Ch78.Next Plans.

After leaving Roxanas place, the first thing I did was immediately return to my house and start memorizing the whole book using my Greater Comprehension.

Although with my greater comprehension Rune, I am able to quite easily remember all of the knowledge in the book, but just to be safe I spent the rest of the day going over the knowledge and then also writing out some notes and making a copy of the book.

Considering that I had an entire week with the book, I finishing creating one copy and then I took the following few days to verify that I had fully memorized and transcribed all of the knowledge correctly, I did all of this by hand in order to not cause any damage to Roxana's book. When I had a copy of my own I would then use a type of Rune Device to create a few extra copies of the book, you know, for safekeeping.

After returning Roxana's book, I made my way to the Academy with one of the copies and, after contacting Ylaric, I gave him the book while asked how long it would take to complete the new Rune injection method.

His response was honestly quite bland, even for him, he just told me that he would get to it within the next week and that, assuming nothing goes wrong, it should be done within a month.

I don't want to stay in Ylarics place for too much longer so I just tell him to let me know if he runs into any issues or needs anything and leave his lab.

After leaving the lab, I make my way to the library in order to work on some of the Runes I want to integrate into the tattoos as well as how I am going to separate all of the classes.

So after a large amount of thinking and researching, I have decided to go with only three main classes for these Rune Injection tattoos, mainly a Rouge, Caster and Support class.

The Rouge will then initially be subdivided into Assassin, Thief and Spy, while the Caster will be divided into classes of Beast, Ranger and Mage and then lastly the Support will also be divided into Logistics, Production and Medical.

These are just basic names I come up with and have only just created an idea on what direction I want these different classes to go In. I am, however, not limiting my mindset in any way, I am going to allow my clan members to choose the Runes from any of the sub classes and 'create' their own classes so to speak.

My problem is that there are just too many Runes to chose from, so while Ylaric finalizes the new Tattoo Rune Injection Method, I will need to slowly sort out a few base Runes that can be used for now and then I can slowly expand upon them as my clan members experiment and find some directions of their own.

After sorting that out, I left the library and made my way to Oga to find out whether he still remembers the work he did on the Steroids, I am honestly not sure if this idea of mine will work as intended but it doesn't hurt to try right?

As I entered his lab, I noticed that he was not currently doing any work, he was just sitting on a chair with a pad of paper on his lap while smoking something purple in one crazy long pipe that extends from his mouth all the way to the floor.

I walked up to him and spoke, "Yo Oga, what's up?"

Oga's response was exaggeratingly excited as usual, he went on and on about how he had nothing to do even though he was always doing things, and that he was trying to think of a new project that he wanted to try out, something that was 'actually' difficult to figure out and would take some time to finish, according to him.

At this point of time, I knew better than to cut in or ask anything about what he was saying, so I just stood to the side and waited for him to finish before finally continuing by saying, "Okay Okay Okay, good stuff Oga Good stuff…. Do you still remember that little steroid project I gave you a while ago?"

Oga looked up at me expectantly and was about to speak, but I quickly cut in,

"I have recently been thinking about the possibilities regarding this and I have some ideas on how we could use or investigate in order to enhance this 'Steroid'..."

I saw that Oga was about to jump up and start talking again so I quickly raised my hand stopping him, "Now before you start talking, let me just finish what I have to say!"

"The most important thing, in my opinion, is to decide is whether we should be aiming to create two different types of steroids, one for our clan members use that is more effective and safer, and then another type of steroid for external sale that doesn't have to be of the greatest quality.:

"Is this a necessary step to take or would it be better to just create one general Steroid for everyone and then, with the addition of the Rune Injection Method, increase the value of the improved strength when used on our clan members?"

I continued on this topic and then started talking about how I feel like their is a need to find a way to divide these steroids into some type of ranking system. Where each 'level' of steroid has different requirements before use and only after someone is physically strong enough, will they be able to consume the next grade of steroid, thus allowing them to continuously improve upon their strength and gradually become more powerful.

I also provided him with some of the ideas I had regarding this product, such as how we could potentially increase the strength and effect of the current version of steroids.

Ways in which we could do this could include, introducing different methods of intake, such as pills, liquid drinks or 'potions', injections and even something like pastes that can be smeared over certain parts of the body or completely submerging yourself in the liquid solution.

After considering these possibilities, I decided to go on a rant about whether their is a possibility of taking these steroids under different circumstances, such as in extreme heat or freezing cold temperatures, will this affect the way the steroid affects the person? Or am I just overthinking and speaking nonsense by referencing some of the many novels I have read.

Also, considering that I am not too sure whether it is even possible to drastically improve the current steroid to the levels I am talking about, could there be a way to infuse the abilities of a certain Rune into an ingestible item? For instance, If there was a way to temporarily give a person access to the abilities of the 'muscular Enhancement' Rune by taking a certain steroid, without them actually having to have any magical ability whatsoever, wouldn't that create an insane amount of possibilities?

The mere idea of this could be used to open up a large number of possibilities such as using this method on my other drugs, creating a 'Super Drug' for Mages, or people that are more resistant to the regular drugs currently being created.

After talking for a while and expressing some of the ideas I had, I took note of Oga who was just busy writing something down on his notepad, I peered over to see what it was and saw that he was just drawing some jumbled up scribbles next to pictures of different plants which had few lines next to each plant that looked to be some type of complex calculation.

Noticing that I had finished, Oga looked up from his page, yawned and spoke, "Wow, are you finally done talking!? Why did you keep stopping me from talking!?"

"I wanted to tell you that I have already created a few variations of this so called 'steroid' and I am already bored of working with it!! So Stupid!"

"But then again, some of your ideas are actually super interesting, I will definitely have to look into them soon, how did you even think of them, aren't you So Stupid? Well Maybe not!?"

"Unfortunately for now, we will first need to do some human trials and testing… geez you are always rushing into these things without letting me know, So Stupid!!! Come back later with some test subjects and I will show you what I have already completed since long long long ago!"

I was half expecting that type of response from Oga, things that are complicated and exciting to me seem to just blow right over him, either that or he is trying to act all superior again and is refusing to accept that some of my ideas are actually good, but who knows?

As long as he is great at what he does and he continues to produce some in all honesty, astonishing results, I don't have a problem with his attitude, it would actually be better to go along with it and boost his ego even more. Maybe he will start thinking of and doing some even crazier experiments in order to prove his greatness, that will most likely work out great as it will only really benefit me in the long run.

Anyway, after leaving Oga, I started walking around the academy, looking for some easy targets to 'bully'. After not finding any that I haven't already gotten bored of beating up, I decided to give up and go back home in order to finish off some business dealings that I have been avoiding and then maybe see if there has been any movement on Derolo's side.

I will need to find out whether he is ready to give up that traitor, there are many clan members squirming around impatient to get their hands on him.