Side Ch1.Birdhead.

My name is Reginal, but nowadays most people refer to me as Birdhead… at first I wasn't happy about this nickname at all, but lately it is making me feel more and more proud of, purely because it represents my worth and it has allowed me to get to where I am today.

Let me tell you a little bit about my story, I was born to a very poor family and by the age of 5, my parents could no longer afford to feed me, therefore, I was sent out into the streets to fend for myself and earn my own living.

Although this may seem terrible and sad, it is actually quite a common occurrence in these parts.

At the tender age of 5, I had already seen enough about the world to know that being tough and strong gets you what you want. Because of my small size, I knew that I wasn't very scary, therefore, before I left the house in the mornings, I dressed up in my best clothes and did my hair up into the most intimidating hairstyle that I could think of.

I would then head onto the streets to either beg for money or steal whatever I could find, whenever I got caught, I would put up a tough exterior and use force to get out of most situations.

This type of lifestyle went on for a while and inevitably led to me joining a gang, that is where I learned to fight and I could start making some money through some 'less savory' methods.

From the age of 12 till 19 I had been a part of more than eight different gangs, jumping from a weaker gang to a stronger one has always been seen as normal procedure and since I had always been showing a strong front, I rose in the ranks of most gangs quickly and made a small reputation for myself, allowing me to join stronger gangs.

At some point in time, I joined a gang called the 'Burning Fire Gang', and although the name was really cringe, the boss was really strong and he even knew Magic!

Since the boss was a mage, I decided to stay with this gang and try to help it reach greater heights, therefore, I started trying to show off even more in front of the boss and gain some favor.

I would always be the first person to run up and beat up those who insulted the boss and I made it my mission to really stand out!

This eventually turned out to be my downfall or 'upfall' as is turns out, but one day, this really huge babyface guy showed up at our house and just stormed in, obviously ignoring the prestige of the 'Burning Fire Gang!'

For me this was yet another opportunity to show off and gain some more of the bosses favor!

I excitedly showed off my tough face and was the first to confront him, that is the exact moment my life completely changed!

All of the gangsters present were severely beaten up I watched as the boss I idolized get beaten half to death, that was the moment I decided that I was no longer happy just being another gangster, I wanted to be something more!

Since this new person beat up the old boss, by default he became my new boss and I was happy about this decision until two things happened, one, I was told to get rid of my old boss…

In order to prove my worth, I had to kill the person I had been trying so hard to impress for years! That was a terrifying feeling and I wanted to shift that responsibility to someone else so badly, but my innate need for acceptance drove me to be the one to show the most and be the most loyal!

The second thing that happened was when this new Boss kept calling me Birdhead! Aaaaarg the other gangsters laughed at me for ages after that and they too started using this infuriating nickname! Until it eventually stuck and most people only know me as 'Birdhead'....

I tried on multiple occasions to tell the new boss my actual name, going so far as to change my hairstyle, but he flat out refused saying that even if I change my hair, I will always be a Birdhead!

Sigh.. The funny thing about bad nicknames are, that they stick and once something sticks, people notice you more. That is exactly what happened to me, the Boss would often call on me to help him out with some menial tasks, he would teach me to fight and he would provide me with opportunities to prove myself.

The day that he actually granted me Magic was the day I swore to stand by this mans side until the day I die!

He granted ME, a completely useless nobody the ability to cast magic, that is something that only the elite and talented are able to do!

From that day on, I have been working my hardest to impress the Boss, training all day to become stronger so that I can defeat all of his enemies and have him stand at the top of the underworld!

At first I didn't believe that this goal of mine was possible and that I was only dreaming, but when he decided to permanently stay, things drastically changed! I truly started to believe, he gave each of us some strange outfit to wear. He called it a suit and said that it is a 'professionals attire', but in my opinion it just makes us look plain silly and on top of that it is uncomfortable as hell!!

I only started understanding the benefits of this suit months later, when we had taken full control of the territory, by wearing something so outrageous, people were able to easily recognize us and those that prospered under the 'Bosses rules' welcomed us grandly, giving us some discounts at their stores, some even providing us with free food!

There is also the downside, but lets not mention those.

Our new outfits had given us an image and forced others to take us seriously!

Besides the outfits, the pure genius of the Boss astounds me, he has created and succeeded on multiple business ventures that make more money that I could imagine, a fighting arena that regularly allows us to hire new talented members into our 'Clan' as the boss calls it.

He didn't stop there though, he started going even further by taking over another whole territory in the timespan of only a year and then he has even managed completely changed it into something that generates an astonishing amount of wealth… I don't know what to say anymore…

With the surge of these business ventures, what has affected me the most though, is how the boss has willingly taught us nobodies about business and how to manage and handle these things, he has turned us illiterate slum gangsters in to educated members of society within only a year and a half, it is astounding!

What absolutely infuriates me is that, even after the boss has done this much for us, someone dared to betray him!!!! I want to scream every time I think of someone even thinking about betrayal let alone actually doing it!!!

Once we catch this person, he is going to wish he was never born! Neverminded the Shadow Guard, I am going to personally give this traitor a lesson he will never forget, even after his inevitable gruesome death!!!


Hi All, just trying something else here, I am creating these side chapters on the side since they are quicker to write and edit, I am thinking of just releasing them on the crazy days that I just cant get to writing.

I know this isn't really the best novel to create these 'side characters' but I am trying to expand the book a little bit and this is one of the ideas I have though of.

What do you think, should I continue seldom release a side chapter about some of the other characters, or should I rather stick to the main storyline?
