Ch22.Ordering the Beast!

After leaving the Hub, I made my way to the Custom Carriage shop, to see if they can make what I want. After walking around for a while, I finally found the building I am looking for. It was pretty obvious that this is the one as it looks like a monster truck slash carriage doing a wheelie. Quite the unique building even when compared to all the other bizarre ones I have seen while walking here, anyway I make my way inside the building hoping they will be able to build what I want.

When I enter the building I can see a small reception desk surrounded by lots of different Carriages, I make my way to the desk and ring the bell on the table. After waiting for a few minutes, a man walks up to the counter, he is a tallish man wearing what seems to be a messy denim jeans and a tank top. He has a short shaven head of hair and a clean shaven face with a huge nose and tiny eyes.

As he arrives at the table, he sits down on the chair behind the desk, crosses his legs and asks, "The name's Rony, what do you want?"

I look at him, and I can see that he seems impatient, waiting for my response so I just cut straight to the chase, "I want you to create a carriage for me, but I don't want one that looks like any of these boring ones you have on the floor, what I want is a two wheeler, can you do that?"

After hearing what I said, he seems a bit more interested, not at all offended that I called the display carriages boring, he sits up on his chair and says, "Now that is interesting, I have never done something like that before, do you have any plans? Or can you describe in detail exactly what you want, there is not much I can't create so I hope you got money... "

I quickly grab a pen and paper he has on his desk and sketch out a basic design that I want my 'Bike' to look like. What I have designed is a futuristic chopper, with very large wide rimless wheels, a smaller and wider one at the back and a larger and thinner one in front. The body of the bike is designed to look like a sprinting Panther with an open mouth in the front, with long handlebars and a seat that is positioned on the lower back of the Panther.

I showed him the picture and I explained what effects I wanted, I want it to show the Illusion of a glowing panther running when I am riding very fast or at night, and I want it to make a loud 'Roaring' noise as I accelerate, but I also want a silent mode where it makes no noise as I ride."

Rony grabs the paper from me and examines the picture with interest, after looking at it for a while and writing some things on the paper he asks me, "This is great!! I have never worked on a design like this before so it will take an extra day or two of experimentation before I can build it. Now what Runes should I add to this Carriage and What type of safety or escape mechanisms do you want me to add to it?"

I think for a bit and reply, "I don't know much about runes, but I just want it to go as fast as possible and increase in speed as I move the throttle. Besides adding as many speed related Runes as you can, the only safety aspects you can add is a emergency brake so I can quickly stop no matter how fast I am going, as well something that will prevent it from falling over, I want to be able to lean from side to side and almost touch the floor but the sides must never be allowed to touch the ground. Can you do that?"

Rony seems a bit surprised at that response and says, "Only speed … are you sure about that? Most people add something crazy like being able to fly, teleport , have great durability, have a smokescreen hide the Carriage ...etc ... or at least have some form of attack, in case you run into bandits or Magical Beasts, are you sure you just want it to be fast without falling over?"

He kept going on about different effects other Carriages have and how just having speed was weird, I just snapped at him , "I told you I don't want any of those lame Carriages all I need is speed! Now when will you be done and how much will it cost?"

Rony wasn't bothered by my response and just did some quick calculations on another piece of paper saying, "I will be done in about three days, as this is quite a new challenge for me I will need to do a bit of experimentation. This will cause me to waste some extra resources sooooo I think about 500 Gold is a fair price … "

He went on a bit more about the various extra expenses that he will need in order to complete this project, while I was just focusing on that price, 'Fuck… 500 Gold!! I have only saved up around 700 Gold in the last few years, this will blow most of my savings . . . Guess I will just have to make some more in some less than 'Legal' ways hehe '.

I didn't want to bother listening to his constant rantings so I just put my hands in my pants pocket and started pulling out some gold coins as I counted them out until there were about 500 on his table. He just looked at my pants and said "Hmm a spatial pants pocket, Nice!! You don't see those in these parts too often." After saying that he just dumped all the coins in a little pouch he had attached to his waist, then said "Mine is a little old fashioned, maybe I should also add one to my pants pocket hmmm..."

I just stared at his actions for a bit, and then asked "How much for one of those pouches?" It would be good to have a backup to store some random things in, so that people won't get suspicious of my shadow space.

He just looks at me a bit confused and says, "But you have the newer model pants … oh well whatever, you can have one of my old ones for 10 Gold." He says that as he throws me an old pouch he grabbed from under the desk. I catch it and hand him 10 Gold before walking out of the building thinking 'I need to start looking around in order to find someone to steal from, it looks like my savings won't last too long at this rate... '