Ch74.Storm - Part 2.

The Second stage of my plan is to expose the 'Drug Lord' or his direct associate, now this is where things become difficult but I think I have a solid solution to this criteria, the problem comes in whether I can fully trust him. I have been having quite a few trust issues lately, but I know that this will be solved soon enough, therefore, I must just pray that nothing goes wrong in the meantime.

After making up my mind, I head over to Emilior, he is a hardcore 'druggy' now and has an absolute reliance on my drugs, since he needs them to both make improvements on his magic path as well as well as fight at his full potential. I will, therefore, request for him to only be my bodyguard while I am in the Academy and hold a new position, as my 'contact' with the drug lord.

He will become my physical 'link' to the drug lord and I will make sure to thoroughly explain to him the reasons behind my decision and that I need to use him as a cover because I don't want anybody actually discovering how to contact the drug lord, that way I will be able to make some more profits.

After some back and forth discussions, I had to agree to paying him in an, extra large, weekly stash of 'Berserker Blaze'. This wage was adjusted in some ways, but eventually he happily agreed to play this role.

Now all I need to do is get him to appear in 'public', and to carry some product to the different areas that I have conveniently 'leaked' to my Clan members, once he arrives my Shadow Guard will take notice whether he is approached by anyone at these locations.

Depending on the day and location that he is approached on, I will be able to determine the groups that have traitors within.

Then all I need to do is isolate each of the members and discover who the traitor is. Let's hope everything goes as planned, if not, I don't really know what else to do in order to find these traitors besides by either using a very 'forceful', unprofessional method or just waiting until I have enough money saved up to enforce 'that plan'.

This task may take a while to complete since there are multiple variables involved and I have set the drop times on different days and times of the day. I don't have an unlimited number of Shadow Guards, therefore, I have to make the best use of my current resources.

So now I just have to wait to get the results… aaand while I am waiting for that, I may as well start on phase 3 of my plan and that is to…

Rush in and fuck Derolo up!!

I have been itching for another 'true' fight for a while now and this Derolo has seriously gotten under my skin! I honestly don't quite understand why though, I assume it is because he is the first person to really ... really, completely disregard me and challenge me to a war without even trying to use another, more peaceful, method.

This shouldn't really have affected me the way it has, since I know very well that I am not some 'important' person. I have started to understand that, maybe this immortality thing has changed me more than I initially thought, it would seem that my mentality has slowly become that of a 'superior' being even though my logic tells me that I am actually nothing special… this is truly an annoying situation to be in… But anyway...

After finishing all the necessary preparations, I set everything into motion and started making my way to Derolos territory. I had ten of my strongest clan members following behind me, each of them had gone through the initial 'Rune Injection' method and, at the very least, had some sort of magical ability, therefore, they should be more than capable of helping me taking care of Derolos gangsters.

As I got close to Derolos territory, I started getting more and more worked up, getting myself in the mood and mental state to really let loose. As soon as I arrived at the border between a neutral Zone and Derolos Territory, I could see that fucker waiting there already with his arms crossed in front of his chest and he had a smug look on his face, as if saying 'I know your moves even before you do!'

Derolo is one of the few people out there with a similar body structure to me, he stands at nearly 2M tall, built like a muscular athlete with abnormally long arms and legs. He has short hair that looks like it was bleached white, with large blue eyes and a handlebar mustache…

Yes he has a very 'unique' look to him and what makes matters worse is that he is wearing a very tight long sleeve shirt that is white in color with some pink short shorts that could be easily mistaken for underwear...

What is even worse is that he seems to truly believes that he is 'fashionable' and that he looks very intimidating as he stands there.

As I arrived and see him, I grin wildly and say, "Derolo, it seems you have gained some courage by venturing all the way to the edge of your territory, now how do you want to die?"

That is when he starts laughing wildly and starts speaking in an unbelievably deep voice as he opens his arms and says, "Welcome Little Mr. Boss Rob!! I see that you have finally become impatient!! But since I really don't trust that you won't bring in any help like you did with Bortie, I have made some early preparations and have invited some help of my own!"

As soon as he said that, I got nervous and started backing up a bit, that is when I saw his 'backup', it was Roxana and a few of the more powerful Bosses. I immediately got nervous and shouted at Roxana, "Hey Rox! What the fuck is going on? I thought we had a good business cooperation going on?"

Roxana just laughed lightly and replied, "Oh little Robbie, you are getting a bit too ambitious lately! You already have a territory of your own as well as Nafets territory, and before you say anything, we all know that you are the actual controller of that territory!"

She lifted up her hand to stop me from cutting in and continued, "We aren't here to fight with you, just to ensure that you don't get your little academy friends involved in places that they have no place messing with! We won't stop you from fighting with Derolo, but you must do so with your own strength! If you don't even have the strength to capture a territory on your own then YOU CAN'T EXPAND! This has been the unspoken Rule for who knows how long, I cant believe I actually have to speak up on it! Please don't force my hand little Robs!"

After hearing her explanation I almost instantly relaxed, took a deep breath to calm my nerves and smiled as I looked back at Derolo and said, "That is fine with me, so you are saying that as long as I only use my own forces, I can go ahead and take this fucker out! Don't worry, since I didn't 'officially' take over Borties territory, I won't even use any of those resources, I will take you out myself!"

I then grinned, looked back at Roxana and the other bosses while saying, "Is there anything else I need to know? Just to make sure, if I take him out, his territory is mine?"

Roxanna started smiling widely, a truly terrifying sight as when she opened her mouth, her teeth were all razor sharp, just like that of a sharks, she looked over to the other Bosses, nodded and started slowly walking away.

Another Boss in the group then spoke up, "This is boring as hell! I don't like all of this complex shit! Rob after you are done, come and find me, I need you to introduce me to the Drug Lord! Derolo said that there is tons of money to be made in this drug game and I want in!"

I was about to open my mouth to speak, but he quickly cut in, saying "Don't worry, what I am planning to do won't affect your business at all, I will even compensate you nicely for the contact! Now I am out getting out this stupid situation. This was a fucking waste of time, who gives a shit whether you take another territory, its not like you will ever become an actual threat."

I was a bit stumped at his response, but quickly shrugged it off, it is actually beneficial to start expanding my drug operations, if all goes well I should gain sufficient profits for 'that plan' very soon..

After taking a deep breath to pump myself back up, I looked back at Derolo and Grinned widely.

I proceeded to cracked my neck and started walking towards Derolo as I started transforming into my Panther form.