Ch54.A Hasty deal.

As soon as I arrived at my house, one of my clan members rushed outside to open my front gate for us to enter. As soon as I stepped inside I patted the Clan member on the sholder, looked him in the eye and nodded. I have created many discrete signals for my clan members to memorize and this signal means that there might be some trouble so quickly contact Nafets and tell him to get help from the academy, and since I looked him in the eyes, it means that the trouble could be serious so try and contact someone at least at the level of a teacher, preferably one that I have bribed.

As we entered my house, I led them to my study where I have a few comfortable chairs already in the room, I sat down behind my desk and motioned for the guard and man to sit down, I then said, "I believe I have forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Rob and I am currently an up and coming businessman, it's an honor that you would accept my meeting request."

The guard stayed completely silent, just looking at me while staying alert the whole time, the man, however responded by saying, "You can call me Requisoo, and enough of your flattery, just hurry up and get to the point!"

I just smiled at his rudeness and continued by opening a drawer in my desk and taking out two small bottles containing a yellowish white powder. I then place one bottle on the table and pushed it towards Requisoo while say, "I am sure you have noticed that there is something 'off' about me and my body, this is because I am trying to take a more physical route in Magic. Now, while taking this route I have been running into a slight inconvenience in that I require a ridiculous amount of food to sustain my daily life."

I then take out a bottle of water and an empty glass cup, I then pour the one bottle of powder into the glass before pouring in the bottle of water and stirring rapidly to mix the two together. You can see the water takes on a pale yellow color and becomes visibly 'thicker'. I then continue by saying, "I have contacted a few Alchemists at the local academy and have paid an enormous price to get them to try and create a type of 'meal replacement' that is easy to consume but contains a large amount of protein and nutrients."

"Unfortunately, they have only managed to create this solution so far and although they have managed to create a powder that contains a large amount of nutrients, packed together into a very compact powder, there are two major problems that they have not yet been able to solve and have failed to make any progress for a while now."

I then take a deep breath before taking a large sip out of the glass, as soon as I do that, my face turns green with disgust and I have to use every fiber of my being to force the liquid down my throat and swallow, I then slam down the glass, and gag a few times before gaining control of myself 'Fucking disgusting! I can't believe that something can taste this bad, it's like eating mud, ash, shit and then topped off with a few sprinkles of terrifyingly hot chilies, and that would still taste better than this solution!'

I then take another deep breath before continuing, "One of the problems, as I am sure you can tell, is that it taste absolutely horrible and would be absolutely impossible to be stomached by anyone normal, the second problem is that it contains a trace amount of poison that caused the consumer to need the bathroom very badly, and then remain on the toilet for the next few hours. I myself have a resistance to this poison so I can handle it, but this won't work if I intend to make money out of this venture."

I then passed the glass over to Requisoo and continued my explanation, "The reason I sought out your academy is in the hopes that you would be able to solve these two shortcomings." I then sat back and waited for his response.

He then took out some small utensils from his storage pouch and started examining both the powder as well as the drink, after he ran a few tests, he separated a drop of the mixed water and put it on his tongue before showing a shocked and disgusted face and trying to spitting the drop out along with excess saliva. He then calmed down and looked up at me and said, "What are your plans for this solution?"

I thought to myself 'Fuck, this was just a random experiment that I had the alchemists create to try and create a type of stamina stimulant to try and gain a type of 'ecstasy' effect. I will have to just continue to bullshit my way through this and hope for the best.'

Then I said, "Well, I thought that if this could be perfected, it could have many wondrous uses, as it could become a quick and easy meal that takes almost no time to prepare and finish. I have an idea that it could be amazingly popular in the Scholarly field, both experimental and theoretical. If this could save them the troubles of actually having to 'eat', they could then quite easily spend much more time on their experiments and studies. This could also be useful in areas where food and resources are scarce or people who can't afford to buy food could essentially buy a version of this to tide them over."

"I believe that with the implementation of certain business plans, this product could bring in an absolute fortune. As long as we could come to an appropriate deal I don't mind splitting some of these profits with you."

Requisoo actually seemed quite interested in my ideas, and even though I am sure they could quite easily recreate this product by themselves, I am going to act as if I am in control of the situation and make sure to ensure my benefits.

Requisoo then spoke, "Okay, well at least you haven't wasted my time. I like your idea and I am completely capable of perfecting this 'meal replacement', but I don't think you can afford my services so we will have to come to another deal! I want complete control of this product as well as all the research papers you have regarding it. In exchange I will give you 10 crystal coins and forgive you for causing trouble in front of my academy."

I just smiled at him, I knew he would try something like this, and although 10 crystal coins is a very large amount of money to the current me, I know it will be nothing compared to what this product could potentially make, in fact if I wasn't so focused on drugs that have a vastly larger potential profit margin, I may have even decided to spend a few more resources in perfecting this powder. I then just sat back in my chair, took out my pocket watch and noticed that quite a few minutes have passed by during this conversation and my 'emergency measures' should be arriving soon.

I then looked at Requisoo and after staying silent for a few minutes while calculating the time, I changed my smiling expression to a more serious one as I said, "If that is your decision, I guess I will have to contact the other Academies, hopefully they will take this a bit more seriously. One of my guys will show you the way out."

Requisoo was shocked at what I just said, surely I should be intimidated by his status and power, but no, my backup had already arrived. The door to my study was slammed open and a man with an extremely annoyed face walked in, he had bright red hair and a ridiculously long sideburns as he wore a plain grey robe, he then looked around in the room before shouting at me saying, "What are you calling me here for! I was busy! You know what time of the year this is, I don't have time to deal with the trouble you little shits cause!!"

He then looked over to Requisoo and shouted at his as spit flew out of his mouth and said, "AND who the fuck do you think you are causing trouble for a student of my academy! If you don't give me an answer that I like, I will blow up your fricken TENT! NOBODY fucks around in MY City!"

I then quickly got up and approached the dean, I haven't seen him this mad before, in fact he usually seems to enjoy having to bail students out of trouble as he gets to show off his power and create some sort of prestige for our academy. It must just be that this time of the year stresses him out, I quickly whisper into his ear "I will help you gather 3 new students into our academy, no questions asked!"

He then looked at me and grinned, changing his atmosphere completely before saying "FIVE, it's a deal haha now what trouble is this little guest causing you!"