
I slowly open my eyes and look around, 'did it work?' I think to myself as I look down at my body. I can see my bare feet that are filthy, I am wearing torn rags as pants and my ripped shirt is lying on the floor, but.. "FUUUUUCK YESSS!!! I can finally talk!!" I shouted at the top of my voice!!

Well at least that's what I wanted to say.. But all that came out was, "F...F...F...F...F...uuuuu" 'Cough ... Cough ... Cough'. I stuttered really badly before having a coughing fit, my throat is very dry, it feels like my mouth contains a desert and it is constantly drying up any and all moisture it can find. I desperately need to get some water and relearn how to speak.

So I quickly ran around the building trying to find a tap or anything that I can drink out of. I found a bathroom in one of the rooms, and fully opened the tap by the basin to get some water, but nothing came out, so I tried the bath and showers tap, and only some drops of water came out the bath tap, but that was not nearly enough.

So I quickly sprint out of the house and look for another building, I dash through a random houses window that had its lights on and run around it, trying to find a tap. As I find their kitchen and put my head under the open tap to try and quench this unbearable thirst, the owners of the house finally react. They start screaming at me, (Voice 1)"What the hell are you doing BOY !!!!!!" (Voice 2) "Get out of my house!!!"

Then the male of the family came towards me and said "Hey Kid, if you don't get the hell out of my house right now I'm going to beat you". He had a long stick in his hand, and held it in a swinging posture.

As I felt a slight threat I looked up, due to me still adjusting to this body, my eyes gave off a savage beastial look and my 'Shadow Lord' symbol reacted slightly, making the shadows in the house shimmer slightly, forming the image of a crouching Panther behind my back. I saw him back away visibly scared at what was happening, so I said with a stammering tone "Aaa...Affter Ww...w...Water, I... I... I... I G...go".

Honestly I was quite happy that I could even talk to someone, so out of habit I unknowingly make some beast-like sounds that I would often make when I was feeling good in the last few years, "Grrrrrr, Phrrrrrrr", as I went back to drinking water. I had no idea what was going on around me and how much it freaked out that family.

"O Ok boy… do what you want . . . please just don't hurt us.." stammered the man as he backed away even more, but still in a guarded pose, gripping the stick very tightly.

After drinking water like a beast for about 5 minutes, I was very satisfied. I turned to the still terrified family and said, "T...t...THanks f…f...for D…drink!" as I quickly ran out of the house.

I quickly ran back to the building I woke up in, and quickly found the spot I woke up in. Lying there was my last body. I can still feel a certain sentiment for it, as I did live as a panther for over a year. I sat down next to it slowly stroking the body. As I spoke to it, "D..don't w...Worry buddy, I … I will n...never forget life the f...forest." That's all I could think to say, this isn't the first time I have looked down at an old body, but this is definitely the most impactful experience.

After quickly getting over my emotions, I start looking at myself again, I am really dirty at the moment, I will need to sort that out soon, but that can wait. I internally felt the magical energy flowing through me, I felt very 'Full', It seems like my operation was a success. I have plenty of magical energy flowing through me, as well as a very familiar symbol located in my heart.

I concentrate on the symbol to try and activate my shadow abilities, but it seems that my shadow space has been reset as I can barely fit my hand in the space. I will have to improve that later, but I first have to recreate my other symbols if I want a chance to actually die of old age for once. I want to run a test to see if I can even die of old age and if my Immortality will work the same if I were to die that way.

Anyway while I am currently over flooded with magical energy, now would be the best time to recreate the symbols. I have had plenty of practice doing this in my Magical Beast bodies, so even though I am in a new type of body, it shouldn't be too hard.

Day and night passes as I focus on recreating my symbols, I only barely have enough magical energy to create my 'Greater Comprehension' Symbol, So I will have to refill my energy before I can move on. The best way to do this is to consume materials that are rich in magical energy, and even though I feel really uncomfortable in doing this, the only material that fits that criteria is my old panther body. Recreating those Symbols are of utmost importance so I will just have to do this..

Maybe it's because I have been living as various animals, but eating raw meat has become very natural to me. I didn't even consider that I could probably find somewhere to cook the meat before I eat it. I savagely dig into the meat of my old body, and it is a very gruesome scene, blood splattered all over my body and I don't stop until I feel that my Magical Energy has been refilled.

My stomach is very bloated, it shouldn't even be possible for someone my age to eat that much food, but I somehow don't feel too uncomfortable with this. I sat back down and started to create my 'Permanent Growth' Symbol. This is the symbol I have the most experience with and where I tried the most variations, and the one where it will slowly but permanently increase my build, is the one I have decided to go with. This will give me an insanely powerful base body and I will not have to rely on Magical Energy to have the ability to fight and survive.

After repeating this process a few times, I have finally recreated all my symbols in this body, let me just remind you of all my symbols and their placement.

'Shadow Lord' Symbol is located in my heart.(Panther)

'Greater Comprehension' Symbol is located in my Optic Nerve.(Owl)

'Permanent Growth' Symbol is located on my right chest muscle.(Monkey)

'Camouflage' Symbol located just under my skin at the back of my neck.(Chameleon)

Now before I try interacting with others and learn more about this world, I will need to do some training and re-learn how a human is supposed to act...