Cock tease

After leaving the basement, Alex went to the front door of his house. Acting like he had a great time outside with his friends.

"Mom, I'm home!"

He yelled, letting her know he is back, taking off his shoes as he did so, leaving them by the door.

"Ok, hon! I'll be down there now."

She replies back, her voice echoing as she comes down the stairs. Heels clicking against the hardwood floors, drawing his attention. Taking a few steps toward the stairs, Alex felt his jaw drop at the sight of her. Thanking whatever power that brought him here and making him her son.

Alex watch, spellbound, as Beth slowly descends the stairs, wearing a fluffy stiletto heels on her feet. Her long smooth legs come down next, showing that she only has 2 pieces of clothing on, a g-string thong and a transparent robe that barely hides anything. Showing off her freshly showered body.

Making his pants feel uncomfortably tight, showing Beth an outline of his dick. Despite having cum before, his teenage hormones didn't know the meaning "Quit" as it's ready to go again.


Alex gulped down his saliva as she stop at the bottom step. His eyes racked up and down her body, breathing in her freshly showered scent. Making his dick twitch against his incredibly tight pants.


He gulp down again; fighting the urge to push her down and fuck her against the wall. Throwing his rationality to the wind, but before he could do it, she unexpectedly pulls him into a hug.

Her hard nipples pressing into him with their pelvises touching each other. Only being separated by their clothes.

Before ge could even think, Alex automatically wrapped his arms around her, both hands went behind her waist, a couple inches above her round ass. Feeling her body heat through her transparent robe. He hugged her tighter against him, not wanting to let her go as he lowly rubbing his erection against her pelvis.

Next he laid his head on her shoulder's, breathing her fresh scent in deeply, wanting to remember her unique smell. His hands roaming her back as he begins to explore her body.

He was soon broken from his muss when he heard Beth speak.

"...wash up."

He frown in disappointment at having to let her go, but not before gabbing her ass cheeks in each hand. Making her jump in surprise and letting out a small moan.


(Beth's pov)

Her heart pounding deeply in her chest as she wears her most sexist robe she has. She didn't even let her husband see it as it was too embarrassing.

'It's like I'm not wearing anything. Alex will be able to see everything and this feels somewhat annoying.'

She thought, cupping her breast as she look at herself in the mirror. Turning this way and that way, seeing how it looks on her. Next she used one hand to dig out her tiny thong that rides deep into her ass.

A blush spread across her face as she imagines what her son would think of her after seeing her in this.

'Maybe he will ravish me on the spot. Holding me tightly against his chest as he forcibly brings me in for a kiss. Dominating my mouth roughly as his hands begins to explore my body. Starting with my ass...'


She moans softly, unconsciously rubbing her thighs together as she imagines it happening to her. Soon she began pinching her nipples with one hand, while the other traverses downwards to her pussy. Rubbing her thighs together with a bit more force, leaking a bit of juice down her leg.

But before she could even touch herself properly, she was broken from her imagination by the sounds of the door unlocking. She began panicking a bit, thinking it was her husband who came back early.

'Ah, I-I need to c-change, I-I can't let h-him see me in it.'

She thought, feeling disgusted at the thought of him seeing her in it. Just as she was about the grab her other robe, she stop when she heard her son's voice.

"Mom, I'm home!"

Relief washed through her, finding out it was her son. Before blushing again as she look down at her state of dress. Gathering up her courage, she began walking out of her room to the stairs. Saying,

"Ok, hon! I'll be down there now."

Her heels clicking against the floor, her heart beat increasing with each step. Nervously tidying up her hair and robe, making it perfect.

When she was ready, Beth slowly walk down the stairs. Thinking about what her son's reactions going to be when he look at her.

'Maybe this is a bit much for him to see after all, he'

'Oh my~'

She trawled off, watching as her son mouth drop open and blush at the sight of her. Feeling pretty good about herself, she almost stumbled as she look down. Her son's 'reaction' proved to her he see her more than just a mom, but a woman too.

' It's HUGE!! Mama likes~'

When she reach the bottom step, she stop, giving her son a good view of her body. Her bravery began to melt under his fierce gaze. Before she loses her courage, she hugs him deeply, pressing their bodies close together.

Where he proceeds to grind into her, making her more wet. Taking a whiff of his scent, she calms down and leans into him a bit. Smiling happily when her son hugs her back, ignoring how he roams across her back.

After a few minutes of this, she decided it was time to stop and make their dinner.

"Now that you are here Alex, you can help me cook. Go wash up."

'And for me to cool down a-'


A moan slip out of her, surprising them both. She didn't expect her son to give her ass a squeeze, making her moan sexily in his ears. Blushing fiercely, she step back from their hug and walk off to the kitchen, heels clacking with every step. Her hips swaying from side to side, making them jiggle.

Once she was in the kitchen she splashed cold water on her face, trying to cool down.

(Alex's pov)

Watching her leave made him want to pound that ass, but he hold himself back. Not wanting to rush things which made him hate himself for thinking that. Soon he heard two little voices in his mind, one good and one evil.

'Look at that booty go, it's asking for a pounding. She'll love it.' (Evil Alex)

'It's not the time yet, she still has some reservations left in her. See how quickly she left his arms after squeezing her ass. She is like a cat who tail we stepped on. Better to wait-' (Good Alex)

'Why wait when she is clearly ready? Look, you can see some juice trickle down her leg. She is more than ready. Take her. TAKE HER!!' (Evil Alex)

Alex didn't even blink once, not wanting to forget how it moves down her leg. Licking his as he imagines what it will taste like. He barely took a step forward when his good side stopped him cold with his words.

'Do this and you will make her cry. Maybe even stop loving you, no matter if you drugged her with the magical liquids. But deep in your heart you will know, she would never see you like that if you rape her now.' (Good Alex)

His good subconscious words made him realize it would be true. Regaining control of himself, Alex decided to take things slow for now.

'No true sex, but rubbing my dick between her thighs and butt will be alright, after dosing her with [Doll] again. Besides she will think it is a fantasy anyway.'