Ch13.Brief training & exploring.

After creating all the symbols in my body, I surprisingly feel very drained. I think I may have rushed the creation of my symbols too much, I don't think this body can handle the stress all those Symbols have on my Magical Energy reserve. Thanks to my 'little operation' on this body, I do have a naturally large storage of Energy, but it is just barely enough to sustain having all these symbols. I probably won't be able to use any of my active abilities until I have fully adapted to the strain my current ones put on my body and I have gained some more M-Energy.

Anyway I can think of that a bit later, right now I need to first practice talking and then get cleaned up! I am reeeeally filthy at the moment, I have a thick layer of dirt covering most of my body and now I have some dried blood added to that, thanks to my very violent way of eating.

In order to practice my speech, I just basically start talking to myself about my plans for the future hoping I will slowly adapt and become more comfortable when talking.

"S...soooo after I..I have a N..Nice B...b...bath . . . w..wait w..where can I F….find a b...bath???"

"Blaah… Blaah… Blaah."(A lot of random talking about finding a bath as his talking becomes smoother...)

"So my course of action is to train this b..body, I then have to steal some money a...and buy a map or s...something" (...More chattering as his talking becomes normal...)

"Then I need to find a school or something that will teach me more about this Magic and Symbols." . . ."Ahh... I can finally talk normal, ok cool, I can stop talking to myself now."

So now that I can talk I need a bath, I think I will just sneak into a random house, I will just need to make sure that nobody is home, I don't want to repeat what happened last time.. 'Maaan that was awkward!'.

After running out to get washed, I return to the abandoned house I have been staying in lately. I am in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. Thanks to my 'Permanent Growth' Symbol I have bulked up quite a bit, I no longer look like a skin and bone twig person and have acquired a muscular body. I am not too buff as I am only 5 years old and only just created my symbols. In the next few years I will probably grow like mad.

When I snuck into the house to clean up I didn't forget to steal some clothes and valuables, I mean what do you expect? I really need these things and no way am I going to be able to legitimately acquire them.

From the clothes that I stole, I just found some black cargo shorts and a tank top. The shorts are a bit long for me, so they look like long pants, but they do the job. I couldn't find any shoes that fit me, but with the money I stole I bought myself a pair of hunting boots, I think those really compliment my current 'look'. If you are wondering why I didn't get a jacket or something like that, well it's actually quite simple, I barely feel the cold. With my 'Shadow Lord' Symbol one of the passive abilities is comfort in dark places and 'Dark' places are usually cold caves or at night time which is usually quite cold. Therefore I have some natural resistance to cold weather.

So now I need to find out more about the world I am in and I need to find a way to get the necessities of life as I slowly adapt to my current situation. I think my best course of action would be to find a job, now this is going to be a problem!! I am only 5 years old, who in their right mind would hire me?

I look outside and it seems that the sun is slowly going down, I leave the abandoned house as I stroll around the town looking for a place to work as I notice a really crowded area. I slowly approach to see what is going on. As I make my way through the crowd, I see two men sitting at a table and taking shots of what I can only assume to be alcohol. It seems they are having a drinking competition.

There was a waitress counting all the finished shot glasses and then she said in a very loud voice, "Roger has finished 25 shots!!! 5 to go to finish the challenge!! Burt is on 29!! He only has one more to finish the Challenge!! Will he make it???"

I can see all the excitement going on around me, it seems this is a usual occurrence at this bar. Just as I was considering this, the man named Burt fell off his chair and passed out. The crowd then went wild, (P1)"HAHAHAHAHAHA Burt is out!! He couldn't handle it HAHAHAHA", (P2)"HAHAHA He is out cold, who is going to take him home, I'm not doing it this time", (P3)"Roger you can do it!! Just five more and you will win!! Don't be weak!!!".

//Just experimenting on ways to show that different people are talking. Do you prefer the above where P stands for person so P 1-3 is person 1-3, or below where I try a more smooth and natural approach?//

As everyone was mocking Burt or cheering Roger to keep it up, I silently sneaked up to the table, climbed onto the chair and picked up Burts last shot, 'Maan I miss alcohol!! I wonder if this is any good?' I thought to myself as I chugged the shot in the glass, I couldn't prevent myself from shouting, "AHHhhh thats Fucking Delicious!!"

As I said that everyone turned their attention to me, I just looked around innocently as I stole another glass from Rogers' last five drinks and chugged it down, "Damn that's smoooth! If only it had more of a burn.. Aaaaaaah ".

This is when people finally reacted, "What the fuck is that a kid??", "He is drinking all the shots, someone quickly stop him!!", "HAHAHAH Look at that Roger!! The boy is stealing all your drinks, you better hurry up! HAHAHAHAHA".

With the crowd going wild, the waitress quickly picked me up shouting, "What do you think you are doing!! Kids aren't supposed to drink! Where are your parents??"

In response I could only respond in a way that a five year old drunk would, I was struggling to get out of her grip as I shouted "Haaaaaay!! Unhand me you old hag, there are still 3 perfectly good shots left!! You can't let that weakling waste them!!"

In response to that, besides the obviously annoyed waitress, the crowd went wild, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! He called Roger a weakling!! AHAHAHA", "Roger did you hear that? Even a Kid can drink better than you!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!"