Ch14.Getting a job.

The waitress dragged me away from the crowd and sat me down at a table behind the bar, she sat opposite me and started lecturing me as well as asking me a variety of questions, "What is with your language? Don't you know kids aren't supposed to swear!... And also why did you steal those drinks? You should know you are too young to drink! … How old are you? … Where are your parents? … You will be in a lot of trouble after I tell your parents what you did!! ..."

She just kept going on and on with her lecture and kept scolding me, I just responded saying, "Hey lady, just chill out! It was only a few drinks! I'm sure those two other guys have already paid for them, so it's no big deal!". "Also I don't have any parent's, I'm already a man, why would I need anyone to take care of me?". "As for age… Fuck I have no idea.. 5 years old maybe?"

I have noticed that my personality has become a lot more straightforward, previously I would never have been able to speak so casually with someone, maybe it is due to living as a few different Magical Beasts, the direct approach I had to take while living as them could have rubbed off on me more than I thought, … it could also just be that I am buzzed from the alcohol I drank .. but naaah I can handle my booze! (term for Alcohol) There is no way only three drinks made me drunk! I think to myself, quietly forgetting that I am currently 5 years old.

The waitress just asks me again "What! Don't lie to me, where are your parents?"

And I respond basically the same way, "Listen lady, I told you I have no parents!! They left me in some street after I was old enough to walk, no big deal, I have survived just fine without them." I quickly made up some random story to explain my situation.

The waitress got quieter after that response," Wait… really? Then why are you wandering around the streets at this time, aren't you supposed to be at the orphanage?"

I just replied with some basic info, I really didn't want to get in a long conversation where I might say something wrong, I still don't know enough about this place to come up with any complex story or anything like that, "Hey I don't need anyone to take care of me, I didn't join the orphanage, it's so boring there! I would also like to keep my freedom, I was abandoned once I don't need to go through that another time, thank you very much!".

"And I am out looking for a job right now! It has been quite hard to find any good food lately, so I figured getting a job will let me buy some!".

The waitress was a bit distressed, she didn't really expect the 'talk' to go this way, "uhhhhm… well where do you live? I can take you home, you must live with some people right? You shouldn't be here at this time, bars can get very dangerous and aren't a place for a kid to be."

I was getting a bit annoyed at the sympathy in her voice, I mean I am just bullshitting right now, well maybe the original owner of this body went through something like that, but that doesn't really have anything to do with 'ME'.

So I replied in a very blunt manner, while flexing my newly developing biceps, "Listen here lady, I am old and strong enough to look after myself, you don't have to do the whole 'Fake' sympathy thing, I am just looking for a job here! So tell me are you hiring?"

(Waitress) "Wait ... what are you saying?", she was quite shocked at my response, after calming herself down a bit, she responded" You want to work here?" she repeated as if she wasn't sure she heard right.

I stood up on my chair, put my hands on my hips, puffed out my chest and arrogantly responded "Yes! You are looking at the best Brewmaster in all of …uhhm ... well here! You mere mortals should worship my greatness hahahaha!".

I remember back in the day, when money was tight, I tried brewing my own home pineapple beer and apple cider at home. It's actually not that hard, hopefully I can find some ingredients to make it. I know my beer won't be any high class alcohol, but if it is at least a bit different to what people around here are used to, I could actually make enough money out of it. 'Now I just need to sell the idea that my beer is the best!'.

I was waiting for her expression of either shock or disbelief, however all I could see was confusion, she asked "A Brewmaster? What is that?"

I put on the greatest shocked expression I could make, being sure to act and react the same as any Anime character would, 'I mean if you get the chance go for it right? XD'. I fake stumbled back off my chair and backed away with my hands over my chest, my eyes open as wide as I could with my mouth wide open.

After I pulled that off perfectly, I said "..!! You don't know what a Brewmaster is!! You mean you don't know what the Master Creator of the greatest Alcohol in all of existence is?? You mean to tell me that the people who create your Beers and Ciders aren't even Brewmasters!??"

The waitress seemed to be even more confused and then even a bit interested, "Beer, Cider? What are those? I have never heard of alcohol being called that, Is that a type of wine, or a Spirit maybe?".

Now that is crazy!! Wait, Rob calm down!! This might actually be a great opportunity! I could actually make a lot of money like this! Yeah If I can actually brew some Beer, assuming that I can find the right ingredients, then there is potentially a lot of money to be made!

I again backed away a few steps, then acting like I steady myself I go back to my chair and sit down, trying to look as professional as possible, "Cough ... Cough, Beer is the glorious creation of the great god of Alcohol! His great name is Booze! He has issued a challenged to a select few mortals, ordering them to create the ultimate alcohol, that will finally make him satisfied! … ".

She quickly butted into my rant, seeming a bit confused, "god? What's that?"

I was stumped, I have never really had to answer that question, I guess that this world doesn't have a religion or they would at least know what a god is right? Anyway I just responded in the best way I could, "Well a god is like a super powerful being who can basically do whatever he wants! Even create mountains and change the weather!!"

She seemed to understand after I said that, just saying "Ahh ok so a Grand Archmage! Got it, go on..."

I was a bit stumped at her response, creating a mental note to remember to ask about this world's power system and what a Grand Archmage is. I just continued as if I expected her to say that.

I looked around quickly, acting suspicious and as if I didn't want anyone to hear what I was about to say, I said in a soft whispering voice "Well I found an ancient recipe for Alcohol that 'Booze' created when he was still mortal, and have just mastered the basics of it. Someone who has mastered the basics of creating this type of alcohol are called Brewmasters!"

I lean in some more, showing my best expression of excitement that I could pull off, "There is still a long way for me to go but I dream of one day become a Saint Brewmaster! …" I kept blabbing about the greatness of Beer and Cider and how I am the only one who knows how to make it.

The waitress just looked at me amusingly, assuming I was just being a kid and talking rubbish, she then said, "Okay young man! I will give you an opportunity! If you can bring me some of this amazing alcohol I will give you a job!"

She said this knowing full well that she would give this kid a job regardless of what he brings her. She couldn't help but feel quite sorry for him and couldn't imagine what someone so young had to go through to act that mature. I mean you always hear about these stories of how kids are just abandoned and have to fight just to survive, but seeing someone affected right in front of you is just .. different.

She also found him quite interesting and thought that having him around would be entertaining.

(Rob) "Really Lady?? Ok awesome, just give me a w.. No two w.. No Give me a month! One Month and I will bring you the best alcohol you have ever had!!".

I jumped up after hearing that and started darting out the house. There is alot I have to prepare for, if I want to pull this off. As I started running off I heard the waiter shout, "Wait!! My name is Pam! What's yours?"

I turned my head and shouted back, "I am the great ROB! And I will be rich soon, HAHAHAHA!".

//Wow this chapter was surprisingly hard to write, I had to change parts of it and rewrite a few times. I don't want to follow the usual cliché of the MC suddenly finding a charitable or 'Good' person who just adopts the MC and/or helps them out just out of goodwill, I needed this event to happen for the later plot, but I also don't want it to be too 'easy', I hope I somehow pulled it off.

I tried to keep the conversation flowing smoothly and not seem unnatural, don't know if it worked . . . Anyway hope you enjoyed!!//