Sex in the shower +18


Sitting neck-deep in the tube was none other than his sexy MILF of an aunt, Jenna. Her hair, matted and wet, clinging to the back of her neck and face, framing it beautifully. Droplets of water beaded her skin, giving it a pearly gleam, further adding to the flawless nature of her flesh.

Her blue eyes were sparking brightly and calling out to him eagerly. Although everything except for her neck and head was shielded with bubble water, her visage still made him feel hot and bothered.

'Fuck. Stay in character!'

He thought to himself, gulping down the words he wanted to say. Taking a much needed breath he began,

"I, er—"

Stopping mid sentence when he saw her scramble back and flinch in mild surprise as her hands immediately went to involuntarily cover her modesty, but that movement only served to give him a glimpse of her upper breast.

A small part of him felt embarrassed at her acting skills being way better than his, but he tossed it aside as the perverted and horny side of him egged him to ogle unashamedly even as he averted his eyes.

"Erm, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, uh, you know…"

He said, trying to match the words and movements he had seen on porn movies, but stop talking as he didn't know what to do next.

"I-It's okay, Alex,"

She interrupted him, in her throaty, calming voice. He could only nod and gulped thickly, suddenly feeling the urge to feel embarrassed.

"If I am to guess correctly-"

she continued, blushing slightly,

"you're here to take a shower too, right?"

He paused, looking up from her upper chest to her face before looking back down at her, acting completely normal.

"Er, yeah. I suppose so."

He gave her a grin as his sight didn't leave her upper chest. She giggled and his grin widened, feeling oddly pleased by the sound she made. There was an awkward silence, only broken by the occasional explosive pop by the large bubbles filling the tub.

He then cleared his throat when the silence continued.

"Uh, I should go..."

He said, jerking his thumb in the direction of the exit.

"I'll just, uh, leave you to it, then…"

She frowned in puzzlement as she thought to herself,.

'Where did that come from?'

"Why are you leaving, Alex?"

He blinked, acting confused on why she asked such a silly question.

"What? I mean, you're, well, uh, you're taking a...bath right now, so…"

She sighed.

"You do not need to be afraid, Alex. You have already decided to shower right now. You should not hold it off until later. After all, it should not take a long time for you to finish showering."

His heart was thumping in his chest excitedly, but he had to play along.

"Won't that be, you know, awkward?"

He said, laughing nervously which she smiled at.

"Don't worry, Alex,"

She said, soothing his worries and fears.

"We are family, after all? Just think of this as a...bonding experience. Also we might be able to help each other clean the others backs, right?"

She laughed. A smile was threatening to break through his nervous façade, but he held it back. After hesitating for a bit he agreed.

"Alright, then. Why not?"

Jenna's smile widened, and she delicately patted a patch of bubble water next to her.

She pretended to averted her eyes for a few moments, allowing him to strip himself of all his clothes. But truth be told, she was watching him with her undivided attention. Like a cougar stalking it's young prey, unaware of the danger it's gonna face.

She licked her lips as his hard cock began bobbing up and down as he walk towards the tub. Once he got in, he sat directly at the other end of the tub. His arms were hanging on the edge of the white marble, while his cock was covered in soap.


He looked around nervously, trying to initiate conversation like it was normal.

"How do you like living with us?"

"It's okay,"

She shrugged. Which intrigued Alex as he thought she was having a great time.

"Your house is very big and I like the interior, but the decoration is not as good as my house."

"Really? Can I see your house when it's fixed."

"Yeah, but first, I need you to get washed. Now come here."

She said, beckoning him to come towards her. To which he replied with a stutter.



A voice shushed from his right and he abruptly stopped. Jenna had crossed the tub and was directly next to him, but not close enough for his liking. So he decided to scoot closer to her until they were inches apart.

"Uh, Jenna?"

His voice was wavering between excitement and nervousness as this will be the first time he will get to have sex in the bathroom, especially in a tub. Her smile was all natural as she could tell he was not acting anymore. This is the real Alex.

"It's all right Alex. There is no reason to be so nervous with me. I'm just going to help you shower."


He tried to sound nonchalant, but it was proving to be a very hard task, what with her so close to him. He could practically feel her body heat from such a distance, he wondered when she will make her move.

He couldn't rein in his hormones and emotions for much longer as it was incredibly hard to do so. He wanted to touch her flawless, pale skin, but he balled up his fist instead. But that didn't stop himself from admiring the way was bathwater made her skin look even prettier.

The way her breastbones protruded just slightly, his eyes glancing back and forth to take a peek at the—


She asked suddenly, causing him to be startled. At first he was scared that his mother caught them, but he relaxed when it was just Jenna. She inched closer and placed a hand on his leg in concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I am,"

He stuttered. Feeling embarrassed to be lost in her beauty as they were in the tub. This was not how he imagine things going.

"Then why are you distracted?"

Jenna's voice was now suspicious.


He tried to play it off as coolly as a hormonal fourteen-year-old could.

"I-I'm not, I mean, you're probably just imaging th-things, and—"

She cut him off by placing a finger on his lips. She knew that he was lying; all men did. It wasn't something new to her, but it was amusing to see her nephew in a state like this. It's a new experience for her.

"You're lying, Alex."

He gulped in suspense. He felt like a cornered animal, but he didn't know what to do. Part of him wanted to break the 'script', but the other wanted to see this to the end. Plus, with her hand on his upper thigh near his cock, she had him in total control.

"Wh-what're you saying?"

She smiled devilishly, like a cat caught the canary. He stayed in place as she was the one with dominance here and he felt a tingle run down his spine when her mouth was just a few millimeters away from his ear.

He shuddered again when she exhaled out and he felt her hot breath trail down his neck.

"You want to take a peek,"

Her voice, barely a whisper, had strong undertones of sexiness and lust.

"Don't you?"

He swallowed thickly, looking 'scared' as he turned to stare at Jenna, who had pinned him to the inner walls of the tub. His back was pressed to the marble and she seemed to tower over him. He shook his head in denial.


He 'tried' to get out of the tub and escape, but she just squeeze his inner thigh. Sending tingles through him as it felt good. Her arm snaked around his waist and he flinched.

"Your mouth says no, Alex, but this—"

She traced a finger down his chest until it reached his pelvic bone,

"—says yes."

Her dainty fingers touched around his cock, and it turned fully erect in a split-second. She wrapped her hand around his erection and he bucked into her, incapable of doing anything else.


He 'gasped' (moan) in utter shock, his eyes riveted on her lusty face.

"You do not have to worry, Alex,"

She told him in soothing tones as her loose grip began to move up and down his length. When she reached the stem of his cock, she gave him a tight squeeze, making him groan in pleasure at the sensation of her stroking his wet cock under water.

"Just relax. I will do the rest."

He leaned his body back against the tub to bask in Jenna's pleasurable care. She continued to slowly pump his cock, as his eyes began to close. It felt that good. She also closed her eyes as she explored Alex's length, twisting and swirling her nimble hand as she stroked his erection.

"You have a very big cock, Alex,"

She mused out loud, reminding him it was the biggest and thickest she has ever taken. Her thumb played across his soft head, pressing down on the tip before her hands went back to the base. He didn't bother to respond. He was busy losing himself in a world of bliss.

As she continued tugging him, she leaned into his face and pressed her mouth to his. Alex, being the eager teenager he was, met her lips with equal force, their lips meshing against each other warmly.

He felt her tongue dart into his mouth and eagerly responded by wrestling it with his own. They continued attack each other's faces for several moments until Jenna broke it apart.

He let out a dignified whined and almost protested when she let go of his cock, leaving it throbbing in the soapy water. That was until she jerked her head upward and said,

"Sit up, Alex."


He grabbed hold of the cold stone edges of the tub and pushed himself up until only his legs were hanging under bubbles. Suds of soap flowed down his shoulders along with downpours of water as soon as he sat on the edge of the tub.

He shivered slightly at the sudden hit of cold air that circulated the room. His larger cock bounced slightly, standing at attention and twitching as he waited for her hand on him. It was straight and needy, his pre-cum was already leaking from him.

"Relax, Alex,"

She said, leaning forward and grabbing his cock again. She proceeded to treat him to the experience of a lifetime. Holding his cock upright at the stem before swallowing his cock head in one go.

Alex's eyes bulging out at the sudden change in warmth and wetness around his sensitive member. He groaned with pleasured exultation, arching his head back as he savored every second of this experience.

Jenna moved slowly at first, wanting to let him adjust to her mouth. In the beginning she only engulfed the head, before slowly moving downwards, her lips pressed around his cock so tightly that the friction was almost painful.

Then, without warning, she began to move. She was swift, sucking, pulling and twirling her tongue around the tip, licking up any moisture she found there. Sounds of sucking bubbled whenever she moved along his member.

He tasted very good and a bit bitter, probably because of the soapy bubbles the tub contained. She descended further, letting him sink down into her throat until her nose touched his crotch.

She deep-throated him for several long seconds, during which Alex kept groaning, his arms trembling as he tried to support himself. She was particularly skilled at this now, having learned to suppress her gag reflex after failing to take in his cock before.

He clenched his fists, feeling a tenseness build in his loins and abdomen. He knew he was close, and that he was fit to burst any second now.

"Jenna, fuck, I'm close—"

He cut off abruptly when she suddenly stopped, removing his cock from her mouth and holding it tight at the base until his orgasm reduced to nil. She smiled, her tongue flicking around her mouth to lick off his pre-cum.

"We cannot have you be done so quickly, no?"

She giggled and, once his cock began to slowly soften, tugged him again. She continued to mercilessly tease him for what felt like hours on end. As soon as he would come close every few minutes, she would immediately cease and resume only when he showed no signs of climaxing immediately.

It was agonizingly frustrating, even though her ministrations were absolutely phenomenal. At one point she had stopped sucking him halfway, making him groan in annoyance, but he immediately shut up when he felt something similarly soft wrapped around his length.

When he had looked down, his eyes nearly bulged out at the sight of his member stuck between the cleavage of her full, round breasts. Her pink, puffy nipples were painfully hard, and the mounds of flesh were soft yet firm; elastic, even, and made him want to play with them for hours.

She then began to pump him with her breasts, while suckling on the tip her pale pink lips. The combination of so many sources of pleasure we overwhelming, and Alex was practically begging her to give him his release.

"Please, Jenna, I'm so fucking close…"

She unwrapped her breasts from his shaft, but then began to stroke him with only her index finger and thumb at a feverish pace, his crown embedded in her warm mouth. It took only a few, powerful pumps for him to completely lose control.

With a raspy, constricted moan, he jerked into her mouth and bucked before spurting the largest load he'd ever released. Thick, copious jets of cum burst out of his length like a hosepipe, and he watched in fascination as she collected his fluids in her mouth.

Four times he drilled her mouth, during which she continued to stroke him, making him release even more. Finally, when his orgasm subsided, he stopped, but she continued to suckle the head of his penis, extracting every last drop of cum from his system.

His cock went soft in her mouth and she let go, smiling as she swallowed down every last bead of his seed. There was a streak of white across her upper lip, but she expertly licked it off and avidly gulped that down too.

He was stunned. He couldn't form a single coherent thought, his mind being filled only with feelings of ecstasy and eternal bliss. His arms went limp and he laid his back against the ground, gasping for breath.

Seconds later, he felt something topple next to him – something hot, sweaty and beaded with water. Blinking the gunk out of his eyes he saw Jenna, beautiful and smiling, sitting beside him on the ledge.

"Fucking hell,"

He murmured, panting hard. Causing her giggled in amusement.

"Did you like it, Alex?"

He nodded nimbly.

"Hell yeah."

That was the best thing he'd ever experienced in his life. When she suddenly moved.

"Then I think it is time to return the favor, Alex."

She said throatily, swinging herself over his chest. She lifted her legs and positioned herself until her crotch was positioned directly above Alex, who was in shock and anticipation.

He could only blinked of shock. He could see her pussy was centimeters above his mouth, and could see everything clearly, from her puffy lips and pink inner walls. He'd never seen something so oddly fascinating in his life before.

A small, pink nub protruded barely from a fleshy hood, calling out to him in invitation. A deep, musky scent was wafting through her pussy. It was like a drug; calming and addictive.


He left the question hanging there, asking her for instructions. She shuddered.

"Explore me, Alex."

And he did just that. Albeit hesitant at first, his fingers began to explore every inch of the lower half of her body, first caressing her thighs, feet, knees; his hands massaged her firm ass, making her groan and arch her back as he kneaded her cheeks.

His fingers trailed up her thighs like spiders, making her shiver, until he reached the glistening wet pussy of hers waiting for his touch. He didn't exactly know what to do, but what with his years of watching porn, he knew the basics.

He caressed the outline of her outer lips with her thumb, spreading them slowly so that he could take a good, long look inside. He raised his head slightly, just enough for his mouth to barely meet her cunt.

He rubbed his nose gently against her folds, relaxing in their velvety softness. Above him, Jenna sighed in bliss when he spread her lips, releasing the small button of flesh concealed within.

He gulped, wanting to swallow it, but decided to tease her first, the way she had tortured him before. Alex's tongue flicked out and he traced his wet tongue along her lips, making Jenna shiver.

She shifted her hips so that his tongue would touch her clit, but Alex smirked and moved his mouth out of the way. He heard an angry, soft hiss from above, but did nothing to ease her. Her scent was strong, but not unpleasant.

It was addictive, and like the first time he tasted her wetness, he wanted more. His tongue continued stroking her folds and lapping up the downpour of juices coming form her. It was intoxicating and delightful.

Finally, when he decided that he'd tortured her enough, he moved to her clit. He wrapped his arms where her legs met her hips and tweaked the little nub. Above him, she gasped, her eyes widening at the sudden shock of pleasure.


She moaned.

"Yes, just like that, Alex."

She moaned and lowered herself further onto his face, prompting him to diligently eat her out. His tongue moved all around her pussy, making slurping noises as he lapped up the bittersweet juices flowing out of her.

Her walls were so silky, almost velvety soft, that he could probably melt in there. She whimpered above him and, looking down, said,

"Use your fingers, Alex."

He nodded. Quickly rolling her aroused nub in his tongue, he brought one hand to her entrance and tickled her with two fingers, eliciting a giggle meshed with a moan from the MILF above him. He swirled his fingers around her inner walls, before taking a deep breath and plunging him.

He was enjoying the sheer softness of her walls that was wrapping his fingers. There was a hiss of pleasure from Jenna, who rocked her hips and began slowly grinding into Alex's face.

His lips was wrapped around her throbbing clit, his tongue flicking up and down along it, while he slowly and rhythmically began to thrust his fingers into her. Moans filled the air as he made his previously limp cock arise.

It begin to swell as quickly and painfully as possible, until he was standing at full mast, his length bobbing with every twitch. His fingers began to push into her at a faster rate as she groaned.

Grabbing his hair roughly and unceremoniously shoving his face further into her. Alex grinned, elated at bringing a much more experience MILF closer and closer to euphoria.

Feeling a bit bold, he added a third finger and felt her walls widen slightly to accommodate his three digits. It was still as tight, wet and hot, with the addition of the third only made Jenna arch her back and whimper in happiness.

He suckled on her clit for a few seconds before taking a risk by softly nibbling on the button of flesh. He half expected her to hit him, but she simply growled as she crossed a fine line of pleasure and pain from the action.

"Oh God~,"

She moaned, the strength in her legs failing. It was now up to Alex to support her, but he didn't mind the added weight that much. With her addictive scent being delivered directly to his face.


She gasped suddenly and froze above him. Then the next second, she lost all sense of her body, and began to writhe and spasm uncontrollably above her. She landed on his face, making it wetter and ever.

For some reason, he liked it and, once she rolled off him and lay down by his side, licked his fingers clean of her juices.


She muttered, gasping for breath. He looked at her, noticing the rise and fall of her full breasts with every pant. He was just about to say something when he noticed a dark glint in her eyes. It was almost…primal.

"I am going to kiss you now,"

She growled, pouncing on him and pushing him to the floor. Her hips were now straddling his and she rocked against his throbbing erection roughly, making him groan as she rubbed her wet lips and trapped his length under her pussy.

She leaned down until her front was pressed against his. Alex felt her brush her nipples roughly along his chest, claiming his lips with her own as dominatingly as possible.

Jenna was doing a thorough job of messing his hair, running her hands through his scalp, while he tried to match her actions with his own. He moved his palms along the curve of her spine and squeezed her ass tightly.

Massaging the firm flesh with one hand while the other moved to clenching her thigh. Jenna sucked and licked at his lips, nipping them gently. Their mouths met each other once again, desperate and needy as the two of them moaned together.

Alex was already done with the foreplay. With surprising strength, he flipped Jenna on her back, making the graceful MILF gasp at his sudden movement. She looked angry, but the playful twitch of her lips told him that she was loving his aggressiveness.

He roughly grabbed her right breast and crushed it in his palm, elated at the moans she let out when he massaged the mound of flesh angrily.

"Are you ready to be a man, Alex?"

She asked teasingly, as he stroked the length of her slit with his cock.

"Fuck yeah I am,"

He replied, almost grinning. He could feel the wetness lubricating the underside of his cock as he rubbed it against her cunt, and couldn't wait to put it inside her.

"I cannot wait,"

She purred sexily,

"but not like this."

He could only blinked in confusion and stopped moving.


She pushed him away and he feared that she was about to leave, but instead she simply turned around until she was propping herself on her elbows and knees. The sight of her in such a position made him go rock hard, her peach-shaped ass being the most inviting thing apart from her slit.

She spread her legs wide, and arched down until her ass was sticking in the air. He noticed that she was slowly circling her clit with her fingers.

"Come on, Alex,"

She hissed, wriggling her butt.

"Take me, now."

Her pale pussy lips were spread wide, and he could see her pink walls waiting for his presence. He crawled forwards on his knees and rubbed his cock against her folds, savoring the dampness and warmth as he 'tried' to find the entrance.

She pushed back playfully, trying to guide him. Then his head slipped in, and he shuddered. Then the rest of him followed until he was halfway inside, and he fought back the urge to thrust himself fully inside.

It was so hot and wet and soft. The feeling of her wrapped around him was ten times – no, a million times better when he fucked her missionary. Jenna gasped and clenched her fist when he pressed into her, and moaned when he had hit the perfect spot inside her when he pulled out.

She bit her lip, humming a moan as Alex began to slide in and out of her. He started slow, taking in the glorious friction her pussy was providing as he drove into her, but moments later he began to slowly quicken his pace.

His hold on her hips tightened as he thrust into her as hard as possible, finding the sound of him slapping her ass delightful. The way they were grinding into each other was so intoxicating for the both of them that they quickly forgot about the time remaining.

Alex was having the time of his life, but his body wanted more. He wanted to bury himself to the hilt, to hold her so painfully hard that bruises would form. He imagined what it would be like with her under him and on her back, with her legs wrapped around him and pulling him closer.

He gritted his teeth and groaned, matching her sounds. But her squeezing him every other second more than made up for his fantasies. The best part was that, as he was murmuring her name, she was doing it instinctively and on her own.

Her body was half-limp as he fucked her from behind. It was blissful, the way she constricted his cock, only serving to bring him closer to the edge.

"Oh, yes,"

Jenna moaned her voice trembling as she buried her face in the wet floor beneath her. Her hand reached beneath herself and began working her clit at a furious pace, her fingers circling it at a near-invisible rate.

"F-Fuck me, Alex, take me like the slut I am, faster…"

Her filthy talk made him only thrust harder. He bent over and grabbed her bouncing breasts from above, kneading and squeezing them to his heart's delight. He pinched her hard nipples between his thumb and finger, making her squeal in pained pleasure as she sobbed into the floor.

Five minutes later, he felt the familiar tension in his loins build up once again, bringing the promise of a powerful orgasm.

"I'm about to cum, Jenna,"

He said between pants.

"I'm close..."

"Cum inside me, Alex,"

She ordered as he continued to fill her with his cock.

"Cum for me."

He gave a long her a continuous moan before he climaxed explosively. He was buried to the hilt as his cock pulsed endlessly, filling her with a massive load of his seed. Jenna came seconds later, pressing down on her abused snatch as she felt euphoria.

Alex's knees buckled and he fell on top of her, making the two of them fall to the ground in turn, until he moved his heavy body off her and they both gasped for breath.


She breathed, cupping her cunt. Her finger disappeared inside before reappearing, the length of it coated in a mixture of her fluids and Alex's cum. She eyed it wearily before licking it clean, then sitting up as she tried to calm herself.

"That was wonderful,"

Jenna gasped out. He sat up, grinning nervously at her.


He said right back. The two of them continued staring at each other.



She hummed.

"I think we should stop now. We are cutting it close to the time where we need to go to the sauna, after all. And I can guess they are wondering where we are right about now."

Jenna laughed.

"I guess so."

She tucked her hair behind and wrapped it into a makeshift bun, putting her magnificent breasts on full display for him. She didn't seem to care, though.


He frowned. "Huh?"

"You know,"

She began, talking as casually as someone talking about the weather,

"This is the first time I ever have a nice, relaxing bubble bath since we moved her. I don't know if I can find myself feeling happy again."

She said sorrowfully, looking at him with a cute pout. Despite himself, Alex grinned at her choice of words and said,

"You can come use my tub to help you relax whenever you want. However, I have to be here with you to make sure you are safe. I wouldn't want you hurt."

She grinned lewdly and exclaimed,

"Of course, Alex!"

She kissed him on the lips in gratitude.


He replied. Then he noticed that the two of them were covered in sweat and each others bodily fluids.

"But first, let's take a quick bath and get out."

She grinned unashamedly as she joins him in the tub once more.


They spent another 20 minutes having sex in the tub as she 'accidently' pierce herself on his cock when she suddenly sat on his lap, facing towards him. Using her walls to squeeze any remaining cum from his balls as he nibble on her breast.