

Opening the door wide enough for his head to fit through, Alex look around the area. After making sure there was no one in sight, he stepped out of his room and closed the door.

He then began walking down the hall and stairs, he was surprised to see his family was already there. Which made him frown as he could only see Hank, Billy and Stacy, which left 2 people missing.

His father has already left for work, so that leaves only one person. Which was his sexy MILF of an aunt, however, he didn't see her. Acting nonchalant, he began searching for her, starting with the kitchen.

(Jenna's & Beth's pov)

Meanwhile, as Alex was looking for her, Jenna has just finished washing her hands in the upstairs bathroom. Unlocking and opening the door, she barley took 3 steps out when the door to Alex's room opened wide as her sister suddenly walk out too.

After taking a few steps out, she froze in place as she saw Jenna standing at the bathroom entrance. They both blinking in surprise at each other before her eyes widen in shock as Beth come to a realization.

'Oh god! My sister just saw me leaving my son's room,'

Then her eyes went back to normal as another thought occurred to her.

'But maybe she doesn't know what I did with my son, (master), last night and this morning. I just need to act normal and give nothing away.'

But before she could say anything, Jenna spoke first.

"Hey Beth, if your looking for Alex, I think he is down stairs."

"Oh, uh...Th-thanks..."

She stuttered, blinking in surprise before going along with it and then added,

"S-sorry about not making food this morning, I was pretty tired last night and I-"

"It's alright Beth."

Jenna soothed her worries with a wave of a hand,

"Having to cook food for 6 people is tiring even if you have help. Just let me know if you want to sleep in, ok? I'm here for you."

Jenna said, smiling softly at her, showing her concern for her health. She smiled back and nodded her head, feeling touch. Other than Alex, no one ever think about her, but before she could get depressed, Jenna whispers,

"By the way Beth,"

She paused, bringing her head closer to her left ear, not wanting to be over heard by others.

"I would cover up those love bites on your neck from your last night activities. He must have been very rough with you, wasn't he?"

As soon as she heard her sister's words, she blushes deeply as she automatically pulled her robe closer to her body. Trying to hide her hickeys as best as she can before running away to her room. Her sister's giggling can be heard behind her back. Her only thought was,

'Master, you beast!'

(Jenna's pov)

She giggled excitedly as her sister runs past her and hide in her room. After seeing the door closed and hearing it lock, she made her way inside Alex's room. Once she was inside, she can already smell the tangy scent of sex in the air.

"Hehe~ It seems my dear sister has stayed here all night and this morning too. I wonder who made the first move my shy little sister or my manly nephew."

She giggled excitedly as she can imagine how it went down. Alex push down his mother in a surprise attack, using his kissing skills that she taught him, against Beth. It left her breathless and she soon went with it. After that he...

She giggled again as she left the room and went to Alex to get his version of how he fuck his mother. As she reach the stairs, she calmly walk down as her eyes lighten up when she spot Alex leaving the west side of the house.

Walking towards Alex and without saying a word, she took his hand and bragged him towards the basement and away from any eavesdroppers. Once they are down stair and in the middle of the room, she let go of his hand.

Turning around, she look at him intensely in the eyes and asked him seriously,

"Did you have sex with your mother last night?"

(Alex's pov)

His only response was the widening of his eyes as he stared at her with surprise.

'H-how...how does she know...?'

It was the only thought in his head. He didn't answer her which was enough for her as she smirked and walked slowly to him. Once she was in reach, she used her hand to stroke his chest softly. With a playful tone of voice she said,

"When I was leaving the bathroom, wondering where my sister went, when I finally found her..."

She said, pausing in mid-sentence as her tone turned coquettish. Her hand moved lower down his body as she look at him in the eyes,

"I saw my sister leaving your room, wearing a skimpy nightdress which was a surprise. I didn't think she owned one and she was also surprise to see me.

As we begin talking, I saw something that piqued my interest and when I pointed it out, she cover it up and ran away."


Leaning closer to him, pressing her breast against his chest as she then breathlessly whisper in his ear,

"It was a hickey on the side of her neck, but it was bright red. It clearly didn't come from her husband. He was long gone when it was formed. Just like this..."

He then shivered in pleasure as he felt her tongue lick the side of his neck, his breath was now coming in pants. Jenna had taken out his hardening cock and slowly stroke it to full mast.

Then she slowly drop to her knees, never taking her eyes off him as she continued stroking him.

"So if you to tell me what happen last night, I'll reward you greatly for the answer."

She said, her lips curled into a soft smile as picked up the pace of her hands.

"Mmm...I'm going to need more if you...yes~ just like that...ah~..."

He started to say when, Jenna flick her tongue against the tip of his cock. But her hand continued to move along every inch of his member as she teased him. When she stopped flickering her tongue on his shaft, he knew he should begin.

"It was near...mmm...midnight when she arrive...ah...she was wearing..."

He tells her, moaning as she circled her tongue around the head of his cock, making sure to tease him to the best of her ability. Alex kept his eyes on Jenna as she pushed him closer and closer to his orgasm, knowing that it wouldn't be long until he came and painted her hand and face.

But she didn't move away or shy away from what was going to happen. He knew she could easily clean herself before they left the basement.

It didn't take him long to cum as he got to the part where Beth made him cum from a handjob and gulped his cum down.

A sharp gasp left her lips as he finally came and unloaded all over her. Jenna watched as rope after rope of thick, sticky, and stringy cum plastered all over her cheek and hand.

A few strands even landed against her lips and the top of her chest as she continued to stroke his shaft. With a smirk, he watched Jenna lick up his cum from her hands and body.

"She did the same as you, licking up my cum from her hands and then gulp it down."

Of course, he couldn't stop himself from smiling as Jenna audibly gulped it down without a care in the world, opening her mouth again just to show off that it was empty.

"You two really are sister's, she did the exact same thing as you, but sadly we need to stop here. Our family maybe wonder where we are right now."

With a sigh, she nodded her head in understanding and got up. Dusting any dirt from her knees, she said,

"Yeah, you're right, but you will finished your story though?"

"Yeah, I will. It was getting to the good part too."

After making sure his pants was closed, he began walking up the stairs and out the basement door, which Jenna followed him out.