Arrival of family

Unfortunately, he didn't find the right time to dose her as cooking requires their full attention and his father came early from work. Making Beth change her "clothes" as she doesn't want him to see it. Which Alex cursed angrily at his father in his mind.

'Fuck, did you really have to come right now, we were almost done. I could of experience Beth's blowjob skills again and maybe get a titjob too.'

Watching Beth walk quickly to the stairs, her ass bouncing at each step, longing to feel those cheeks. When he couldn't she her bouncing ass anymore, Alex continued cooking, glaring angrily at it. With no other choice, Alex poured [Doll] into both of their cups. Once the both drank it, he will reinforce her "thoughts" to his desire, while leaving his father alone.

After they finished having dinner, they all spent sometime together watching TV. With Beth snuggling up next with her son as the dad looks at them curiously before looking away. Alex has taken [Irresistible] for the second time today, making Beth cuddle with him. Just like when he was a kid, bring up nostalgia feeling from the past.

However, it didn't last long as he was shooed off to bed by his father, wanting to spend some alone time with Beth, but it was not meant to be. His wife brush him off, stating she is too tired and wants some rest. Denying him access to her hot body.

Alex sleep peacefully after watching that, cockblocking his own father. It was the funniest thing he saw.

(Time skip)

The next day proceed as usual, taking 2 liquids, minus [Irresistible] as they are going out to eat with their cousins, masturbating at her nakedness', giving her the [Doll] liquid, while receiving blowjobs in her "fantasy" induce state. But they stopped in the afternoon as his father came home early. Seeing that his aunt's family will be arriving soon and Beth wanted them all to greet them properly.

Beth has dressed him up nice somewhat fancy clothes. Wearing a red polo shirt and light tan dress pants with a black belt, making him look and feel foolish.

"Mom, why do I have to wear this, we are just dinner at our house. Why can't I wear normal clothes?"

He said, whining a bit as Beth check her make-up one last time in the hallway mirror. She is wearing a white summer casual dress and black 3 inch heels. Perfectly hiding her curves, but not her bust. (Her hair style is similar to the one in the picture.)

"Because we will be having a nice family dinner together and I like the way I dress you. It makes you more handsome."

She replies, looking at him in the mirror. He blush slightly at her compliment and stops complaining. Alex stares at her for the next few minutes, wondering what his aunt will look like.

'Since they are sister's, she should have the same body type as Beth, maybe bigger boobs or butt.'

He thought, fantasizing a person similar to Beth giving him double blowjobs together. One sucking the tip while the other either suck his balls in her mouth or lather his shaft in her saliva. Switching every few minutes, so they can get a taste of him at least once.

Maybe kiss each other with his cock in between them, slurping down any pre-cum that comes out on the tip. It got him all hard thinking about it and is having a hard time making it go down.

'Fuck! Damn you brain! Go down. I said GO DOWN!!'

He yelled in his mind at his dick, but it was a loosing battle. It seems that he has to bring out the big guns for this, but is very hesitant. Once it is unleash, he will have a hard time not throwing up whenever he see something brown.

His own body unconsciously flinch at the thought of it years ago when he thought it wasn't here. He was trick twice, one in his old life and again here in this life. They went under different names, but the result was the same. He threw-up after watching it for 30 seconds and it made him view some woman differently.

However, before he could think about it fully, his erection lost its' stiffness, making him extremely relief. Despite having some control over his own dick, it's only temporary. Only by drinking [Size Does Matter] for a full year, he will have complete control to do whatever he wants with it.

Soon he was broken from his thoughts when he heard a car horn honking twice outside. Getting up from the couch, he walk with Beth outside to meet them, but not before hearing her call for her husband to come down.

He took a good long look at his aunt's family walking towards the house. His aunt Jenna, catches his eyes first as she shown up in a sexy black dress that hugs all her curves in the right places and stops a mid thigh. She is wearing black stockings that goes up to her thighs. She would of look even sexier if she wears a garter belt underneath that dress, but it was not meant to be.

'Maybe she will wear one when she is being seduce by me.'

Throwing that thought aside, he continues checking her out. She is wearing high heels that screams out 'fuck me' to any straight male that looks at her. She is the around the same age as Beth, late thirties with little make-up that brings out her beauty, just like Beth, each time she smiles, laughs, or even moans.

Her breast may seem bigger because of the dress, but it is about the same size as Beth's. Double DD'S. Her breast jiggle with every step she takes, making it seem her breast will pop out at any moment. He could tell that she is not wearing a bra and hope to see her breast exposed. Wanting to compare between their breast. She is one seriously hot MILF that no one will be tired of banging her everyday, without feeling bored of her.

The next figure that catches his eye is his uncle Hank, who now has one arm around his sinfully beautiful wife's waist. He was wearing light blue shirt with black dress pant, black belt around his chubby gut and black shoes. His eyes are focus on Beth, looking at her up and down. Like a predator watching a prey, unknowingly it is about to be "eaten".

Alex just narrows his eyes a bit as he turn his gaze away to another figure behind them. He saw it was his cousin Stacy. She is wearing a black sundress that stops at her knees. She is also wearing white stockings on her legs and black women dress shoes. She looks to be around his age or a year older.

The figure next to her is his younger cousin Billy wearing the same clothes as his father right down to the black shoes. He is giving this feeling of confidence and smugness that he doesn't like.

'Hmm...It seems I need to keep an eye on them. They are watching Beth with unknown intentions and I don't like it. At least I can give you a silent "thank you" for bringing me some fine female here and maybe let you watch a bit as I take them to pound town.'

A warm smile is on his face, without showing what he really thought on the inside. He kept a close eyes on them when they hugged his mother and it was a good thing he did.

His uncle brought her real close, their chest touching, his hands above her upper butt, inches away from actually touch it. And how his nostril's flare open as he breath in Beth's freshly showered scent. Once he let go, he discreetly shifted his pants a bit.

His eyes went to his cousin Billy, who stares at Beth's curves with his eye's and stops every few seconds at her breast. Billy's fingers twitch slightly that if he wasn't looking at him, he would of miss it, like everyone there.

'It appears I have some competition in having sex with Beth. I need to guard her well, while trying to seduce his aunt and female cousin at the same time.'

A grin formed its way on his mouth as he thought,

'Let the game begin.'