
I looked down at him and said, "You literally just said it was poisoned! The poisons effect is no joke, maybe if you can fix the side effects, I will let you have a try. "

He then shouted as he held his hand out with an open palm, "I'm a Hobbit, plant poisons don't affect me, I am blessed by nature so stop hogging that thing and give it to me! … So stupid!"

I sighed, 'Oh well if he freaks out, it should be easy to control him, as I am sure I can fit his whole body in my expanded hand. 'I then hand him the pipe while saying, "Just be careful to only take one long puff slowly, once the smoke enters your mouth you will want to take a deep breath so that it enters your lungs, then after that you must close your mouth and hold it in for as long as you can. This will give you the best effect, but don't say I didn't warn you, you will cough your ass off since it's your first time."

He nodded his head repeatedly while he excitedly grabbed the pipe, put it in his mouth and inhaled deeply, he then followed my steps and held it in as his cheeks puffed out for over 30 seconds before he blew it all out and coughing lightly a few times, surprisingly way less than I was expecting! He then closed his eyes and lifted his arms up high.

I quickly got into a combat pose, ready to take action at any moment, Oga then abruptly snapped his eyes open while laughing and smiling widely before shouting, "SOOO AMAZING! What is this? … How is it possible to feel that I have more Magical Energy than I actually do!? ... What causes this? … How could inhaling smoke feel so good? … Hay? Hay? ... Wow this feels great, how did you discover this? … No, You are so stupid, there is no way you discovered this, it must have been someone smart? ... Hey who was the smart guy? … I want to meet him … Hey, give me some more!! … So stupid, why is it all gone?? … so stupid."

I roll my eyes as I take the pipe back, refill it and light up for myself as I ignore all his continuous ranting, I then say, "So are you going to follow me to see all those things? I am quite busy, so I don't have too much time to spend entertaining you. "

Oga's eyes shined before he said, "No need, I am definitely joining you! Just information about that stuff is worth it ... So what are we doing now? … What do you need to do? … Hey, stop hogging all that stuff! I also want some more! No fair, give me some MORE!? … hey where are you going? ... So Stupid."

I just started walking away as soon as he said he would definitely join me, that was way easier than I was expecting, I honestly thought I would have to bribe him with a large, fancy laboratory or something. I guess it wont take too much longer before I can finally start my Nightclub. As he started to follow me and incessantly ask for more as well as other random questions, I sighed and took out my old pipe as well as another small box containing some unprocessed 'Blaze', I can't have him smoking up all my good stuff. Luckily he didn't complain about that and just started praising that there were different versions.

I then spent most of the day walking to all the different tents, looking for any possible students that are looking dejected or angry, I still have four more new students to find. I don't care too much about their talent levels, just their personality. I think to myself as I touch my head, 'If they aren't able to handle Swernoot Academy and just decide to drop out, the Dean will literally kick my ass.'

I don't want to spend too much time on finding new students, since I have many other things to do, so my method of attracting new students is going to be quite different to the Dean, who only looks for students that get constantly rejected or look 'lost'. I have a few possible plans, it's just that I need to find the students, after arriving at the tent of one of the less famous Beast Tamer Academies, I see someone getting literally thrown out of the tent.

This guy is massively obese, he is basically round, has multiple chins while having seemingly no neck, he has has rolls on his rolls but not to the point that he cant stand up or move, in fact he seems to be quite adept at moving. Just looking at him now, I watch as he is literally jumping up and down quite energetically, while red in the face and as he is trying his absolute best to cause a large commotion outside of the tent.

Even after getting thrown out of the tent, he doesn't allow the next student in the line to enter and has literally sat on one child that tried to enter, he then started screaming at the tent saying things like, "I passed those tests! Just because I broke one of your little toys doesn't mean I fail! This is not fair!"

After causing a commotion for a while, the guards standing outside the tent both go to literally pick him up, however, they seem to really struggle to do so, and drag him away before throwing him away to the side. As I was watching his display I smiled, this guy will definitely survive Swernoot Academy, I start walking towards him as Oga continues his incessant monologue. As we approached the guy, Oga ran up to him and started another rant, "Hey, why did they throw you out? … Did you fail? … Why did you fail, are you stupid? … I am smart. I can teach you a little bit so that you can pass again! … Why are you so big? … Do you like food? … I like food too!! … But I can't eat a lot since I am so small!.. Hey why don't we go out to eat stuff! I am hungry !! Lets go!! Now!!"

The big guy was looking confused at this little Hobbit continuously talking, before somehow deciding that they were going to get a meal. After listening to Oga's many questions, his rage had somewhat stifled and he also felt quite hungry, so he agreed to go along while saying, "I could eat, My name is ..." but before he could finish, Oga had cut in saying, "Great! Lets go! … Tall guy are you coming? Big guy lets go! Tall guy is paying!"

I just sighed as I watched this, he is very talkative, but this will help me greatly when trying to recruit some students. I nodded towards them and said, "Ok let's go to one of my places to eat, there is some really interesting food available there."

After that, I walked towards Nafets territory and headed towards one of the newly build bars. This is one of the bars that I specifically designed to attract foodies, It is basically a restaurant that serves alcohol, except the main focus is on very large meals, such as mega burgers that are larger than an average persons head and Pizzas that have a minimum size of the extra large Pizzas on earth. I also added many of the local favorite foods, I just made sure to drastically scale them up and add some extra options such as some extra toppings for a price and some different variations of the same meal.

I was tempted to create a buffet or a an eating challenge, but then I don't know how many different freaks are in this world and there is also many different races that could probably eat the challenge meal as a snack, so I chose to play it safe and not to risk using those ideas and just aimed to create extra large, super greasy and unnecessarily unhealthy meals for my customers who can also enjoy getting there drink on as they chow.

We arrive at the bar and sit down at a table, I immediately order a few large jugs of beer for myself as it is way past time to get my drink on and 'generously' tell the others to order whatever they want. Oga went absolutely crazy when he saw the menu that had so many different meals that he had never heard of before, therefore, he just kept mumbling along, deciding what to eat.

Oga stayed focused on the menu for a few minutes and the bug guy, whose name I still don't know, had straightforwardly asked for the biggest meal the Bar offers. Then as everyone had gotten comfortable, sitting down waiting for the meals to arrive I took a large gulp of beer out of my jug of beer and started talking, trying to convince this guy to join Swernoot.