
The guy took an hour to finish installing the last parts of the sauna and made sure it works. Once it did he left, leaving a phone number behind to call the company if there is any issues need to be fixed or if they have any questions.

The sauna was large, 8 feet by 12 feet long, taking a quarter of the space in the basement. It can hold about 4 people inside with the windows being one-way mirror. They added it as a precaution when they want to have some privacy alone together.

After he left, Alex stared at the with an intriguing look as an idea came to him.

'Can I use the sauna as another way to make them inhale my liquids with having to make them drink it. But I need to be careful as well seeing that I will be in the crossfire too. Luckily, the [Immunity] will be done by tomorrow morning.'

Turning towards Beth, he asked her,

"So, how long can we stay inside?"

"Well, from what he told me, it'll take about 30-45 minutes to start the sauna and we can only stay inside for about 20 minutes. Longer than that, it'll be dangerous."

She said, repeating his words as she had ask that same question when they decided to buy the indoor sauna. Nodding his head in understanding, Alex walked up to the sauna to turn it on as he wanted to try it out.

"So, how do you turn this thing on?"

"Well, he told me the button was around here..."

She said, explaining how to turn it on, how to set it to the right temperature and most importantly, take a shower before stepping inside. After turning it on, shet set the temperature between 158°F to 194°F and wait for sometime.

"Ok. It will take some time fir it to show some steam. Go take a shower now if you want to ho inside."

She said to them as she check her watch.

"Ok, mom. By the way mom, are you going to join us in the sauna, with me and Jenna?"

He was curios to know her answer as he wanted to have some fun with Jenna. Maybe even have sex with her under his family's noise. He wants to experience the feeling of almost being caught having sex once last time as tomorrow, he will be fucking them both in front of their families.

"Not right now, maybe next time."

And just like that he was happy and secretly surprised at her answer. Despite needing to know what she is doing, he could respect her choice if she is not going to tell him. Besides, he has cameras around the house anyway and he can see what she is doing.

"Ok, how about you two."

He asked his uncle Hank and cousin Billy the same question as Beth; only being polite. Seeing that they are here with them and it will be rude not to ask them. However it came to bite him in the ass as his uncle agreed.

"Yes, that sounds wonderful actually. My last visit to a sauna was years ago and it made me more relaxed."

With that said, he went upstairs to take a shower and grab a towel to wrap around his waist, leaving him, Jenna and Billy alone in the basement. Turning to look at his cousin Billy, Alex waited for his answer.

"I'm good, maybe next time."

He left, leaving them alone in the basement. Alex took a few steps towards the stairs, making sure they are truly alone and once he confirmed it. He walk back towards Jenna and brought her down for a kiss. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and began teasing her tongue.

"Oh, Alex."

She moan in delight, kissing him harder.


His hands began running over every inch of her body before he slip underneath her skirt. Using both hands, Alex grab her clothed ass checks and played with it.

"Fuck, I can't stop-"

"Me too. Kiss me more."

"God, you're so hot."

After kissing and touching each other for a few minutes, they separated. Their faces are flushed with arousal and panted for breathe.

"Let's continue this in your room, my husband will take some time to shower. While we're at it, we could act out a little play."

She said with a smile, locking eyes with him

"Mmm. which play?"

"A play about a virgin boy who walks in as I'm taking a shower, however before he can leave, I help him bathe. Then it gets really steamy after sometime. So you in?"


He agreed instantly without giving it that much thought.


With that said, they begin fixing their clothes and hair, making sure it was neat before anyone saw them. Alex walked out first, acting normal as he look around making sure he knows where everyone is.

Seeing no one, he continued his walk to the stairs as he saw Billy in the living room watching TV. Walking up the stair, he heard the sounds of his aunts heels clicking on the floor as she walks a couple feet behind him.

Without even turning around, Alex went to his room and left his door open, allowing Jenna access to go through and once she did, she lock the door. Ignoring Alex's heated gaze, she walks forward in his room as she started to take off her clothes.

Grabbing her blue top from the bottom, she lifted it over until it was off her body. Keeping her eyes on Alex as she reached down and undid the zipper on the side of her skirt.

Then she turned around and slowly bent over as she slid the skirt over her deliciously shapely ass and down her long pale creamy legs. Stepping out of the skirt, she stood before him wearing what was clearly lingerie, a light blue color.

Alex was enjoying the way Jenna's underwear was clinging to her body. Her enormous breasts looked like they were about to destroy the bra, in an attempt to escape from their restrictive prison.

Her panties were clinging into her ass that barely hid anything. Reaching up behind her back to unclasp the bra in utter silence. As she let it fall to the floor, Alex whistled appreciatively.

He couldn't get enough of seeing her beautiful perky breasts, but he had to wait as it was not the right time. After kicking off her heels, Alex decided Jenna needed help to take off her panties.

Stepping behind her, he reached out and hooked his fingers into the waist of her panties and slowly slid them down off of her ass. Jenna's legs came back together momentarily as he moved the undergarment down them and off of one foot and then the other.

He balled the lingerie up and placed it in his pocket, licking his lips as he gazed upon the now naked perfectly shaped ass of the MILF in front of him. Watching her walk towards the bathroom, sashaying her ass, acting unaffected by his help.

Soon he heard the sounds of the shower turning on. As soon as he heard that, Alex stripped off his clothes as quickly as he can. Throwing it all over his room without a though.

When he heard the soft, feminine humming echoing in the room, he went inside, acting like he was lost in thought. Not noticing the sounds of splashing being made or the sweet aroma in the air even though he breathed in deeply.

It wasn't until a shocked voice "brought" him back to reality that he was not alone.
