Blowing off steam +18

After leaving the basement with Jenna, they went their separate ways. He went to find Beth, while she sat down with her family and watched Tv with them. Despite being gone for 13 minutes, no one came looking for them.

As he was walking to the stairs, Alex thought of many ideas to give Beth a hint that Jenna knows what happened last night.

'I can say she congratulated me for becoming a man after closing the door to my room or saying that I'll be a'

Alex stopped in place after taking a few steps up the stair, his eyes went wide with fright. As it finally dawned on him the ramification of cumming inside Beth and Jenna after really thinking about it.

'Shit! Why didn't I think of the problem of pregnancy when I started having sex!'

He screamed in his mind as he thought back to his actions these past few days after his first fucked. How he didn't pull out from his aunt when she was asleep and when she was knockout after their rough pounding.

How her tight pussy wouldn't let go off his cock and she even encouraging him to blowed his seed in her womb. Beth wasn't any better as she submitted herself to become his toy and not even saying anything about the consequences.


He screamed once more in his mind, looking down at his pants as he felt himself getting aroused from his memory of having sex with two members of his family.

'Fuck it! I'll let my future self fix it. I'm horny now.'

He began walking up the stairs once more with a different purpose in mind now and that was to blow off some steam sexually. Without any hesitation, he made his way to Beth's room and opens the door wide without even knocking.


Beth's head snap to him as she comes out from her walk in closet, wearing a white garter-belt with white stockings. Beth let out a small scream, trying to cover up her naked body, before realizing it is her son and master.

Dropping her arms down, Beth allows him the unblocked view of her body now. Her plump, juicy lips glistened with crimson lipstick as she gave him a warm smile, tinged very obviously with something more. She asked him,

"See something you like, master?"

Her lush, creamy breasts squeezed into a white lacy bra that seemed just a little too tight, the tops bulging over the rim. Jiggling in practically full view of his lustful gaze as she lightly swayed back and forth. Then she turned around slowly.

Showing him her magnificent mountain of an ass spilled out from under a tiny pair of white panties. The matching stockings that sheathed her long, plump legs were accentuated with a garter belt cinched around her narrow waist.

Once she was fully facing him once more, he took of his pants and underwear, showing her his hard cock as he said,

"Definitely. Now come here."

"Yes, Master."

She said seductively, walking towards him. She crossed the space between them. In an instant, her tremendous breast squashed into his chest as she bent down to kiss him. Her plush, painted lips pressed up tight against his as she moaned.

Her hands slid under his shirt as her pussy trembled at the firm, toned muscles her fingers encountered. His hands also went to her sides as he explored her buttocks and back.

She pressed into him and rubbed her body instinctively back and forth against his erection. She could feel the heat of his body against her barely-clothed one, particularly the hard cock pressing into her flat tummy.

When she kissed him, he made his tongue slide through her pursed lips into her mouth. Her moan of approval spurred him on, his tongue tangles with hers and exploring her hot, wet mouth.

Finally, she pulled away, a strand of saliva connecting their lips.

"Master," she breathed, reaching down to lightly caress his massive cock.

"I want you to take your large naughty cock and have the wild, steamy mother-son sex on your father's marital bed. Signifying that you own me completely~"

She moaned, eyes glazed over with lust.

"Aaah, what a dirty woman I am, wanting to disgrace my vows to my husband. But if it's for my master, I wouldn't mind~"

He stared at her in shock, his cock rigidly standing to attention, practically gushing with pre-cum against her bare belly. He wanted to throw her down right now and plunge into the same womb that he came from, right fucking now.

But held back as he wanted to see what she would do after going silent. He watch her pout, an expression made unbelievably alluring with her full lips and lipstick.

Firmly and deliberately, she took her master's hands in her own and drew them to her own curves. His hands made contact with the tops of her breasts, bulging over her white bra, just barely sinking into the dense, yet soft breast.

"Don't worry, Master,"

She breathed,

"Your toy understands perfectly!"

Her nipples poked prominently through her bra, puffy areolae plainly visible as she lowered herself into a squat. Her legs spread wide to show off her plump, panty-clad butt. Her lustful eyes dropped from her master's face to his cock, which loom over her bust.


She moaned, watching as his cock head twitched and gushed with pre-cum, ignoring how it spattered onto her tits,

"Master's cock…really is the best~"

Giggling, she leaned forward to press a moaning, wet smooch against that glistening glans, leaving a smudge of lipstick, even as her tongue was inundated with a torrent of salty pre-cum.

When she suddenly stood up, moving quickly as his gaze zero in on her jiggling, massive bust. Before just as quickly turning on her heel and strutting away.


He uttered, blinking stupidly.


She threw a textbook 'come hither' look over her shoulder and wordlessly beckoning to him as she move to her marital bed. A small growl of want and displeasure came out from his mouth at what awaited her.

His toy laid back upon the lavish, King-sized bed, her stocking-clad legs spread wide open, knees held in her hands. Her bra and panties lay abandoned on the floor, the lower half of her face was obscured behind her giant breast.

Alex stared at the heavenly beauty waiting for him when she curled her right index finger,

"I'm ready for you master~."

He didn't waste as second as he thrown his shirt off. He hurriedly climb onto the bed on all fours, moving up his toy's voluptuous frame to nestle between her massive breasts, his cock sliding into her pussy in seconds.

A moan echoed from both of them, Alex for was the way her walls clenched tightly and lovingly around his tremendous cock. As for Beth, it was his hard cock that slowly stretched out her pussy once more, sinking deeper and deeper into her, knocking firmly into her cervix.

Their lips met in a lewd, sloppy kiss, tongues twisting together as his hips rose and fell, pounding his toy's tight pussy with wild abandon as they both moaning with animalistic passion.

Alex groped every part of her full, lush curves that he could, digging his fingers into her soft, firm tits. Tweaking her nipples, gouging at her perfect bubble butt. He seized her plush thighs and spread them even further, folding them back until they framed above her torso.

She gasped as her stocking-clad feet were suddenly hitched up over her master's shoulders, while he thrusted and rutted into her. Making her toes curl as the pleasure intensified! It was a perfect Mating Press, deep, violent and rough.

Which she loved every minute of it as her entire body seemed to seize up, experiencing an orgasm that ripped through her entire body.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The entire bed shook as her master fucked her silly, his monstrous cock thrusting deeper and deeper inside of her like some kind of brutal sex machine. Her legs shook in the air as Alex's hands moved back to her breasts, playing with her sensitive nipples.

"Ohh, fuck~Master, puh-please slow down, you're breaking your toy's pussy in half! Ooo~!"

Her eyes rolled back in her head, showing nothing, but whites as Beth's face blushed, her tongue sticking out at a foolish angle. Drool ran down her chin as he kissed and sucked at her full chest.

His every slight touch only heightening her orgasm, leaving her cries raspy and weak as she came again and again.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

With a few more harsh thrusts, his cock finally bottomed out inside of Beth's squirting pussy. The head of his cock was now lodged firmly into the back of her womb, reshaping her baby bag like nothing more than to fit her master's huge cock.

Every inch of his dick was surrounded by her hot, squeezing pussy walls. Her cervix busted open as if wrenched by a crowbar, seeming to suck at his cock like a living thing, hopelessly skewered by his manhood.

His balls were mashed against Beth's pussy lips even as she continued to come her brains out. Her thick, muscular thighs extended to either side of his smaller body in a perfect V.

Her eyes were glazed over and staring up into space, a stream of drool running down from her open mouth. Her vagina was squirting almost continuously, jets of transparent fluid ejected forcibly into the air before they landed on the floor.

And there was a steadily growing puddle of juices underneath her. Her back was arched and she was jerking spasmodically under the grip of a pleasure he had only seen in porn videos before.

Alex then buried his face back into in his toy's wildly jiggling breast, furiously motorboating her tits and gnawing hungrily at her hard nipples. He growled, panted and snarled like a beast.

Rutting and pounding his hips as hard as he could into her curvy, fertile body. He kissed and sucked any part of her he could reach, from her nipples to the rest of her breasts.

To her graceful neck (now re-covered in hickeys), to her face, with its smeared lipstick and smudged eye-shadow. His hands greedily grasped at her fat asscheeks, squeezing, kneading and slapping them.

Turning them an angry red, making her gasp hoarsely and squirted some more.

"I'm gonna cum!"

He grunted.

"I wanna dump my load inside your womb, Toy!"

Instantly Beth's stocking-clad legs folded around him, heels locking together behind his bouncing, thrusting butt.

"Do it!"

She moaned, eyes rolling about weakly to try and fix her gaze on him,

"Pump your hot, wet, fat love into my pussy! Give me a creampie that'll ruin me, so fuck your toy like the whore she deserves to be treated as!"

Alex moan as he came, cock twitching and spurting powerfully as his toy climaxed at the same time. Pulse after pulse of thick cum burst into her cunt, flowing like a river into the womb that spawned him.

Beth moaned his name as her belly swelled up slightly, feeling pregnant all over again. Filling her with his thick, virile seed into her MILF body and then it was over. She fell back limply on the bed briefly sated, her great breasts heaving as he laid his face next to her left breast.

His mouth was then clamped around her nipple, tongue swirling around the nub and sensitive areola. Beth's hand wrapped around her master's still hard cock, jerking it lazily, with caring even strokes.

He sucked gently as sweet, creamy milk flowed into his mouth, and his hips bucked against her hand. His body nestled comfortably against her bosom, his eyes shut as his perfectly soft, small lips suckled away.

Pre-cum flowed constantly from his cock, staining her hand, but she did not care. Only massaging his tremendous cock briskly and diligently as it was a natural motherly duty.

The peaceful scene was completely quiet, save for the soft slurps of Alex's suckling and the steady fap sounds of Beth's hand jerking him off. And then, without any warning what so ever, Jenna stumbled through the door. His eyes shot open in shock as did Beth's.