Ch55.Little Genius.

Requisoo had just watched our whole interaction and was shocked speechless, before I could explain the situation to the Dean, he jumped in and shouted, "Swernoot Academies Dean, I didn't realize this was your student, we were just in the middle of negotiating a deal, there was no need to alarm you into coming all the way out here!"

The Dean then snorted saying, "How could you not know he was my student, can't you see he is wearing our academies badge!" He pointed at me while looking over as he said that, he then snapped and shouted, "Why the fuck aren't you wearing your badge", he then lit his hand on fire and slapped me over the head sending me flying down to the ground with a large red palm print glowing on the back of my bald head. 'Sigh, fuck nobody actually wears the badge! Why are you acting up! Shit his personality is frustrating as ... , it can completely change multiple times a day… where is that good old recruiter type that he originally had, he seemed so 'normal' back then.'

I just sighed, stood up while grabbing the badge from my shadow space and sticking it to the front of my vest. He smiled and nodded at this before just leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, standing there without saying anything more. 'Geez he is truly a strange person.'

I just sighed, lets just get this over with, I sat back down on my chair and continued, "I will be willing to give you everything I have on the meal replacement powder, what I want in exchange is giving Swernoot Academy some of your less talented students who are more 'rowdy' that what your academy likes. I am sure you have a few of these reject students, I need them to join our Academy to help with our Alchemy division, next I want you to give 5% of the profits made to Swernoot Academy you may then do what you want with this product. I have already written up a possible business model that could potentially greatly increase the profits, if you want it, you will have to add some benefits. Those are my conditions as well as those 10 Blue Crystal Coins as payment for my idea and research notes."

Requisoo sat down contemplating about what I said as the Dean was grinning widely looking over in excitement, he was completely oblivious to what I was talking about but when I mentioned the benefits for the academy, he was totally involved. I only mad this decision so that I could use the Dean as my backer in the future, hopefully he will be more willing to bail me out of trouble in the future. Another thing is that, hopefully with the extra money the academy will be making, they will increase the resources available and I won't have to buy everything I need from outside the academy, this could potentially actually save me money in the long run.

Requisoo then stood up and said, "I don't think I can take complete control of this deal, I will have to talk to the higher ups of my Academy, I will get back to you within the week."

I then nodded and showed him out as I said, "That is fine, when you are ready you can come here and inform anyone you see wearing the outfits you see them wearing. They will then be able to contact me and I will arrive in the shortest amount of time, conversely you can just contact the Dean to complete the deal on my behalf if you don't want my business plan."

After they left, I sighed, 'That was a bit crazy, hopefully everything will work out well and I can gain some benefits from this deal.'

As I was about to leave my house I took out a peak cap from my storage and put it on to cover up the hand mark that is clearly visible on the top of my head. I then prepare to head out again, completely ignoring the Dean who is poking me in the arm asking what that was about and how much money I am getting for him. I just sigh and explain everything to him while telling him that if he wants a better deal he can handle the whole transaction from now on.

I proceeded to give everything that was needed to the dean and took off, heading back to the tents. I have to, not only get 5 new students, but also have to find a talented alchemist that I can scam into joining me and creating some drugs.

I start walking towards the next Alchemy Academies tent as I take my pipe out and puff away while trying to smoke my worries away, while thinking back to when the Dean entered my office, 'That Requisoo seemed to know the Dean and was actually quite nervous around him, trying his best not to antagonize him. I can only guess that the Dean is quite powerful, or he has a large background, I will have to try and dig up some information about him, understanding my 'backers' strength will be quite useful.'

As I am walking around while thinking to myself, I feel a tug on my pants, I look down to find a really short little person, he barely reaches my knees maybe 2.5ft to 3ft max. He has long green hair tied up into dreadlocks that have the appearance of tree vines, with unnaturally large feet and slightly pointed ears while he is wearing short scruffy green pants, no shoes and a jacket that has a long pointed pack that reaches his feet while the front is completely open exposing his round bulging belly that is slightly popping over his pants. He has large eyes with deep green pupils while wearing large glasses that cover a large portion of his face.

I can only think of one race that has this appearance, the Hobbits, but they very rarely venture outside and it is ridiculously rare to ever see one. The Hobbit keeps pulling on my pants until I look down at him, he then shows an intriguing expression while he points at my pipe while asking, "What is that? I can smell a very slight mixture of different plants and I can tell that it is quite poisonous… Why are you consuming it? ... What does it do? … What…? Why…? What does …? Why are you staying silent? … Why aren't you responding? . . . What are you doing here? ... Why do you...? ..."

He kept shooting away, asking an insane amount of question, not even giving me a chance to reply, I quickly poked him in the head and replied, "Just stay quiet for a few seconds okay, firstly the poison in this doesn't affect me. Secondly, the reason I am smoking it is because it tastes good and has an amazing effect, too bad about the poison or more people would be able to enjoy it. Lastly, I am trying to find someone to solve its shortcomings and make it stronger. Now onto you, who are you and why are you so far away from your home?"

He then kept nodding as he adjusted his glasses and said, "Why don't you just grow the plant next to a Rocksucker Vine? That will absorb all deadly poison from the plant as it rows? It's so simple why didn't you just do that! So stupid! ... I am Oga, the greatest mind in all of Hobbits history, they are all so stupid! I couldn't stand them anymore so I just had the elder send me here, he didn't even ask why, so stupid! I just want to be able to experiment with interesting things and learn more, all of these Alchemy academies are so boring, they just teach the same things! I know all of that, so stupid!! …. Blah… Blah … Blah Stupid! ..."

As I listen to him go on and on, I start grinning, 'He is so innocent, but ridiculously smart, although I don't know what a Rocksucker Vine is, but if what he said is true, he has solved one of my major problems almost instantly! I need to make him join me, the best way to do this is to make him interested!! Almost too easy!'

I then say, "Well if you are looking for new things to learn, I may be able to help you! You see, our Academy isn't as advanced as the other Alchemy Academies but since you already know everything from them it doesn't matter, what does matter is that I can get you your very own laboratory with a large amount of funding and I have a large amount of projects that nobody seems able to do. One of them is in this pipe, but I have many different things similar to this that could use your help, why don't you follow me and I can show you a few of them?"

He then looked up at me, tilted his head and adjusted his glasses before saying, "Okay but you have to first let me try that thing you are doing! It looks super interesting!"


Hi All, I don't know if anyone is wondering why Rob hasn't even started thinking about his main aim of destroying the world, I just want to add a quick clarification that this is going to be a long novel with a slow development.

I want this to be somewhat realistic so he will need to have some major event to happen before he 'snaps' and starts to take his mission seriously. Since he was given no time limit, currently he is taking advantage of that and has put his mission to the back of his mind.

I apologize if it is taking long to get to the true 'dark' parts of the novel but, IMO, I have something very exciting planned for when he starts and I truly wish I could just jump to that part, unfortunately the build up and preparations are just as important.

Hope this clarifies things to those who are wondering, Have an awesome day!!


On a side note, I am almost at a Star Rating for my novel! If you guys can help me reach it by the end of Friday I will write over the weekend and release an extra chapter on Saturday and Sunday.

Please help me out!!
