Ch35.First Day.

After the Dean's speech, he just walked away without offering anything else. I then quickly rushed towards the clothing shop so that I can get these required 'chores' done. I walked inside and noticed that there was an old lady sleeping on a rocking chair behind a desk. I approached the desk and looked around before placing a Gold coin on the table, saying "I am just going to take one of these badges, hope you don't mind." I then grabbed one of the badges that were in a big packet next to the desk. The old lady opened her eyes a little, looked at me and then just closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

I looked back at the desk after getting the badge and noticed that the coin was gone, 'Great, looks like bribes will work very well in this place. I can't wait to exploit my wealth.'

I then walked out of the shop and noticed Nafets waiting right outside, I said "You can go grab what you need inside, I am going to the library! At 6pm you can meet me at the front gate and I will then take you to my place where you can then start learning to brew beer."

Nafets laughed loudly and said, "Got more Alcohol? I really thirsty..."

I handed him a few silver coins saying "Go get your own, I got shit to do."

I then made my way towards the center of the Academy, where a large tower-like building stands. As I approached it, I noticed that this is basically the only building that is not broken. I assume this is the library as the Dean was super serious about maintaining the books.

After making my way towards the library and stepped inside I came to a large security gate that was covered in runes. Above the door, there is writing that says 'Stand on the circle with your badge held up'. I proceeded to stand on the circle with my badge in my hand facing the door, there was a flash of white light before the gates slowly opened. 'This is great!'

As I enter the Library, all I see are rows and rows of books, there is an outward spiral surrounding the outside of the walls as well as the center of the room rising up as far as the eye can see. There seems to be more books in here than should logically be able to fit in a building this size. I am sure that there is some kind of spatial expansion magic being used here.

I look around and there are a few people walking around or sitting at a table reading a book. Nobody is speaking to each other and everyone tends to keep to themselves as they navigate the library tower. After spacing out for a while, I start to think about what I urgently need to find out, 'I need as much magic theory as possible, I need to find out more about the magic circle system and how I can adapt that to my situation.'

I also need to find out as much about this world as possible, I need to know how large the world is, how many countries are on this continent, how many continents there are and what are the other races in the surrounding countries. There is a lot of historical information I want to know, as well as what the development trend this world has followed so far. I need to start planning for the future since I plan to live for a few hundred years, and use that time to learn as much as possible before I start planning to implement my plans to … sigh … 'destroy this world'. I am still not too thrilled at having to do this, but immortality is too important to me and I cant even imagine what would happen if I were to lose it. Even though I am not a huge fan of the way my immortality works, it is way better than dying.

I want to spend my first week, to month learning these more theory based subjects. After that I will aim to become a first circle mage as fast as possible, I will then start branching out into other fields of knowledge such as artifact creation and alchemy. I want to see how similar these fields are to those that I read in all those novels.

After exploring the library for most of the day I have mostly been looking for the areas in the library that store the books I am looking for. I then created a semi map in my notebook so that I can find out where I need to go each time I want to find the different information.

At the end of the day I have created a basic map of the library, it has not yet been completed, but it will do for now since I will be updating it over time. I then left the library and made my way to the front gate. As soon as I arrived, I saw Nafets sitting down, leaning against the gate with his eyes closed and a few empty bottles littered around him. I sighed, it looks like this guy just drank all day. I wonder if he has done anything productive today at all…

I walked up to him and shout, "Nafets! Don't tell me you spend the whole day drinking?"

His eyes snapped open and struggled to stand up, he then wobbled a bit and slurred "Why you take so long? I'm tired..."

I just sighed and guided him to my place. As I arrived, there were two of my guys standing on either side of my front gate, one of them quickly opened the gate while the other said, "Welcome home Boss, I hope you had a productive first day." I nodded at him and said, "Well done boys, keep up the good work and you might even get a bonus at the end of the month."

They grinned after saying that and said "YES Boss!" I don't want anyone snooping around my house, so I have a constant guard detail and I have them note down anyone that appears to be suspicious or even looks at my house for longer than a simple glance. I am not paranoid, and I know that I am not nearly powerful or influential enough to warrant this much security, but I want to be prepared for the future when I become that powerful. I don't want to ever be caught unprepared, I also feel that these jobs offer my guys a certain level of training and skills that can be put to use in different areas.

After taking Nafets inside, I showed him to a guest room and told him to go to sleep, 'Sigh… what a weakling, well he has been drinking all day and if he spent all my silver on alcohol, I can't even imagine how much he drank today.. Well I just need to have him start brewing me some beer, that should solve his problem, at least beer has less alcohol percentage so with his Dwarf physiology, he should be able to drink all day without passing out… I don't want to have to look after the little fucker every night '.

After that I proceeded to my office, where I briefly went over what happened in the clan today and then started planning a schedule for my academy life. I can't slack off in my body training and I need to keep a watch over my clan's business as well since I don't trust the members enough to handle everything.

After doing some boring paperwork for a while, I then proceeded to complete my daily workout and sparring match with Birdhead. I then gathered a few of the more idle clan members into my office for a small meeting. I explained to them my plan on opening a brewery and a few bars in the near future. I want them to acquire a large, preferably abandoned building in my territory to start setting up the brewery and then a smaller one in one of the rougher, more neutral areas of the city. I don't want the bar to be in my territory since I plan to have it become a place where I can gather some information and news about what is happening in other territories around me. I need to be prepared when I am ready to expand and take over the other territories and I need sufficient information to do this.

After sending them out, I then sat back in my chair just thinking of how busy my life is going to be for the next few years…