
After leaving the building, I start walking around the town looking at all the buildings, there are a few things I need to figure out before I can commit this robbery. Firstly I need to figure out if I want to go big or small. If I go big I will need to find a large target that I can plunder and then escape unseen and unnoticed for as long as possible. If I go small I will need to find a few people who appear rich and always carry around expensive things, then all I need to do is silently pickpocket them or knock them out and strip them clean.

I am leaning towards going big, I will be leaving this town in three days, so If I plan the heist for the day I leave I can probably get away fast enough to never be caught, and since I probably won't be coming back to this town, the chances are that I will get away with it.

Now if I want to be successful there are a few things I need to look out for, firstly I need to find a building that has an easy entry and exit point and looks Middle High class. I don't want to target someone too rich as those people may have a large amount of countermeasures and I don't want to risk losing this body.

Next I need to get as much information on my target as possible, I don't want any surprises to happen during this robbery. I need to know who I am going to rob, what their habits are and what type of security they have in their home. I should be able to accomplish this by talking or listening to conversations of people connected to my target.

I also need to try and get a layout of the house and find out where all the valuables are kept, I can do this by either sneaking into the house the day before to get a decent understanding of the house or I can try and get invited into the house by the person themselves. That; however will probably be too risky, so I will have to look around to see if there is any other way to gain this information.

Lastly I will need to plan an escape route, after I steal as much as I can I need to leave this town as fast as possible and it is imperative that I am out of this town before my robbery has been discovered and I travel as far as possible as fast as possible. This should not be a problem as with my Bike I should have enough speed to get this completed. It is very important that I get some practice with driving the bike before I just take off as it would be embarrassing if I were to fall off the bike as soon as I tried to escape on it…

After walking around the town for a few hours and scouting out various options I think I have finally found a suitable target. This place isn't exactly a house but instead a business establishment of someone who loans people in need money, basically a loan shark. What I like about this guy is that his building looks quite plain, pretty much a normal old school wooden mansion. This means that there are a lot of windows to enter and exit and if push comes to shove I can probably slip past the wooden walls with my shadow space assuming I act at night.

One of my concerns regarding this building is that there is quite a bit of security, but that shouldn't be a problem as long as I make sufficient preparations, since most of the guards are normal people and basically used to sound the alarm in the case of an intruder in order to alert the Mage who owns this establishment.

One thing I have considered is just using my 'Camouflage Rune' to appear as someone else, loan a ton of money and then disappear. My problem with this is that I don't know enough about magic to risk it, what if there are ways to see past my disguise or ways to mark and track recipients of the money.

I need this to be a clean job and I won't take any risks, no matter how small. I am not going to be a dumb protagonist who blindly assumes that he is smarter than everyone in the world, and that with the knowledge of 'Modern Earth' I will be invincible. That; in my opinion is just blind ignorance, all worlds progress differently and from what I have already seen I can't underestimate the people of this world at all, and I have barely seen anything!!

I may just be over thinking all this and I don't know enough about either worlds to compare them. So I am probably just getting unnecessarily worked up, and yes, I am immortal so I shouldn't be this worried about annoying 'strong' people, but I have just gotten used to this new body and I don't want to end it this early, there is still so much I need to learn about magic and I am so close to entering an academy where I can learn all I want.

Anyway, I will enter the building tomorrow to get a better understanding of the layout and plan my attack. I hope I can see where they store some money, I am obviously not going to have too high hopes at getting into the vault, If I can it will be a blessing, if not I will be more than happy just looting all the expensive things lying around, they alone should be worth quite a lot of money.

First thing in the morning I woke up and observed the building. I wanted to see how many people accessed the building and also from when they started to go in and when the last person entered. There is so much I have to figure out and such a little time to do it. This is actually making me really excited, I am really going to enjoy this little activity. I have robbed a few houses in the last Town but this is on a completely different scale! I hope he has some good things, my pockets are feeling really empty after ordering my Bike.