Ch79.Finalizing things.

A few weeks pass by and Derolo had finally given up trying to contact the Drug lord by himself or with the help of Grindo and has decided to accept my terms by restraining and handling that traitor over to my men.

After receiving Grindo, I 'reluctantly' stuck to my end of the deal and informed him of the method to contact the Drug Lord. I, however, will still try to make things difficult for him to actually contact the drug lord, and for obvious reasons, I mean we are technically at war even though the situation seems to have calmed down and settled for the time being.

After receiving him, It is only natural that he received quite the 'deserved' punishment, after my clan members received him all tied up, he was taken to the basement or 'dungeon' of one of our 'safe houses', there he was chained to a wall and a Rune based gag was placed over his mouth so that he couldn't make any noise.

After that was done, I took a step back and told a few of my Shadow guards to watch over him, ensuring that he stayed alive until I had time to look at him, in the meantime some of the less 'civilized' men were free to 'get to work' on him, trying and testing out quite a few different torture methods, including the traditional nail removal, whipping and all that.

The only difference was that in order to keep him alive he had to be healed at the end of each torture session, this meant that another individual could also get a chance to 'play' with him and this process would be repeated until I felt like it was time to meet him, thus ensuring that he would suffer more than if I would carry out these 'punishments' myself.

It is important for me that any traitorous individual is severely punished, this is done for many reasons such as to keep up an appearance of an 'underworld Boss', but it is also to ensure that in the interim before the new loyalty ensuring Injection Method is completed, nobody else has any ideas on betrayal.

After a week or so, I had felt that my clan members should be just about finished with him, I then decided to pay him a small visit. Initially, I was going to participate in the handing out of a portion of torture, but when I saw him and those eyes that just screamed 'Please just kill me already!', I decided against it since it would most likely serve no further purpose on an already broken man.

I thought about it for a while as I was just staring into those eyes that I would rather hand him over to Ylaric as a test subject, he will be used to perfect the ne Tattoo Injection Method, seeing as he had already been granted some initial Rune Injections, he will become the perfect test subject.

He will definitely be useful when Ylaric wants to run tests on someone who has already been granted some Runes, this will ensure that, when my clan members get their own current Rune Injection converted, it will be successful and no unexpected scenarios will occur.

Now onto the the topic of the Drug lord, Emilior, has really started to really get into his role and is acting more and more like the real 'liaison' between the drug lord and any potential clients.

All of this attention form the powerful Nobel Families and some Gang Bosses has resulted in him gaining a massive confidence boost. That is not the surprising thing though, rather after gaining this confidence boost, he has miraculously been able to completely believe in himself and the decisions that one would usually hesitate on, no longer bother him at all.

This has created a type of domino effect when he started adding more Runes to his Circle, in an almost reckless manner, and has succeeded enormously, thus resulting in him advance at a terrifying pace. He has already become a Circle 3 Mage, meaning that he has already arrived at the level required to graduate even though he still has a few years left before he has to leave.

This means, that by the time he actually graduates, he will most likely graduate as an elite and be sought after by many powerful organizations. I have been trying to slow him down, and get him to first make sure that he is choosing the correct Runes, before rushing ahead.

Well I say this, but quite honestly, his recent Rune choices seem to be blending perfectly into his previous ones and has thus resulted in an almost effortless transition into a type of Berserker 'build' if one were to name the type of Magic he is now using, it could only be described as pure irrational Berserker Madness.

Although these changes have ever so slightly affected his mind, he is still very much loyal to the drugs as he will need them if he wants to advance further in his current line of Magic.

As for his actual job of the Liaison, he has even started 'hiring' some other students to help him with to do small jobs and he has made sure to chose those with a path of magic that will be helpful or beneficial in completing his needed tasks, such as those with a type of storage Magic, transportation Magic as well as those who are good at deception and discovering any potential issues with clients, thus confidently understanding whether a deal is legitimate or not.

This has thus led to the creation of his own little gang and it rapidly becoming influential, although he has yet to aim at a specific territory, but there has been some movement around a few smaller territories that suggest them exaggeratingly flattering Emilior, thus there has even been slight signs of his gang acquiring their own territory.

I still have to look into his current actions and his future plans of action, but I will get to that when I get a chance, for now I am more than satisfied with how he is currently doing things, therefore, I will just let him do his own thing for now.

On another note, Ylaric has unfortunately run into quite a few issues regarding the creation of the new Tattoo Rune injection method and it seems like it will take longer than expected to complete a version that will work as intended.

This means that I will have had to spend even more money to acquire a large amount of 'fresh test subjects', in addition to even more resources that are required to run the tests on the subjects.

What proceeds will be a process of trial and error to discover each and every change that the Tattoos create, as well as how to complete a successful contract method that doesn't have the appearance of bunch of Runes.

One idea I have had regarding this, would be to drastically shrink the size of the Runes and interlock them like a puzzle in such a way that results in a type of a pattern that looks like a symbol or a picture instead of a bunch of Runes would appear.

What type of imagery that I have been aiming for, is for the initial Injection of a rank 0 to have the appearance of small, hollow circle.

What then will need to happen is that, on the advancement of each level or rank, patterns will need to be added on the outside of the circle, they will be created in a way similar as to how Vines or even Shadow tentacles extending or reaching out of the borders of the circle.

The next step that will be mainly to keep up appearances and to have a visual representation of each persons rank, what I am thinking for this is to expand on the interior of the circle on each rank upgrade and for the inner Circle to progressively become more and more intricate as the layers increase, thus representing the rank of each member and their respective position in the clan

I have considered whether I should create actual ranks with different names like the ones that are displayed in some of those Mafia movies, but then I realize that I have no idea what the names of each rank would be.

I honestly cant remember any rank in the movies besides 'Bravda' and even that could just be a random word I have thought of, since my memory of Earth is not completely clear, using random words that I create could also be an option, but I have decided against that since that would just be annoying when explaining the meaning of each word.

Another ranking system I could use would be the whole noble system, but then again, this could become a problem as well as confusing since Nobles are an actual thing here and may very well become offended by me using their ranks to describe members of my clan.

The last thing I need right now is for a Noble to be offended by this naming sense and launch an aggressive strike against me, I would like try my best to avoid this type of confrontation right now, so I keep returning back to step 1, should I have a specific naming sense?

After a large amount of thinking, I have decided to use a more basic naming sense for the different ranks in my clan and I have decided to base this on the Runic numbers of this world, from one all the way up to nine.

Now onto a rather large topic, after giving out the Drug lords contact and after having him 'sell' his product to other Bosses and even some Noble houses, they have started to expand and invest in some 'less than savory' businesses.

There are a few bosses that have tried to copy my whole nightclub idea, but this will still take them some time to set up and start making profits, and then there were others who decided to try some new ideas that could make use of these drugs and use the effects that they produce in an attempt to create a new 'big thing' and make larger profits.

Some of these ventures include, one where people enter a Room filled with sensory enhancing Rune Devices, In here they will take the drugs provided by the Rooms establishment and whatever 'trip' they would normally experience is greatly enhanced by these Rune Devices.

What is amazing is that even though the effects are drastically enhanced, the danger of these drugs have not been enhanced and the chance of 'overdosing' remains the same based on the amount taken.

This allows people, who are either too scared to take too many drugs but still want to experience the whole 'trip', to fully have an enjoyable experience without any risks, and then it also allows those crazy guys who just want to watch the world burn to ascend to another realm of psychedelic encompassment, by taking large doses and then getting that enhanced even further.

Another venture that someone has started, is a 'house of horrors' so to speak, where they will purposefully induce people into experiencing a 'bad trip' and then proceed to scare the living shit out of them in an environment they have previously set up.

I am not too sure where this idea came from but I can just picture this being a very bad idea, considering that it would be possible for a mage to try this experience, and then after terrifying that individual could quite possibly cause them to completely freak out, thus resulting in them just blowing up the whole building they are experiencing this 'bad trip' in.

Considering the fact that it is a Gang starting this venture, I highly doubt they have thought of any safety measures, much less actually put any in place to prevent this from happening.

I have also heard a few rumors of some other, less interesting, ideas such as 'Chill lounges' as well as places that serve food while also serving a 'side of drugs' and such things.

I am honestly not sure what to think about these less ambitious ventures, I mean they will probably work but I doubt they will blow up and produce significant profits, this could affect the total profits I will be making by selling these drugs to everyone in multiple ways, both positive and negative, but oh well money is money I guess.

I can just imagine the effect this will have on this city, even though there has only been some initial results so far, but I have a strong feeling that with all of these new businesses and things getting started due to the appearance of drugs, this Academy City is about to undergo a major change and things are about to get truly crazy.


---Just a small spoiler warning for the following text regarding my next plan of action, for those who are interested----

Regarding my further plans for this volume, The next chapter will include a small time skip and that will be followed with short 'mini ark', then after I finish with that, there will be a large Time skip into the next Main ark that will most likely be the last Main Ark of this Volume.

It is possible that this Main ark will be followed by a possible mini Ark to finish the Volume off.

(For me, A mini Ark is where their is only one real focus and topic that is addressed and a few important things that need to happen in order to progress, the Main is the bulk of the story where many things can happen and a few main points are reached in which I need to happen for this story to progress according to my plans.)*hope this makes sense lol XD*

I have already planned most of this Volume, but I am deliberating over the ending and will have to see how much longer I want this volume to last, in my current plan I am around about half way through this Volume but you never know how these things go.
