Morning (+18)

After waking up at 6 in the morning, Alex use his phone to see if anyone else is awake. He check on his aunt's family first as his parents are usually asleep at this time. Checking on Billy, he saw he is sill asleep. Moving on to Stacy's room. She is still asleep, same as Billy.

'My god, why are they still asleep. It's 6 in the morning. Kids these days.'

He thought, shaking his head at how lazy they are being. Finally it was time to check on his aunt and uncle's room. Inside he saw uncle hank fast asleep, facing away from his wife and is at the edge of the bed.

There was a gap in between them, showing they didn't touch each other the whole night. Aunt Jenna was facing towards the ceiling. The strap of her lingerie on her right arm has slip off and he can see her boob out in the open.

After having check on his aunt's family, Alex drank [Perfect Body], [Size Does Matter], and [Cum Addiction]; every half hour. He left out [Irresistible] as cousin Billy and uncle Hank will know something is wrong if his aunt Jenna and cousin Stacy stick close to him. They just barely met and they hardly talk to each other.

He also took [Knockout], [No pain] and extra [Doll] liquid with him. Seeing that he has 2 more females here, he can get closer to them without making it seem obvious.

'I could sneak into my aunt and uncle's room right now. Seeing as they are still asleep and I can fuck her next to her husband. I already have [Knockout] and [No pain] in my hands right now, it will be easy.'

Thinking about it made him all hard and horny. It is a good choice to have sex with a MILF right now than it is to wait. Deciding to take that risk, Alex used the secret tunnels to go to his aunt and uncle's room.

His phone in one hand and [Knockout] in another, being ready in case one or both of wakes up. His heart is pounding in his chest as he gets closer and closer to their room.

Looking at his phone for the last time, Alex slowly and quietly push the door forward ever so gently. When it is half way open, he step through with after making sure there was nothing he could trip on or make any noise.

Once he is inside the room, he quickly sprayed them with [Knockout] twice, after making sure they breathed it in. He didn't want his fun to be interrupted as he couldn't hold himself back anymore.

Moving over to the light switch, he turned it on and got a good look at her. Jenna was sleeping peacefully next to her husband, her hair scattered across her pillow. Her breast goes up and down with each breath she takes.

Having seen enough, Alex throughs of the blanket from her body and proceeds stripped her completely naked. He also didn't forget to touch her breast and spray [No pain] on her pussy, while using his fingers to make sure it is in.

Soon, a sound escaped from the sleeping woman's luscious lips,


He started exploring her insides with his fingers, startled by how tight it is inside inside.

"Fuck it's tight! I guess you haven't had sex in quite a while, but luckily for you I'm here."

He said to his aunt, moving in and out of her tight pussy, while using his thumb to gently caress her clit. Ignoring her increased moaning as she did so.

He had wanted to put his dick in right now, but he has to make sure that she was ready. After a few minutes of this, did Aunt Jenna's breathing began changing. Her moans are coming out faster and her pussy is getting tighter on his fingers.

'I guess she is close to cumming. So let's help you get there.'

He thought as he added in another finger and was shocked to find out she cummed as he did so. She was already on the brink of release, just a few more strokes or angle was all it took to make her orgasm.


Aunt Jenna's hips flew up as she came and he felt something watery spreading over his inserted fingers. He removed his fingers from her drenched pussy and putting two of them in his mouth.


It had a sweet flavor with just a hint of bitterness. For a minute he wondered if he'd woken her up, but she was still sound asleep. Feeling a bit naughty, he put his third finger in Jenna's own mouth, making her taste her own cum. As soon as he inserted in her mouth, she unknowingly began to suck his finger. It made him harder as her tongue licked him all over, the force of her sucking made him want to experience on his dick.

After taking his finger from her hot mouth, a line of her saliva connected his finger with her mouth. Moving up further on the bed, he glided his member around his aunt's face, leaving some of his pre-cum here and there.

He stopped once he reached her soft lips and smiled. He grabbed his aunt by her hair in order to held her head up and ram his member inside her hot wet mouth.


Aunt Jenna coughed a bit before she quickly started to breathe through her nose, as breathing through her mouth had just become impossible.

"If only you could see this, mom and aunt Jenna"

He said, imagining their reaction to finding her son's/nephew's dick between her lips. He began moving slowly, but went faster and harder each time he entered her mouth. The force made his testicles slam against his aunt's chin, a painful experience for him, but it didn't compare to the pleasure his aunt's mouth provided for him.

'It is not like Beth's, she does it way better, but since she is unconcious I can let it slide.'

If his aunt was awake and heard his thoughts on her skills, she would of made him blow his load in about 2 minutes. Showing him how skilled she really is, unfortunately she is unconcious.

His cock touch her tongue with each movement, making him thrust in deeper. His aunt Jenna has been gurgling and gagging the entire time escaped every time. Soon he became worried over the sounds she made,

'was is possible for her to wake up?'

He mused, going slower as he hit her throat again, but pleasure won over rationality as he felt himself getting close. He thrust his hips faster in her mouth, ignoring her gagging.

''Shit! I'm going to cum!''

He screamed, mostly to himself. He had been so hypnotized by the blowjob that he lost track of time. Luckily, his [Knockout] liquid can be stacked together with 10 minutes between each dose. Grabbing it, he dosed his aunt and uncle once again before thrusting in her mouth faster.

"In or out? In or out?"

Before he could decide, his cum flowed down into his aunt's throat, gagging a bit as she drinks it down. He kept himself inside of her as he released his entire load and once he pulled out, he saw his dick covered in sperm and saliva.

"That was great, but it's time for the main course."

With having said that, he move down and grabbed her smooth legs, widened them some more. He positioned his manhood in front of her hole and slowly slid his cock inside of her wet flesh, losing his virginity in the process. Feeling a bit sad that it wasn't his mother, but he can't leave a chance like this. It would be days before he can get to fuck Beth like this if he is ever given the chance.

And besides he can call this as 'practice', until he is good enough for Beth. He soon moaned at the wetness, warmth, and tightness that his dick suddenly found itself surrounded in. It is even better than the time he used the fleshlight that was connected to Beth. He can't explain it in words, but it is a new experience for him.

''God, this is so good!''

He screamed to his heart content. He had just lost his virginity to his hot aunt, and she would never know. No one would ever know. He grabbed her legs and wrapped his arms around them, using them as support once he started moving his hips.

The fact that his aunt was moaning as well made this even hotter for him. He watched her breasts with interest as they bounced up and down with each of his thrusts. Soon 20 minutes has passed and he found himself swinging his hips faster and faster as he grinded against her folds, an action that resulted in him cumming in her. He moaned as he let out his third load of the night and the first one inside of his aunt. His cum journeyed to her womb where he can create a new life.

Checking the time, he saw it is [07:03 AM].

'Seems like I can go one more round before I have to leave. A shame as it was getting good.'

He quickly changed position, laying his sleeping aunt down on her side and laid down, sideways behind her. He hold her leg up; opening her drenched pussy, and rammed himself back inside with a lot more force than before.


His aunt screamed in pleasure, tightening at his rough thrust his thrust, but he couldn't care less as she was still sleeping soundly. Soon he used one finger to rub her clit, making her tighten up. The moan she gave him was music to his ears. After a few must of thrusting into her, they both went over the edge, cumming together.

He erupted inside of her once again and felt his aunt squirting all over his member in return. Her legs were still shaking when he pulled out. He laid there, next to her as he hugged her from behind. After basting in his conquest, he returned her to her original position and put on her clothes.

He watched with great pride as her juices and his sperm soak her underwear. After that he covered her with the blanket again and left the room using the secret door, but not before taking a couple of pieces of hair from his aunt and uncle.

What he didn't know was that his aunt caught a glimpse of him fucking her as he sprayed her one more time with [Knockout]. Luckily for him, she was half-asleep when she was beginning to wake up. To her it's all a good sex dream, staring her young nephew.