Ch36.First week's info.

So I have been really busy in the last week, both teaching Nafets about brewing beer at night and then learning as much as I can during the day. The first thing I searched up on is some history, from what I have read, this country has been standing strong for a few thousand years.

The oldest records are from over 10 000 years ago, and that was a time when Rune based technology was at its infancy stages and methods of traveling long distances were not created yet, therefore people stayed within the range of their countries, and didn't even try to leave as they would spend their lives traveling in that case. All of this changed 10 000 years ago when travel based Rune Technology experienced a major breakthrough, this allowed people to be able to start exploring further. That is when our human country made first contact with our neighboring countries, as well as different races.

There were 6 countries that surrounded ours at that time and the races that inhibited them were the Elves, Beastmen, Dwarves, Goblins, Barbarians and the Giants.

After entering other countries and discovering that others lived there, confused the people as they already claimed this world as their own. Therefore conflict started to occur and wars were waged over territory and other typical issues, such as technology the other races possessed and recources that were not available n their own territories.

During the initial war, the Goblins, who had started to develop an amazing machine based civilization, had great potential to become a great country that could lead the world with amazing innovations that require very little magic. Unfortunately, the uniqueness of their technology caused the other races to become interested in and therefore they were attacked by multiple parties. They inevitably lost the war, as their machines were still in the beginning phases of development and had not yet been adapted to being used in battle. They lost their whole civilization to the other races and had their technology stolen by races who then proceeded abandon it in the coming years as they were not talented in the field of mechanics and only used some of the aspects for inspiration for their own technologies. The remaining goblins degraded into becoming common monsters who had to hide away in forests, caves and even swamp areas in order to survive.

The Barbarians initially had some conflict with the Humans, but that quickly subsided since they were not too possessive over their territory and allowed humans to build and expand in certain areas they couldn't live on due to certain terrain factors. The barbarians look very similar to humans, they were just much more muscular, had different skin tones, were taller in general and they had different life cycles, since children must be able to move within their first months of living due to their nomadic nature.

Since there were no major differences, they formed an alliance where the Humans would defend the perimeters of the Barbarians territory, in exchange the Barbarians would provide enchanted weapons. The Barbarians had a very interesting way of enchanting weapons, giving them different functions, this enhanced both races power drastically and helped them surviving the great war. Although some territories were lost during the process, the fact that they survived the war resulted in sufficient time to grown much more powerful.

Despite being exposed to the more advanced civilizations and major Rune technologies, the Barbarians decided to keep following their own civilization, they still adhere with their nomadic traditions today, where they move around in small tribes from location to location as the season changes. Even though it is times of peace at the moment, a small Barbarian tribe is still a very dangerous entity, as with their way of life they are constantly in a state of semi-war with each other and their Magic tend to mainly use sinister Runes relating to Curses, Poison and spreading disease.

The Dwarves initially had a hard time at the start of the war, they were a peaceful race who loved mining and creating various metal appliances. They survived the initial escalation of war due to their massive metal castles, but even though they had solid defenses, they didn't know how to fight back since they had never experienced anything similar to a war or conflict before. Their entire history can be summarized in a few words, 'Find Metal, Change Metal, Discover Alcohol, Drink Alcohol'. In fact most of todays alcohol can be traced back to the Dwarves.

Therefore the Dwarves sought out the Beastmen to create an alliance similar to that of the Humans and Barbarians. The Beastmen have an innately powerful body as well as an inherent warlike nature, they were the complete opposite of that eras Dwarves in that aspect. The Dwarves loved creating metallic things and with the start of the war, they soon discovered that their enemies wore metal armor and wielded weapons made of a recourse they had an abundance of. The Dwarves picked up and improved on these 'inventions' almost instantly, they therefore became the ideal allies of the Beastmen who didn't know how to create metal weapons.

With the Dwarves supplying powerful armor and weapons to the Beastmen, and the Beastmen providing food and helping protect the dwarves in the war, they formed an unbreakable bond that has lasted until this very day. You will often hear a Dwarf boasting on how he created a weapon for a famous Beastman warrior as well as a Beastmen bragging about his Dwarven equipment to anyone and everyone he sees.

Now I don't think I need to say much about the Giants, they are just a terrifying race who. A single giant can easily crush a group of warriors from any other race, and not merely because of their enormous size and envious racial traits. The Giants are perhaps the most diverse of all the races, they have an ever expanding group of sub races within their community, such as trolls, ogres, orcs, moss giants, yetis, cyclopes and many, many more. After the initial clash with the giants, all the races who decided to attack them, such as the Humans and Beastmen, were completely devastated. This caused such a large commotion that they have not actively sought out war with them ever since.

It is lucky that they are mostly a peaceful race, content on just living their lives. There are other Giants that have aggressive tendencies, but they are either very territorial and refuse to leave their country, or the Giant will be a loner and will travel by themselves. Although fighting a single Giant is still terrifying, it is apparently still manageable.

And last but not least, the elves, what can I say about them that hasn't been told in countless other fantasy novels. Well for starters, the whole elven beauty thing is actually false, while it is true that they are very good looking, other races just don't find them aesthetically pleasing. The cliché of hunting elves to sell as slaves is completely invalid here. Sure humans do find them pleasing to the eye, but not more so that any other good looking Human. In the past they have tried to capture some elves and sell them as slaves, but each and every attempt at this has ended with disaster. You just don't want to fuck with elves, they have a terrifying affinity for magic, as well as the long life to learn far more than humans so … yeah they are just as scary, if not more so than the giants. During the Great war, most of the other races also collectively decided not to mess with them.

Another thing I find strange about the elves, is that they have their own sub races as well. Such as the Dark Elves, Wood Elves, High Elves, etc but there is no conflict between them at all. Unlike what I would have believed, they live in perfect harmony with each other even going so far as using their different talents and unique abilities to cover each other's weakness.

Now what I have found out about this world, is that it is absolutely massive! With the current available Rune technology we can barely make it to the edge of this continent, and have just started exploring the seas surrounding the continent.

Each country is probably the size of a continent in my previous world and the continent I am on is probably much larger than my previous world. It is hard to confirm this as I dont know enough about the size of my previous world, but I mean, there are lakes on this continent that could easily be confused as an ocean. I haven't really spent too much time learning about this aspect, as I don't think it will be helpful to the current me. I will research it more when the time comes.

Next week I will focus on studying more on the theory of Magical Energy, Internal and External Magic and their applications as well as theory surrounding the creation and manipulation of Runes.