Ch76.’That Plan’

For the next few days, things regarding our war were mostly quiet, there was still the small conflicts and mini battles happening here and there, but nothing too serious as to require my attention. This was quite an unexpected situation, but I think that it could be due to the fact that Derolo is having problems contacting the Drug Lord and that is where he is putting most of his focus on.

Besides that, I have mainly been focusing on a few of my business dealings, I have frequently 'selling' the Drug lords details to a few of the other bosses, this helps me accomplish two things, firstly, solidly setting up the whole Drug Lord persona and having Emilior get used to his new position which honestly wasn't even that hard, seeing as all he had to do was walk around and take orders while getting high…

Secondly, it causes troubles for Derolo since everyone else is getting the contact besides him, meaning that even though he was the first person to see the possible profits and plan ahead, he is now starting to fall behind the other bosses, which is great news for me!

With regard to Emilior, he has adapted to being the drug lords assistant unbelievably fast, the only small issue is that, In those very rare cases, when someone tries to cause trouble for him, he would go full on berserker mode and just cause absolute chaos!

Therefore, things are mostly good in that department, besides the whole 'chaos' thing because when he goes berserker, he completely loses his sanity, attacking anything and everything in his surroundings, which would usually be fine since he will initially focus on his 'target', but as soon as his opponent goes 'down', he will attacking buildings and anyone dumb enough to try and 'calm' him down…

This turns out to be suuuper troublesome, since I have to deal with the aftermath, but luckily I have banned him from dealing with others in my territory, so at least he isn't breaking shit in my area.

On another, more positive note, I have somehow managed to get a hold of sufficient finances that will allow me to go forward with 'that plan'.

Let me finally explain this plan of mine to you, after working on the Rune Injection method with Ylaric, he eventually came to halt on all progress due to a bottleneck that occurred. This bottleneck creates limitations for the person receiving this Rune, preventing them from actually being able to improving these Runes on their own, this is because the Runes are 'artificially' added to people without Magical talent.

One possible solution to this, would be to create a type of condition that results in these Runes being acquired, not through 'luck', but rather through some type of contract.

This led us to start researching any type of Rune or Magic that would allow us to fulfill these conditions. After an extensive search, the only thing I could find was a type of Slave Binding Magic, used to imprint slaves with a mark that allows the 'master' to completely control their slaves.

Unfortunately, this Magic is not widely spread due to obvious reasons and is very difficult to come by, the only person that I know has access to the knowledge regarding this magic is Roxana, and although she is usually quite easy to talk to, she is a very 'difficult' person to profit from.

Actually after contacting her and asking for her to sell me the knowledge and method of her 'Slave Binding', I was greeted with not only a flat out rejection, she flew into a crazy rage and literally almost fucking 'bit my head off!!'

Luckily, after some quick explanations and some rather radical compromises, she eventually calmed down and agreed to listen to me, and thus allowing me to get her to agree to me buying that method from her for an astronomical amount of money. Another condition that I had to agree to was that I had to sign a contract, stating that I can't use her method to go into the slave business and that should I do so, I will face some crazy serious consequences…

Fortunately for me, I don't ever plan to ever go into that business, not because of any moral objections, rather that it requires far too much work and resources to even set up a simple 'slaving' operation, let alone the pitiful profit margin, unless you have a massive range of connections it is just not worth it.

Anyway, after acquiring this save contract method, Ylaric should be able to integrate it into the Rune Injection Method in order to finalize 'that plan' and give my clan a much needed power boost.

The way we plan to integrate this method is by tattooing a certain mark onto each person in my clan. This tattoo will have multiple layers and symbols that will represent the rank of each member of my clan from Rank 1 all the way to Rank 9.

Rank 0 is the first stage where only the loyalty binding is in place but Rank 1 will be the true initial level and at this level or 'stage' the Tattoo will only allow 3 Runes to be linked to the Tattoo, forming a very basic Magic Circle after the Runes have been linked with the 'Contract' method.

For my Clan members, going up in rank will not only allow the increase in responsibilities and 'power' but will also allow them to gain 3 more Runes for every stage they get promoted to. The great thing about this is that all of the people without talent in magic dream of gaining magic and in order to do so they have to gain this tattoo, which comes at a price of simply 'absolute loyalty'.

Since the contract method originates from a slave mark, it can naturally restrict the person from ever betraying me as well as allow me to become aware, whenever anyone has thoughts about acting against me. The latter part still needs to be investigated and improved upon since I don't want to get a 'notification' every time someone thinks something bad about me, that would be plain annoying.

Anyway, every member in my clan will gain a tattoo according to their rank within my clan, but the highest I am going to hand out right now is rank 4, even Birdhead will have to work hard to increase in rank and gain that power.

The main tattoo will be placed on me, but I wont be using it to gain any Rune magic, rather it will allow me to control of all of the secondary Rune circles on my clan members and this will result in binding my clan members loyalty to me, and me alone. In exchange it will naturally also grant them the ability of a Circle 1 Mage after they reach Rank 4.

Here comes the fun part, since each person will only ever gain one circle, with a maximum of 27 Runes at Rank 9, the Rune selection is extremely important. I plan to create a list of Runes dictating certain classes, these 'classes' I will proudly copy from the trend of games, such as an Assassin, Archer, Mage, Warrior, monk etc...

There is a ton of work remaining for me to fully plan out these classes, and considering everyone has different preferences I will have to provide multiple extra Runes at each rank… This will require much thought, and I better start soon.

What I am thinking is just creating four main classes that will then each have a few sub classes, mainly Rogue, Warrior, Mage and Support as the Main classes

These Main classes can then lead to different sub classes according to the selection of Runes.

For instance, the Rogue class, according to the chosen Runes could lead to a Magic Circle that focuses on a class like an Assassin, a Thief, a Spy and maybe something like a scout or something similar to that, but then again is that not the same as a spy? I don't know, this is going to require a lot of thought, I also need to consider if hybrid classes will work..

Anyway, for the Warrior class, it will be pretty simple, consisting of Fighter, Monk, Guardian, Knight and then maybe some class like a weapon master or … yeeah let's see if I can create a Beast warrior type that is similar to my own path of turning into some type of Magical Beast!!

Mage is pretty self explanatory, simply being able to cast a variety of long distant spells that blast magic out in some way or form, the classes will be based on the chosen element. Now, the problem regarding this is that I still need to do a ton more research on this and see whether, using this Rune Injection method, my clansmen will be able to 'cast' long distance magic, or will they have the same limitations that I do.

And lastly, the support class will literally consist of skills that help on 'menial' or non battle related tasks, such as administration, calculation, construction, tactics, healing and even something like DJ could be considered. This will be one of the most widespread classes, but I will probably have to start recruiting some people to fill this role as most of the current clan members prefer a more… violent approach, maybe I can find some talent at my nightclub.

So now that I have everything all planned out, it is time to head over to Roxana and finish the negotiations in order to actually acquire her Slave Binding Magic, 'Please let her be reasonable and follow the initial deal… '


Sorry about the long delays!!! Things are just getting a bit crazy lately and I am really trying to find the time!! I hope that I will be able to get on track soon and return to 5 chapters a week, but things don't look too bright..

Aaaaanyways, I will still be releasing as much as I can and slowly progress with the story, I have been making some plans on the latter story and have already started building the framework for volume 2 that should be quite different to this one so that will be a great new challenge to write!

But don't worry there is still quite a lot left to tell on this volume, at least two more 'major' arcs which is quite scary considering how long this current one has taken, but oh well at least I seem to be improving in my writing ... I think??

Aaaanyways I hope you are enjoying the book so far, please let me know your thoughts on how things are going and if you have any Rune ideas or any ideas on the Rune Injection Classes, what Runes should each class have? I currently only have a basic idea, some help on this would be GREAT!!!!
