Ch68. A ‘Normal’ Day.

After deciding to join in on the Academy 'traditions', I didn't waste too much time and just got some of my business dealings done, I then proceeded to take the rest of the day off and just rest. Creating those three Runes were quite taxing and now that I have finished with some of the necessary tests, I really just need to lie down and chill out. I, therefore, had a nice refreshing Ice Bath prepared as I lay down in it with an almost unlimited supply of beer right next to the bath.

For the next few hours I just chilled in the ice bath drinking some nice cold beer and after a few hours, I went straight to bed and had the only decent sleep I have had in months.

After waking up nice and refreshed, I got ready and made my way to the Academy, feeling quite excited about what was to come. As I arrived, I started walking around, looking for anyone to start trouble with, after walking around for a bit, nobody had started creating any trouble for me . . . This is annoying, sure I have some reputation here but my reputation is mostly related to me having money and that I like bribing the teachers and Professors into helping me out. I guess this is enough to keep most people from purposely bothering me… 'So annoying!!'

I continued to walk around, I even tried creating some trouble by purposefully walking into people or tripping them, but after they saw who I was, they just shrugged it off and walked away …'Maybe I should go towards the deeper areas of the academy, the problem with that is, the older students are way too strong for me to gain anything from a fight, I would almost certainly get beaten up without being able to put up much resistance at all... grrrr!'

Just as I was about to give up and just try my luck in the deeper parts of the Academy, I spotted a group fight happening around the corner, 'Yes! Lets try and join in on that!'

I quickly made my way towards the brawl when I noticed that one participant of the fight is someone I know, it is Grimply! After getting him into the academy, I had actually forgotten about him… I have just been too caught up in my work that I haven't had much time to think about anything, or anyone else. Oh well, this may turn out to be interesting lets see what is going on!

I approach the circle and gained the attention of a few of the guys forming a circle around the fight in the middle, but after they looked over at me, they just ignored me and go back to focusing on the fight in the middle. Grimply hasn't noticed me just yet, he was too busy focusing on his own fight. In the center of the circle Grimply was fighting gains two other students, one of the opposing students was standing behind the other while materializing round rocks the size of a large ball, before throwing it in front of the student standing in front of him. That Student in front then grabbed the rock, before charging it with some type of air cannon and blasting it towards Grimply, this process was constantly repeated. I guess they don't have any other moves or something, as what they are currently doing seems … rather pathetic.

Grimply on the other hand, was just sitting on the ground with one hand picking his nose and the other raised in front of him with an open palm, as the rocks get shot towards him and before they were about to hit him, he clenched his raised hand and a type of invisible barrier formed before the rock, causing it to slow down before just dropping to the ground.

This process seems to have continued for a while as there was quite the pile of rocks in front of him and I can see that Grimply seemed to have no intention of actually standing up… I quickly decided to step in, walking towards Grimply while saying, "Hey Grimply! I have been looking for you dude, need a hand?"

Grimply raised his head and looked at me before standing up as his face goes red and he starts shouting at me in a rather hysterical tone, "YOU!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?! You made me join this place and then you just disappear!! Where are all those things you promised me!!"

I just laugh loudly and say, "Ahhhh, yeah I have been a bit busy lately ... I have actually managed to acquire a few Magical Beasts for you!! Now let me just finish up whatever this is that you are doing and I will show you some cool things!"

After saying that, I ignore his raging and pick up two of the rocks on the ground, place one in each hand before adding some strength and crushing the rocks into little fragments, I grin widely while saying, "It's time to have some fun, I do hope you pathetic weaklings don't disappoint me too much!!"

I then rush towards the two students who get visibly flustered, but still manage to launch a few rocks at me who is charging towards them, I let the rocks crash into me as they break upon impact and just continue to charge through them as I had just tested their toughness when I crushed them and the rocks that were created are pretty shitty if I am honest.

As I arrive in front of the first student, he had already formed a layer of air in front of him to act as a shield while a layer of rocks slowly started to form behind the air layer. I ignore that barrier and just start building up tension for a brief moment and then releasing it as I crash into the barrier with my shoulder and crash straight through it while saying, "This shield is weak as shit!"

After breaking through the shield, I slam my fist into the first students stomach while advancing and landing consecutive punches and kicks into both students until they drop to the floor, passing out, I sigh and say, "Geez that was so boring!! They weren't even able to fight back, why were they so weak!! Geez I would have at least expected them to cast one decent Magic!"

Grimply had arrived by my side, he was still visibly angry, but he shrugged while saying, "Well they have just joined Swernoot with me so they aren't Circle 1 Mages just yet, what do you expect! Now you had better make good up on your side of the deal before I sit on you!!"

I laughed while looking at the crowd, completely ignoring Grimply as I said, "Does anyone else want to fight? That was too boring, I wasn't even able to warm up!!"

The Students didn't really say anything, they just started mumbling to each other while some started saying that I ruined all the fun before slowly leaving the area and looking for something else to do. I was quite disappointed with their reaction while thinking, 'What happened to all those students that kept picking fights when I just arrived? Or does that only happen to the first years? Lame!'

After seeing that nobody wanted to fight, I looked over at Grimply and said, "Fine lets go, I will show you some of the Beasts that I have managed to acquire, but I will only let you 'work' on them once you have proven yourself to be decent at taming!"

"I still need to compile a book on some of my Magical Beast knowledge, but I will get to that when I have time. For now, you just need to use the Libraries resources and run some experiments on some random animals. Once you start gaining some success you can come find me and I will officially start funding you and some projects that I will assign you."

Before he could respond, I continued with my rant, "I am leading you to my house now, if you want to find me in the future you will need to book an appointment with one of my Clan members, I am usually quite busy but I should be able to see you within a day or so after you have made a booking."

After that I chatted some more with him and gave him some bullshit excuse about how I was just testing him to see whether he would survive the Academy and that I hadn't completely forgotten about him.

As we arrived at my house, I led him to one of our storage rooms, here is where we keep some of our stolen goods, well the stolen goods that are alive at least. I proceeded to show an unnecessarily excited Grimply a few of the Magical Beasts that we managed to steal from the Auction. Although it wasn't really in my plan to steal these 'creatures' since they require a decent amount of resources to keep them fed and all, I guess it will turn out well in the end and hopefully I can gain some use out of these guys.