something super traumatic to wish for immortality so earnestly. But no he is just obsessed with all things fantasy! you know, Anime, Mange, Comics, Light Novels, Web novels, Fan-Fics and so much more... He just Loves the idea of living forever and fantasizes about reincarnating into these worlds so that he can gain immortality and become some sort of super god or something...

Some of you may have a mental image of this Mister Rob, but you will probably be wrong. Even though he is obsessed with all of these things, never has he ever tried to actually learn anything that could be beneficial in case he were sent to a different world. Why you may ask? Well because that is just illogical, who actually believes something like that will ACTUALLY happen.

So Rob has never practiced martial arts, never learned any other languages besides his native English, never searched for some magical or mystical books and and has never gained any technical knowledge. No our rob is just your average guy, in Highschool he started gyming for various reasons, and then college happened and he found the greatness of Beer!

That is also where he found Anime, so one thing lead to another and you end up with a Nerd who loves to drink and party. He is only slightly overweight thanks to going back to a healthy gym lifestyle for a few months every few years. Now enough about all that boring stuff all you need to know is that He loves to drink as that is the only thing that allows him to be 'Normal' and gives him some sort of social skills, when sober his life consists of all things Fantasy and his looks don't matter as he won't be keeping his body for much longer. 'Spoiler Alert' hehe.

Now sadly ends my POV... Bye Bye, I hope you either Love or Hate my new Champion Mister ROB!!