Aunt Jenna's thoughts

After leaving, he took a shower, washing away the sweat and smell of sex on him. The memory of him fucking his aunt, re-played in his mind over and over again. Remembering how tight she felt after plunging a couple inches in her. The way her pussy tightens on his shaft every time he tries to pull out, not wanting to let him go. Alex guessed she hasn't had sex for sometime as she cums too quickly.

"...Fuck...Now I'm hard again."

He is annoyed that he has to go back to using his hands now. The last time he check where his family are, Beth was in the kitchen, cooking, while his father is in the dinning room. His two cousins are waking up and his aunt and uncle are still asleep, but not for long.

'They should be awake by now and I don't want to push my luck by trying to have sex with her again. If I did do it, I will get caught and lose my chance to make them mine. I just need to bear with it for a few more hours as the [Liquids] down stairs will be ready and I get to release my pent up self.'

He comfort himself with that knowledge as he will his hard dick down. It doesn't feel as good as the real thing. He just have to tough it out for a few more hours which is torture for any young men everywhere after having tasted sex.

(Aunt Jenna pov)


She moans softly as she stretches her body in bliss, ignoring any aches as she did so. It was the best nights' rest she has ever had and her dream last night was the most erotic, sexual fantasy she could ever dream of. She then proceeds to grab a new pair of clothes and take a shower.

In her previous dreams, she would barely remember anything inside of them, even her sexual dreams. It would of leave her hot and bothered, without remembering any details of the man she is fucking.

However, last night's dream was very realistic and in such great detail. What was the most shocking thing about it was -her sister's son, her nephew- was fucking her roughly and doing a good job at it too.

It was not the best sex she has in the world, but a good one for a virgin like him. She can tell it was his first time having sex as he barely paid attention to other parts of her body. He just stick it in and went to town on her poor pussy like a beast, but it still felt really good.

'And that size...mmm~...Auntie likes...'

She thought provocatively. Even in her previous sex dreams, her 'lover's' cock is about 7 inches, the perfect size for her. Or it was until her nephew proved her wrong. A shudder passes through her as she remembers the feeling of him stretching her out without feeling any pain.

Turn on the shower, she steps in after making sure it is hot enough. Once inside, the tension in her body melts away as she gets every inch of her body wet. After that she grab a soap bar and proceeds to wash her body, starting with her breast before working her way down.

Pleasure is starting to build in her; squirming a bit after rubbing her already hard nipples in her palms. A hand of Jenna's moves down from a breast to her wet pussy. Playing with her outer lips and clit, imaging it was her Alex's tongue that was licking her.


She begins moaning a bit louder as she adds a finger in, then another and another, until she was feeling stuffed. The feeling of it was not the same, but she has to made do or until she confirms (spy) that he has a bigger cock like in her dreams or not.

'If he does have a bigger cock or it's the same...Mmmm~...then that boy will have the time of his life.'

She thought excitedly, moving her fingers in and out of her vagina, barely keeping her moans under control. She was planning on having seducing her sister's husband at some point, starting this week after they are settled in, but now she has a new target.

It is her nephew, Alex. He has this glow to him that peaked her interest. That and they way he looks at her, her sister and her daughter. Seeing his hidden desire to take them, checking out every inch of them. Making her feel expose and a little hot under the collar.


A light moan slips out of her as she scrape a sensitive part in her vagina. Making her clinch her finger's tighter in pleasure. Soon images of him fucking all three of them appear in her mind.

She is on the bottom with her daughter on top of her. Their breast pressing against each other, their nipples brushing against the other with every thrust he makes. And his mother is on top of her daughter, making a generation sandwich.

Taking turns to plunge their holes one by one, Her daughter kissing the side of her neck, licking it every few seconds wanting to leave a mark there. While her sister and her roughly made out, moaning into each others mouths.


Her fingers moves faster and faster, imagining it was her nephew's cock. After a few more strokes, she stops as the pressure explodes. She bites her lower lip, containing her urge to scream loudly that she was cumming. Squirting her fingers with her love juices and left over cum from Alex.


Her breathing is ragged as she leans up against the wall. She lift her hand that is covered in juices to her face and lick them off. Appreciating the taste of herself (and Alex), while thinking about ways to get closer to her nephew without drawing suspicions from her sister and the rest of her family.

Getting up from the wall, she finished cleaning herself and towels herself off. After she was finished she wrap her towel around her, leaving the top of her breast exposed and walks out the door with her dirty clothes under her arm.

As she heads out, she almost bumped into her half naked son and her nephew Alex, who was standing behind him. A smile smile appeared on her face as she is given the perfect chance.

Narrowing her eyes in annoyance, she calls out to her son, interrupting their conversation.


And place her hands by her hips, she continues,

"I thought you promised me you weren't going to do that."

Her son waves it off and replies back,

"Oh, sorry, mom, but Alex doesn't mind,"

He says, making her look at her nephew as she sees him blush slightly. A smile tugs at her lips in satisfaction, but holds it back. She just needs to get rid of her son then she can spend some alone time with her dear sweet nephew.

"Uh...I guess,"

He replies after a moment of silence, turning his head shyly away.

'It seems that my "hunt" became so much easier now. I'll have you wrapped around my finger by the end of the day and then we can focus on your mom next. Hehe~'

A seductive gleam flashes through her eyes as she reply back to her son once more.

"Well, ok then. Now go shower,"

She said and moves aside for her son to quickly head inside the bathroom. Once the door closed, she calls out to her nephew,

"Alex. Can I talk to you in your room. There is something I would like to talk that can benefit the two of us."

She tells him, walking to his room. Ignoring his heated gaze at her firm butt, swishing side to side beneath the towel as she disappears in his room.