Character Sheet:

***Note: Possible Spoilers ahead, I would recommend being up to date before reading further.

I will be updating this periodically according to Robs growth in the Novel.

If you have any questions about the novel you are more than welcome to ask them here.***



Circle 1:

-(Energy Gathering) (Camouflage) (Greater Comprehension) (Permanent Growth) (Shadow Lord) (Hard Body) (Toxic Adaption) (Muscular Enhancement) (Supple Bones) (Tension Release)

Circle 2:

(Energy Gathering)(Partial Enlargement)(Partial Transformation)(Reflective Skin)(Toxic breath)(Stamina Restoration)(Shadow Connection)(Beastial Instinct)(Compression)(Build Up)

--Rune Descriptions:--

Energy Gathering: A Special Rune that was discovered during a Magical Phenomena and then constantly adjusted and adapted to what it has become today. It is a necessary Rune for every mage that helps in the Gathering of Magical Energy in the environment into the Mages body, to either recover or increase the amount of Magical Energy of the Mage.

Camouflage: A Beast Rune that is found in certain Chameleon species. It is not popular since most don't understand the uses of Camouflage in a spell or Magic Duel, it is a passive type of rune that only requires magical energy to visibly change the appearance of its user and then a small amount of energy to maintain the camo.

Greater Comprehension: A Beast Rune that is found in a very small portion of Owl type Magical Beasts, not much is known about this rune as those who find it tend to keep it to themselves due to its immense help in gaining understanding in knowledge.

Permanent Growth: A modified Beast Rune that has undergone a few adaptions to the initial 'Growth' Rune that is found in a certain species of monkey type Magical Beasts. It's function is to slowly but permanently enhance the size of the user, the limits of this growth have yet to be discovered and could potentially cause the user to never stop growing.

Shadow Lord: A Beast Rune found in a powerful species of Panther Magical Beasts. This Rune is used by Dark Mages and its most common use is, when combines with other Runes to form a spell, to create a Shadow Space that will trap its enemy and then create an 'Area' for dark mages to thrive.

Hard Body: A Beast Rune found in a very common species of Mice Magical Beasts, it is used to passively harden the users whole body and is great for physical defense. It is mainly used in conjunction with Magic that launch a solid object, for example it can be used to harden the Rock in an earth type spell the shoots a Bolder at the opponent.

Toxic Adaption: an adapted form of a Natural Rune, this Rune was created in an experiment to combine a Natural Rune with a Beast Rune. The Natural Rune was from a plant that naturally absorbed the poisons of surrounding plants, the Beast Rune was from a snake type beast that ate poisons and toxins to increase the potency of its own venom. The experiment was a failure and this Rune that was seemingly useless to a Mage was the result, its function is to make the users body to adapt to any ingested Poisons and create an immunity towards it.

Muscular Enhancement: A Beast Rune that is found in Bear type Magical Beasts, this can appear in any species of Bear and usually occurs in Bears that are born genetically weaker than the rest of their species and then still somehow become Magical Beasts. The Rune simply uses Magical Energy to increase the power muscles can release and make the user stronger the more Magical Energy they posses.

Supple Bones: A Beast Rune found in a particular rodent called the Hero Shrew. The Rune is very rarely used in magic, but due to the uniqueness of the Animal it is discovered in, it is still widely studied to this day. This rune causes the bones to act as if there were thousands of tiny bones linked together to form a single Bone, thus giving the user an unbelievable amount of bone flexibility, making them almost impossible to break.

Tension Release: A Beast Rune found in a Magical Beast species of Giant worm called Trap Worms, they lie in wait under the sand and as soon as prey is in reach they release the all the built up tension in their body and strike in an instant. This Rune has many applications and has been adapted an unknown amount of times. It is often used in magic spells to build up power and increase the destructive power of a Spell. This Rune functions by allowing the user to build up tension in a targeted area and then release it to increase its effects when they are satisfied with the build-up.

Partial Enlargement: A simple Beast Rune found in a breed of miniature Elephant type Magical Beast, this Rune allows the Elephant to greatly enlarge their Trunk in order to get food. This Rune is usually used in conjunction with Golem based Runes, reducing the required Material needed to create the Golem. The Rune functions by enlarging something without affecting the flexibility or usability of that object, unfortunately when used on a living object the Rune, for some reason, registers each limb as a separate object.

Partial Transformation: This is a Natural Rune that was discovered in a desert mirage, it caused the mirage to temporarily transform the surrounding sand into the mirages form. This Rune has been widely studied in the hopes of using it to create resources, unfortunately the transformed materials will return to their base form after a certain period of time and no solution has yet to be found that can prevent this restriction. It has also been used by Illusion based Mages to allow their illusions to cause actual physical damage.