Ch77. Completing the Deal.

After arriving at the edge of Roxana's territory, I wait for one of her gangsters to come and fetch me. The gangster leads me inside her territory and guides me towards a normal looking building in some random alleyway.

As soon as we enter the building, the gangster takes me to the leftmost room and opens a trap door hidden under a carpet on the right hand side corner of the room and leads me into an underground area that resembles a large square room with a door on each side of the room.

The gangster leads me through one door that we are naturally facing as soon as we enter the room. As soon as that door was opened, what appeared before me was an unnaturally long passageway with a large number of doors on either side of the passage and then one last door right at the end of the passage.

I am guided towards the last door, right at the end of the passageway and inside this door, is a small, simple room that has one small ancient wooden desk that has been intricately carved and a few old wooden rocking chairs. There is a long metal cage in each corner of the room that is stained with multiple dry blood marks on the bars as well as some other unidentifiable 'objects' lying in the cages.

Roxana was sitting behind the desk slowly rocking on her chair and she smiled as soon as I entered, speaking up by saying, "Welcome little Robs! What brings you here today, do you want to buy some more of my products?"

I looked around the room for a bit, looking if there was any chairs that could take my size, but after finding none, I sighed and said, "Unfortunately not this time Rox, I am here to complete our little deal. I have already obtained enough money to buy your contract method and have prepared the necessary contracts."

After saying that, I didn't give Roxana any time to respond, I immediately took out the contracts and passed it to her while taking out a few large pouches out of my Shadow Space and placing them on the side of the room allowing her gangsters to count all of the gold and gems.

Roxana looked at me sternly and started reading through the contracts, after staying silent for quite a while, she finally spoke up, "Sigh . . . Little Robs, why must you do this to me? I really don't want to have to get rid of you… But this is not how I wanted to spend today... "

I kind of expected this response from her, seeing as she was never really happy about selling this method to me, but money is money right?

I just stood there silently, allowing her to ponder on what she wants to do, I really don't want to risk screwing this deal up by saying anything 'dumb', therefore, I will just stay silent until she continues talking.

After standing in awkward silence for a while, Roxana eventually sighed, signed the contract and handed it back to me while saying in a completely emotionless tone, "Fine, little Robs, I will give you the method, but I swear, if you ever even think of using this knowledge to enter my 'profession', I will hunt you down and stick you in one of these cages!!"

She proceeds to point to the cages in the room as a few ghost-like creatures appeared in them and floated towards her before surrounding her and circling around her in a unified manner. Each ghost had a completely different facial expression that would occasionally change, each face was showing a different emotion, including fear, panic, despair to even one that seemed to be constantly screaming in pain while no sound actually exited its mouth.

They continue to hover around her while trying to escape an 'invisible barrier' that seemed to be surrounding a certain area around Roxana.

I maintained a calm face as I stepped forward to pick up the contract papers, I then proceeded to pack them away and responded by saying, "You seriously don't need to do that Rox, I have no interest in your 'trade', seriously! It is way too much work and I am already severely overworked as it is! Plus, with you around I can get all the 'product' I need so there is even less of a reason for me to ever go into that field of work."

Roxana smiled at me while gesturing for the ghosts to retreat, she started slowly rocking on her chair again and took out an extremely large book from her space bag and handed it over to me while saying, "Good! Here is the book, I expect you to learn whatever you need to from it within a week and return this to me completely undamaged!"

After assuring that I agreed with what she said, she continued by saying, "I have been hearing some rumors about a certain product that you supplied to some Alchemy Academy, and that they have recently started expanding on this product in many interesting ways!"

"Now what interests me is that the little Rob that I know, would never just give away a product that could make profits at that level, especially not for the pathetic amount of benefit you received!"

She proceeded to lean forward on the desk and smile in a creepy manner before continuing, "I know that you have a different, but similar product in the works that is not just a simple 'meal replacement' and I am very interested in what that product is!"

I was a bit stunned after hearing what she just said. I had almost forgotten about that little deal I made with the Alchemy Academy as it happened quite a while ago, and I had been quite busy lately.

I had long since asked Oga to expanded on that concept and see if it was possible to truly create a super steroid, if not for all of the work he has been doing on different drugs, the initial version of these steroids would have long been perfected!

I slightly coughed into my hand, before smiling awkwardly and responding, "Sigh, ... Rox, why must you ask me about these ... subjects, you should know very well that there are some things that are related to my private business practices. However, seeing as it's you that has asked me and you have just sold me all of this very valuable knowledge, I will provide you with a little bit of … confidential information."

I looked to the door and signaled to Roxana to get the gangster guarding the exit to leave the room, after that had been accomplished, I stepped forward, leaned over the table and spoke in a hushed tone, I trust that what I am about to say wont leave this room, because if it does, you won't see any of the possible benefits!"

"I have been trying to develop a substance that can artificially increase the pure physical strength of non-Magic users, that meal replacement was merely a failed initial product that is practically useless to me, what I truly want is to create a method for non magic users to be able to acquire strength that will allow them to completely overwhelm all of their peers, and even initial Mages!"

I then stepped back, held my hands up and out to either side of me and continued in a rather excited tone, "That way a brand new class of people will appear in society, just imagine the chaos that this will cause! There will no longer just be normal people and Mages, now there will be warriors and fighters as well that have the ability to crush normal people!

"The greatest part is that this is just the beginning!! Just imagine the potential profits to be made here, I know it won't end here, once people find out that they can still gain strength even though they aren't mages, they will endlessly pursue ways to improve upon this method, and to do this they will need my knowledge hahahaha! Just think about how much money these people will be willing to pay in order to acquire this method!!! Just imagine the amount of power and influence this will generate Roxana!!"

'In all honesty, I have actually been planning to do this for a while now, but I am not even nearly ready to actually carry it out, as it is just way past my level of strength and influence to even slightly create the effect I desire it to do. On the other hand, If I can somehow gain Roxana's help, with her connections and massive slave network, I may actually be able to get this done, and complete my first step into actually creating some true chaos in this world! Hopefully this will slightly satisfy Heaven, and show him that I am actually making some small moves to accomplish my mission, I don't want him to take my immortality away, now do I?'

I force myself to calm down a bit and say in a very harsh and serious tone, "I know that you are wondering why I have said so much to you, well there are many reasons, but for the most part I will require your help if I want to get this done as effectively as possible and, even if you wont join me and you try to tell this to anyone, I really don't think anyone will actually believe you!"

"I mean, seriously who would think that me, a 12 year old little boy could be capable of such things! Hahahaha, Oh how great it is to be young and innocent hahaha, anyway, it was nice doing business with you Rox and I will be more than happy to discuss some cooperation regarding this new product of mine, I am sure we can figure out some deal that will allow us both to benefit immensely."

"Unfortunately, this discussion will have to wait until next time, as I am a very busy person and have many things I still have to do today."

I proceed to leave the room without waiting for a response.

I hope I didn't come across as too crazy, but sometimes acting crazy lets you get away with many things that you usually wouldn't.