Ch66.Back to everyday life.

After the whole 'attack' fiasco, I have managed to successfully retrieve all of my drugs that were sold as well as a variety of other products, including a large cash bonus for me to enjoy. This 'event' did not go down so well between the families, they started blaming each other, especially the families that didn't have anything stolen from them, then they proceeded to, at one point, start trying to pressure us Bosses to give them refunds and stated that it was our fault that the news of the Auction got leaked, leading to thieves targeting them.

Surprisingly, nobody suspected us of orchestrating the robbery, I guess they think that we are either to weak to dare oppose them or they believe that nobody would be stupid enough to steal back the things that they just sold and that as soon as any of us try to resell any of these items the Families would quickly find out, making the culprit obvious.

I would have liked to be able to steal everything without anyone knowing, but I think that for now, having this mysterious new force show up will only be a benefit for me. I plan to fully take advantage of this situation and have the 'Shadow Puppets' carry out a few missions each year. I could even try to create a type of assassination organization that uses these Puppets and takes contracts from anyone, being willing to do anything for money. This will need to be looked at far in the future as I don't have the time to start yet another venture, I am already far ... far ... far too busy as it is.

I have decided to hold off on hosting a nightclub event too often and only host one event every month for now. When Oga has successfully encrypted the Drugs I will expand the nightclub greatly, starting from holding weekly events until I am comfortable to move on to daily events. This will be a large project and there are a literal ton of things I need to consider in order to get everything completely automated and no longer needing my assistance to run and manage the nightclub.

Now that I have basically passed this crazy period, although there were some unexpected risks involved, I have somehow managed to pull through thanks to the fact that I am always busy working on some projects, whether they may be helpful or not.

If I find something interesting, I invest in it, just in case these projects become useful someday. For instance the Shadow Puppets were initially just failed, half-finished experiments but now I can see so many uses for these mindless individual's that it is scary. One important fact that I need to sort out before frequently using these puppets is to gain control of Ylaric, I need to be 100% sure that he won't reveal anything about these experiments to anyone. This will be hard to accomplish, but I believe that one day I will be able to suppress Ylaric and either ensure that he doesn't reveal anything about these 'projects' or get him to start working for me.

A few weeks have passed since the Auction and I have finally finished dealing with everything, dealing with the Dean was probably the hardest task, he kept trying to take more and more of the stolen items until I started complaining that he killed a large portion of my guys and that he needs to compensate me for my losses. Thankfully, he eventually relented, allowing me to keep quite a few of the nice items while the Dean got most of the stolen cash.

I won't go into too much detail on the items that I received, but let's just say that I acquired quite a few nice Rune weapons and a few books on some advanced Runes that I will be able to add to my library of stolen books.

As everything was slowly getting back onto the right track, I started slowly getting back into my Rune studies, I have found my next three Runes and I plan to create them consecutively, as fast as possible, I believe that I have saved up enough Magical Energy and that I should be able to quickly create three more Runes.

The three Runes I plan on creating are, 'Reflective Skin', 'Toxic breath' and 'Stamina Restoration'.

I have been planning out and working on these Runes for a long time now and I believe that they will help me out in both the short term as well as in the long run.

The 'Reflective Skin' Rune is what I have come up with to deal with Magical Attacks, I had to modify the original Rune, 'Reflective barrier', and had it changed from being a Rune that is used to enhance the defense of many types of Magical Shields into one that will passively increase the Magical Resistance of my Skin. This works by reflecting back a portion of the Magical Energy that hits me, unfortunately, I had to give up a bit of the effectiveness of the reflection when I changed the Rune, so it doesn't exactly reflect, but more diverts a part of the Magical Energy attack in random directions.

The Second Rune, 'Toxic Breath', is my solution to deal with people with strong Magical defense, I gained the idea when I used the smoke from my Pipe to deal with an older student. So after searching through quite a few different Magical Rune books, I eventually stumbled upon this Rune and slightly adapted it into using the Toxins within my body as the Poison source to be released as I breath. Now this is not a 'Breath Attack' like a Dragons Breath, the toxins are quite literally released with my breathing.

My idea was that if I could use all the Toxins that I absorb on a daily basis to improve my Toxin Resistance, add these Toxins that will permanently linger in my body thanks to my Toxic Adaptation Rune and breath them out along with the Smoke from my Pipe. With enough practice and after figuring out a few specifics, I will gain a rather terrifying, unexpected Poisonous attack that could pass through quite a few Magical Defenses and that will continue to become stronger as I Improve my own Toxic Adaptation Rune.

The Last Rune, 'Stamina Restoration' is a rather basic Rune that does exactly what it sounds like, restore my stamina or energy constantly. This means that I will be able to fight and train for much longer periods of time without getting tired, I will require less sleep every night and my ridiculous workload will become much easier to handle. Now I understand that this is not a very 'exciting' Rune, but the true usefulness and applications of this basic Rune could very well be pleasantly surprising and since it is a passive Rune it should continue to improve as my body becomes more powerful.

After deciding on my next Rune choices, I didn't rush to create them just yet. I first went through the usual procedure of contacting Epolenet and bribing her into allowing me to use her Rune Devices and going through my Rune choices with her as well as the modifications I have done to them. Then, with her help I was able to quickly perfect the Runes, slightly adjusting them in many ways in order for them to actually achieve the functions that I desire. After that I moved onto practicing their creation process, preparing myself in order to not fuck up when actually creating these Runes.

After a few weeks of practice and making the required modifications to the Runes, I am ready to go ahead with their creation. After this I will be more than halfway to becoming a Circle 2 Mage, I just need to figure out what four other Runes I need in order to complete my current Circle.

They need to match quite well with my previous Circle as well as provide me with long term usability, I don't want any of my Runes to ever become 'useless' as I become more powerful. I do have some ideas as to what types of Runes I still need for my second Circle, but I am not sure on how I want to go about them.

I will, therefore, keep stockpiling more Magical Energy so that when I have finalized my remaining Runes, I can then complete them in one shot and then become a Circle 2 Mage as soon as possible. I absolutely need to reach Circle 2 in the next six months, or I will start to fall behind the other students who entered the Academy with me.

'Sigh . . .It must be nice to only have to focus on learning more about Magic and not have to worry about real life issues.'


Hi all, Sorry about not releasing yesterday, just couldn't get to writing.

Anyway I am struggling a bit with the pacing of the Novel, I seem to always want to drag small arcs out quite a bit and have them last a few chapters, I am trying to improve on this aspect and get the novel to progress smoothly without it seeming to drag on or be too fast, it is just a bit hard to plan these things when I only have a few hours a day to write and edit, which is barely enough to write one chapter and then complete the editing and proofreading process,

Anyway.. Anyway, I am trying my best, If I start fucking things up please don't hesitate to tell me that what I am doing, or the way I am going is shit! All Criticism and advice are always welcome.

Peace out!