Ch67.Running some tests.

As expected, creating those three Runes wasn't a problem, I was able to successfully create them one after the other with some Magical Energy to spare. Now the pressure of having to create all these runes in such a short span of time was another story entirely, by the time I was ready to create the last Rune, I continuously doubted myself and the choices I was making, questioning whether I was creating the edges correctly, I had to just stuck to my instincts, believing in my hours and hours or repetitive practice and completed the last Rune successfully.

After succeeding, I immediately slumped over and collapsed on the floor, covered in sweat and just lay on the ground recovering for the next hour or so. After that, I started a round of extensive testing, discovering all of the changes that had occurred to my body with the addition of the new Runes.

I started with my usual workout to test how much the 'Stamina Restoration' Rune had affected my fitness level and I must say, I was absolutely astounded!! I was able to nearly double both the intensity and duration of my workout, If I wasn't worried about any potential side effects that may occur by Gyming too much at this stage of my body's development, I would have been able to continue much longer.

After my workout I made a small trip to our 'dungeon' as I like to call it, it is more like a small underground room that is reinforced as much as possible in order to prevent anyone from escaping or being able to damage to the walls when battling or just attacking it like a madman.

Sometimes I will keep a captured gang member here who commits an 'offence' in my territory, after a certain amount of time, they will be released into the Arena in order to fight a deathmatch and try to earn their freedom. It is honestly quite funny, no matter how many times I use these people to make a statement, making them fight in a brutal arena competition, people continue to do so. Maybe it is because I allowed one person to survive after he had miraculously survived 10 Arena matches. Although I let him survive, he is now working for me as a part of my shadow guard, well still in training, but same thing.

I guess that these people all believe that their backers are powerful enough and that I won't risk going to war with another Boss just for the sake of 'an average citizen'. Unfortunately for them, I have long contacted most of the bosses and informed them that anyone who breaks any of my rules in my territory, will be captured and sent to the Arena to compete in a type of match that depends on the severity of the Rule they have broken.

I have made a deal with some of the Boss that I will buy any of their subordinates that cause trouble in my territory and compensate them depending on the profits I make off their guys.

Some of the Bosses were not happy with my statement at all, but with a little bit of 'persuasion' and negotiation, I eventually got most of them to accept my terms, the others I will just go to war with should they have a problem with how I deal with any of their subordinates! With my current influence and adding on Nafets territory I almost want them to test my patience.

There were also a few Bosses, such as Roxana, that were quite excited about my offer, asking whether they could just send guys into my territory to cause trouble in order to earn some money. I had to quickly pacify that motion of theirs and agree to 'dispose' of a few of their unwanted gang members but it can't be too often or too many and that I would charge them a certain fee for this 'job' so they won't be earning as much as they would in normal circumstances.

Anyway, I am getting distracted again, as I arrived into the 'dungeon' I decided to test out the potency of my 'Toxic Breath', I don't really have anyone who I can test the effects on and since I don't even know whether I will be able to control the potency of my breath. I think it would be best to test it on these reinforced walls as well as some of the rats, snakes and bugs that we keep down here to 'scare' our guests.

I first tested just activating the 'Toxic Breath' Rune and talking to a mouse to see what happened but I didn't notice anything happening to the mouse so I started running a few different tests in order to figure out how this Rune worked. I ran tests such as thinking about what type of poison I want to release, trying to manipulate the Rune to absorb the Toxins in my body as well as trying to just blow as hard as I can to see if that would work.

After a few different attempts, I discovered that I just had to manipulate my Magical Energy to flow through the Rune and then the amount of Magical Energy I added to the Rune would affect the potency of the Toxin I release with my Breathing. It is actually quite embarrassing now that I think about it, that should have been the first thing I tried, but come on ... This is the first time I am able to release an actual Magical attack that does not just physically affect my body, what else would you expect?

Anyway, I discovered that by using different amounts of Magical Energy, I can cause my breath to have different effects, ranging from mere paralysis all the way to a type of acid breath that slightly melts the wall. Unfortunately with the acid breath, it causes damage to my mouth as well so I need to stay away from using that one most of the times. What I need to figure out now, is how to replicate the effects of my drugs by using my breath, I think that will be amazing and definately has some decent possible uses.

The last Rune, 'Reflective Skin', I didn't quite know how to test, I could get someone to attack me with Magic and then see how much damage I take, but isn't that just Pure stupid? Probably, but what other choice do I have? Therefore, I think it is time to start my conquest at the academy, for the next few months, I will start joining in on the traditions of fighting anyone and everyone in sight! This will not only allow me gain experience at fighting Magical Battles, but will also let me truly understand my limits and what it is I need to do in order to reduce my shortcomings and develop my Magic in a manner that will be both powerful as well as let me, at the very least, compete evenly against traditional Mages.

I am getting excited just thinking about it! 'I can finally let go of my wild side and truly enjoy fighting once again!!! FUCK YES!'

----------Heaven POV----------

I have been watching little old Rob for a few years now and all I can say is … I am disappointed!!

Where are all those grand ambitions of becoming an unstoppable powerhouse and controlling the life and death of all those who oppose him!

Where is the desire to create a large Harem with hundreds of wives!

Where is that drive and arrogance that all reincarnated MC's have!?

This Rob is just going about life as if everything were normal!!! I was getting excited in his first few years when he kept aiming to take over more and more powerful Animals, I thought he was going to aim to become a Dragon God or something!!!

But NOOO, he just has to become a fucking Human! One of the weakest races in this world!

ARRRRGH, this is soooooo frustrating!! Maybe I should start forcibly adding some obstacles to his path in order to get him to take his fucking job seriously and truly aim at destroying that damn world!!!

HAHAHA NOOOPE! That would take away all the fun! It is so interesting to finally have a champion that is 'unique', I can't wait to see whether he realizes the effect drugs will have on this world!!

HAHAHAHA, I have my suspicions but if he is able to spread these drugs far enough across the world, they alone will directly and indirectly lead to the death of millions if not billions, maybe even more!! HAHAHA wow this is going to be an interesting show!

Ooooh okay, I wonder what he will do in his next life? Will he carry on with this boring lifestyle of just going along with the flow or will he finally start his conquest of this world?

Who knows, I mean I could probably find out, but where is the fun in that??

Ookay lets see what he is doing now?