Ch62.Getting Help.

After making my decision, I hastily notified my clan members to start preparing and rushed back to the Academy again, for this to work I will need the assistance of the Dean. What I am about to do may be considered crazy, Unreasonable and completely unnecessary, but I think this is the only route I can take where I gain the best short and long term advantages while retaining all of my benefits.

After arriving at the Academy, I have to do something unreasonably tedious, finding the Dean. To do this, I will need to travel 'deep' into the Academies grounds, now this may not seem like a big deal, but just like on the outside, the inside of the Academy has its own territories. The areas that have Professors, teachers or functional buildings are considered 'free zones', therefore they aren't too hard to get to and access, but the Dean doesn't have his own building and usually just chills wherever he wants since with his mood swings, he could destroy his own house at any time.

Now, if that was all, it wouldn't be too bad, but the Dean doesn't like to be bothered by anyone and the only students smart enough to not disturb him are the 'seniors', therefore, he tends to stay in the deeper areas of the academy. In order to get there you need to pass the areas under the control of students that have been at the academy for at least 6 years, these students, at the very least, are at the peak Circle 2 Mages, and what is worse is that those who have survived this academy long enough, tend not to have the best of tempers. There are definitely exceptions, but these 'exceptions' are usually either dropouts or failures that have barely managed to graduate even in this basic Academy.

As I am walking towards the deeper areas of the Academy, I can feel a few gazes staring at me and laughing, as time passes more people start looking at me while pointing and talking to each other as if they were about to see something interesting. I do understand that I am doing something stupid, and I am basically looking for a beating by just walking through these areas without notifying or bribing the Academies various 'gang' leaders.

Unfortunately, at this moment, I just don't have the time to deal with all these childish bullshit wannabees, therefore, I take out my pipe, stuff it with the greatest, most dangerous Blaze failure that I had, one that had no safety measures included and if inhaled by normal, unprepared people it could quite easily be fatally poisonous. I stack my pipe full, while lighting up and taking brief delayed puffs as I make my way through the street, getting ready for what will inevitably happen.

After walking for a while, I can see a small crowd gathering in front of me with one guy standing in the front with his arms crossed in front of his chest as he smiles at me. He has large bushy hair, a big bushy monobrow and mustache combination with dark brown eyes and an unusually large mouth. He was actually wearing something resembling a school uniform, while having his Academy badge pasted on his right shoulder. I could see from the way he was acting that he was probably one of the nearby gang leaders, I am unsure on which one though.

I walked up to him as I started deeply inhaling my pipe, sucking in as much smoke as I possibly could and as I arrived in front of this guy, looked down at him and breathed out in his face while saying, "You are either very strong or very stupid for allowing someone my size to get so close to you..."

Then as he was stunned and shocked by how I acted in front of him, a 'senior', I pulled my fist back rapidly and punched forward, aiming straight for his nose. As my punch went forward, the wind pressure pushed more of the lingering smoke towards him and by the time he reacted, putting up a Magical shield, it was already too late, he had unknowingly inhaled a large amount of second hand smoke.

An important thing to note about this failed Blaze product is that, when you don't expect its effects and the 'high' unexpectedly hits you, the effect is greatly magnified, causing the person to become even more engrossed in the feeling of absolute Magical 'Power' and truly believing that this feeling was real. This is exactly what has happened to this guy, he closed his eyes and took in another deep breath, appreciating the feeling, I had pulled my fist back before it made contact, ducked down creeping as close to the ground as I could and quickly dashed past him before jumping over the unsuspecting crowd using my Tension Release and bolting away as fast as possible, before that guy goes crazy.

And as expected, as everyone was getting confused, questioning what just happened, that leader guys eyes snapped open, becoming completely bloodshot while he started laughing like a madman. He then proceeded to start indiscriminately attacking everyone and anyone that was close to him, causing an absolute chaotic mess.

I laughed it off, inwardly smirking at my 'genius', considering whether I should further investigate in the application of this method to take down stronger opponents. I continue to rapidly make my way deeper into the academy before quickly clearing my distracting thoughts. The drugs effect should wear off soon enough, since he only got a 'contact high' or a 'secondary high', this will reduce the time the high lasts quite a lot.

After searching in a few different locations that the Dean could generally be found, I finally spot him chilling on a bench while watching a few students brawl over something. The Dean even started cheering every time a student got hit. I sigh as I walk up to the Dean and sit next to him while saying, "Why is it always so difficult to find you..."

He didn't even look at me and replied, "Fuck Rob, I have already told you not to bother me! I am not your fucking babysitter, so unless you have gotten into some huge shit that you cant solve, you had better not fucking bother me!"

'Fucking prick, just the other day, he that I could contact him if I run into any problem as thanks for all I have done for this academy, it is no wonder he is stuck as a Dean in this shitty Academy...'

I sigh and respond, "Well, I actually have gotten myself into a bit of a bind and need your assistance one more time…. But don't worry, I will make sure that you will be able to make some decent money in the process of helping me."

He looks over to me and says in a slightly annoyed tone, "What do you want!? You should know that I have no free time! I am always busy!!"

I quickly explain my idea to him and tell him what I need him to do and what he will get out of it. I left out a few important details, and briefly explained that I am doing this both for personal benefit as well as to create a large boost for the Academy.

After hearing my explanation, the Dean started hysterically laughing, then patted me on the back, hard, before he nodded a few times, got up and started excitedly saying to me, "Great! I have no idea why you want to do that but I don't give a shit! Let's do it! This will be so fucking exciting, I can't wait to see their reaction hahaha this will be hilarious! HAHAHAH"

"Well what the fuck are you still sitting down for, lets go and get this done! Quickly! Quickly! Lets go! Now!!"

I sigh in relief, at least something has gone my way, now that I have accomplished the first step, don't have to worry about the safety of this operation and I can unreservedly go through with my plan, now I can start working on this idea of mine properly.

As we are walking back towards the entrance of the academy and approach the spot where I had the little 'altercation' with the seniors, I can see a large amount of students lying around the bushy leader dude who has his eyes closed, slightly shaking while breathing heavily. There are broken walls everywhere around him and multiple unrecognizable marks of various elements, indicating that a crazy battle happened here. As we got closer the guy opened his eyes, looked over to us, smiled widely, said, "I, Emilior, am invincible!" before falling down face first into the ground and passing out.

The Dean just looked over to the students lying around and continued to walk forward, mostly stepping over them, but occasionally he would just step on a student that was in his way, it was as if he didn't see anything at all.