Ch63.Final Preparations

We made our way through the academy until we arrived at Ylarics building, that could only be described as a . . . beating heart . . . yes his building looks exactly like a massive heart floating in some glass container while still beating, I have no clue how this building had been created and I am not sure that I want to know. So I just brushed it off, again, and knocked on the glass door. The door was quickly opened by Ylaric, showing up with his usual expressionless face.

The Dean paid him no mind and just excitedly pulled me and Ylaric into the building, navigating to an empty office quite easily. He then took a seat behind the only available desk and started excitedly explaining our plan to Ylaric.

I had to quickly cut in to explain in a bit more detail, I asked Ylaric how far the experiment, that I had asked him to help me out, with was going. This experiment is one of the most important goals I have to accomplish for my clan, and I had to pay with a large amount of subjects to get Ylaric to finally agree. I asked if he had any half finished products that could be used and if he could help out on a few more things with to regard to my plan with the Dean.

After a few more discussions and some bargaining, we came to a satisfying conclusion and I could be a bit more relieved at what I was about to do. Now I can make an attempt at trying to change what was originally a completely stupid idea into something that could actually work quite well.

After giving Ylaric a few more instructions and asking him to complete a few more 'experiments' within the next two days as well as try his best to complete the inbuilt Rune Device that I feel is necessary to ensure that nothing goes wrong in my plan.

After leaving Ylaric, I quickly left the academy with the Dean closely following behind me. As I arrived at my house, I quickly contacted Birdhead, called him into my office as the Dean just took my chair for himself, put his feet up on my desk and started fiddling with the various things in my office. 'Sigh, I just hope he doesn't get curious about the drugs in my drawer, I really don't want him to get high.. That will just be … yeah ... too annoying'

After Birdhead arrived at my office, I started my explanation, "In three days we will launch an underground Auction, I will sell off the remainder of my product as well as some stolen objects, what you need to do is use some of the information we have gathered from the nightclub and contact those families and Nobles that have some 'shady' business dealings."

I took out a pad of paper and started writing down a few instructions as I continued my explanation, "Now, make sure to only contact those who seem to be having trouble getting rid of some of these objects, and make sure that they understand the rules on profit distribution and that we won't tolerate any destructive behavior at our event. As you inform them of this, make absolutely sure that it is done so discretely and that we don't appear to be in a position of dominant power, here are some ideas that I have that could help you guys handle this event."

After handing over that pad of paper that contained some of my ideas as well as some little tricks that can be used to get what they want, Birdhead responded by saying, "I thought we weren't going forward with the Auction? What about all of your product that may be analyzed and copied by others?"

I grinned at his answer, pointed at the Dean and said, "Well that is where my actual plan comes into play." I then explain my actual plan to him while provide him with some specifications.

Birdhead didn't overreact, he just kept nodded and voiced some of his concerns, asking about some of the risks involved and how, if one thing in my plan goes wrong, it could cause some crazy consequences. I grinned and explained that one plan was underway to solve the largest problem and that I was about to move onto secure a few extra backups to avoid the worst outcome.

After the little meeting, I went to Nafets Brewery with the Dean, had a few jugs of beer with him as I explained what I needed from him, I asked him to provide me with some of his best Alcohol for the Auction. After getting a slight afternoon drunk on, I left with the Dean to secure my 'backups'.

I therefore, made my way towards the territories of a few of the larger Gang Bosses. I don't have nearly enough stolen goods to host this event by myself, and with a few others jointly holding this Auction, there will be an added layer of safety and we will be able to better resist the influence of the various families. The first Territory Boss that I am contacting is actually one that I have made some dealings with previously. This Boss deals in the movement of certain 'goods' and she has quite the amount of influence within Academy City.

As I arrive at the Border between a Neutral Zone and her Territory, I stop outside as if one Boss steps into another's territory, can easily be seen as a sign of aggression. After arriving at the border I took out a few chairs, and both the Dean and I took a seat while we waited.

With the Dean by my side, I could quite easily and safely storm into her territory and gain what I want purely due to the Deans' strength, but that would jeopardize our cooperation. It is also true that the Dean wont always be there to back me up, and I seriously doubt that I stand a chance against her in any conceivable way.

After waiting for about half an hour or so, I can see a small group approaching us with a rather tiny lady leading the group, she has light grey hair, oversized earrings in each ear, a wrinkled face that just screams 'old hag', while she is decorated with a number of expensive jewels and has a walking stick in each hand.

As soon as they arrive in front of us, I stand up, bow slightly to appear polite and say, in the most 'polite' manner that I am capable of; "Roxana, it has been too long, I hope business has been going well. I won't waste your time and get straight to the point."

I then point to the Dean and say "This is the Dean of Swernoot Academy and I have finally managed to convince him to sponsor an Auction that I plan to hold. This Auction will only feature products of … less than 'credible' sources and will be 100% anonymous."

"I know that I am unable to completely eat up the profits from this event, so I would like to create a partnership between a few Bosses, I will be providing the venue, the tickets as well as organizing all of the specifics. Nafets has reluctantly agreed to part with some of his top quality stock to provide as part of the Auctions Bar service. Another Boss, who wishes to remain anonymous, will be providing some unique product that I have recently come into contact with and then Swernoot Academy will play the role of Authenticators and ensuring the legitimacy of the Auction so that we can invite some Noble families to secretly offer their some of their 'items' to sell, as well as come to legitimately buy some of these 'items'."

"I know that you have some 'unique' products and I would love it if you would join me on this venture, I know for a fact that I don't nearly have enough underworld influence to host this event… I plan to invite Maxont as well, If you intend to join on this event you may also invite a Boss you are close with as well as some of your wealthy clients to participate in the Auction"

She looks up at me and responds in a dry hoarse voice, "It is soooo nice of you to think of inviting me little Robs! Do tell me when you will be making another order from me, I have recently acquired some interesting specimens... hehe I cant wait to start their training!"

"You know that I will never turn down an opportunity to make money, please do have someone contact me to explain in more detail. I expect them to arrive at my shop within the hour with all of the details, have a lovely day little Robs!"

She then proceeds to look over at the Dean, turn around and walk away as her followers quietly follow behind her.