Midnight fun +18

Walking over to the foot of his bed, she licks her lips in anticipation. Pulling his blanket off him entirely, letting her have a good look at his boxer and the outline of his hard penis.


Moaning softly in her throat, she carefully placed her right knee on the bed slowly. As she did so, the bed creaks slightly with the additional weight. Seeing as he hasn't woken up from placing just one knee on the bed, she puts the rest of her weight on the bed.

The bed creaks louder than before, but it was not loud enough to wake him up. Leaning foreword, she slowly tugged his boxers down his legs and soon enough, she was face-to-face with his massive cock.

She felt her pussy getting wet and she had to squeeze her legs together to contain her sexual urges, knowing it wasn't time yet.

"I hope I don't wake you up,"

She whispered as her warm, moist breath brush up against the base of his cock, making it twitch before her eyes. She slowly wrapped her fingers around him and stroked it a single time with the result being his pre-cum making itself known.


He mumbled a few times in his sleep as she freeze in place as her son seemed to mutter something in his sleep. Her breaths were silent as she watched her son intently, her fingers still wrapped around his shaft.

After about a minute, she resumed her stroking, getting wetter and wetter as the cock in her hand got bigger and bigger. When she saw pre-cum seep out of the tip, she licked her lips again and knew it was ready.

Leaned forward, she licked the pre-cum up, the mere taste of it sending heat right to her nether regions. She moaned at the taste and savoring it as she moved down to the base of his cock.

Pressing her soft lips at the base of his throbbing flesh, she then slowly trailed upward, dragging it slowly along the shaft to its distant tip. Clearing over a foot of cock flesh in the process, until she could kiss against his tip.

His low moans turned a bit louder now as her small kisses on his cock turned towards licking as she lick down his shaft. Moving down to his balls, she trailed tongue along his plump sac as she worship the magnificent monster of a cock in front of her.

Her tongue slithering its way back up his shaft as she went. Her lips wrapped around his cock, softly embracing the very tip and sucking on the head. Tasting the salty pre-cum that had leaked out from her faint little teases.

Her hands settled down lower, squeezing his muscular thighs and then slowly running up to grasp his chest before drifting back down. Confident that she wouldn't wake him, Beth took her time with his cock, certain that all she really needed was practice and patience.

Given time, she wanted to take all of his shaft down, but she could start out slowly and work her way there first. A secret nighttime helper who could come and empty his swollen balls each night, learning to handle his monstrous cock a little more with each visit.

It was a solid idea, and she was absolutely ready to see it through as she took the better half of an inch or so into her mouth. Already she knew just how formidable his cock was, fat enough for her mouth to be open wide as she stared up his athletic, muscular body toward his face.

He looked so serene in his sleep, and she hoped that nights would become the time where he could truly relax and unwind as she tended to her son. She whimpered around his cock as her hips drew back up a little, only to press a bit further on the next forward motion.

Occasionally, she'd give his balls a fondle or a soft little stroke to the base of his cock, which served only to remind her, how much of his shaft is left as she went onward.

She is giving him a slow and adoring cocksucking as she lay there on her stomach. Her eyes never leaving his handsome, moaning face as she wondered what he was dreaming about as he lay there.

Unbeknownst to her, Alex was already awake after she pulled down his underwear and when she started leaving kisses on his cock. He was struggling not to make too much noise as he felt Beth worship his cock and he knew he couldn't reveal himself quite yet.

But as her lips wrapped around the head of his cock and pushed downward, it was impossible not to groan. A soft noise of approval didn't actually out him as Beth took his cock down steadily, bobbing her head a bit faster.

On occasion, she would lick her way down his shaft, moaning against his cock as she nuzzled her cheek against his member and occasionally drifting down to kiss his balls.

He wished he could say something to let her know how pleased he is, but she was under the assumption he was sleeping. However, he could always try to do something while pretending to be asleep.

With a groan, he squirmed a little bit, hands moving about before drifting toward Beth, fingers entangling themselves into her locks and holding affectionately and loosely onto her.

He could feel her stiffen in worry against him, but as he lay there unmoving after touching her, she relax once more. She nuzzled into his hands a little bit, purring happily as she felt him hold her.

"Master, what are you dreaming about?"

She whispered, kissing her way back up his cock and taking him once more down into her mouth. Bobbing her head ever so slowly, enjoying the taste of his pre-cum as it ooze on the tip and his moans.

"Maybe you dream about me worshiping your cock like I am doing right now."

Taking him into her mouth again, she gulped him down more boldly, urged on by the passive presence of his fingers in her hair. It gave her an oddly comfortable sensation, one of adoring submission.

It wasn't much to work with, but there was something about the way he held her that made her want to perform better and she took his cock deeper as a result. Boldly pressing forward with renewed vigor as she took his cock deeper in her mouth.

Soon enough, eight inches of cock was past her lips with no idea how she could do it, but it didn't matter. As there was still a quarter of his cock not past her lips as she worked to get him off.

Back and forth her head bobbed and her eagerness left him even more frustrated as he savored the way she sucked him off. The adoration he felt from her left him struggling not to writhe in delight.

Alex didn't know how he managed not to lose it when he came, but all he did was fidget a little bit as his cock erupted once more into Beth's mouth, completely without warning.

His cum splashed against the back of her throat as she struggled to keep her mouth in place. Feeling it flood with cum as she struggled to swallow it down, shamelessly letting some semen and drool gush past her lips and down his shaft.

As she held herself in place through all of it, gladly drinking down every drop of his cum that she could handle and that was when things took a turn for the unexpected.

She orgasmed. She had been so stimulated by the act of worshipping his cock that she was somehow thrown over the edge. Moaning around his cock as her trembling pussy hit a the peak without even touching it.

Her body shivered as she felt an absolutely hands-free orgasm like she could never have imagined before. The most potent thrill of her life, and it took her so powerfully that she simply could not handle it.

Only the fact that she didn't want to wake her son up with her moans, kept her in place, although the muffled sounds vibrated through her son's cock with such ferocity that it nearly pushed him over the edge again.

Only once she was absolutely sure it was done, she pull back, still trembling as she looked up at him with cum dripping down her chin. Using her hands, she gathered up cum from her face and licked it clean.

Shivering in place, she looked down once more and was not surprised to find her son's cock was still hard. Licking her lips excitedly, she leaned down and whispered,

"It seems like my job here isn't done yet master~"

Taking his cock back into her mouth, she made her tongue swirl around his shaft. Licking up any leftover cum, while her lips kept moving up and down along the shaft.

The sounds of her quiet moans and slurping was loud enough to "wake" him and so he did.

(Alex pov)

Slowly flickering his eyelids like he just woken up, the first sight that greeted him was the ceiling. Seeing he was resting on his back when he went to bed and he barely moved after Beth entered his room.

He needed to act natural.

Slowly raising his head, he then moan loudly as he felt Beth suddenly increased her bobbing on his erect cock.

"Hello, sleepy head."

Beth spoke as she remove her mouth from his shaft and began stroking it in her hand.

"M-mom, what...Ahm. How did you...mmm...get my pants off without me realizing it?"

He said, acting quite confused of what was going on.

"It was quite easy as you are a bit of a heavy sleeper."

She spoke and then began to lick his cock from base to head only stopping to kiss his ball sack again. Finding it much easier to do once he was awake as she doesn't need to be that careful.


He moaned softly as her lips continued to slowly kissing along his shaft.

"I hope you don't plan on just leaning back and enjoying yourself, because I got quite the task for you."

She said, giving his cock a last small kiss before sitting up showing of her naked body. Slowly, she began to crawl further up his bed and on top of her son, until her breasts were hanging right in front of his face, showing of how truly big they were.


He said nervously as she looked down upon him with a small smirk and what seemed to be lust-filled hazed eyes.

"Can I count on you for help after what I have done for you?"

Beth asked as one of her long slender fingers traveled down his chest.

"O-of course mom, I'll do anything for you."

With those few words she no longer held back. He laid completely still, watching how she turned around and her beautiful round ass came closer to his face until it was an inch above his head.

The smell which emitted from her pussy had him entranced; slowly he stuck his tongue out and gave her slit a small lick.

"Umha, not bad."

She spoke with a slight tremor in her voice as he slowly began licking her pussy, while placing his hands on her lower back and trying to push her further down on his face.

With no delay, she returned the favor. Leaning down towards his still throbbing cock and with long licks, she cleaned it off, before she took it back into her mouth.

They continued for ten minutes, groaning and moaning around each other's genital as they gave each other pleasure. Beth stopped briefly as to take him in between her breasts, enjoying his warm and wet cock in between her big tits.

While he only took small breaks when he had to breathe, though he had considered just staying in between her legs and licking her pussy until he died from lack of air.

Everyone had to die at some point and dying in between his women's legs had to be the best way to go. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to withstand the pleasure forever and before long reached his climax once more.

He found himself unable to warn her as he was still busy eating her out and then, without a warning, he cum in her mouth.


He groaned loudly in her pussy, which in return also set her off. A Mix of shock from his sudden ejaculation and pleasure from her own orgasm formed on her face.

She found herself unable to swallow her salty treat because of the sheer amount and her own incoming orgasm. Half of the sperm in her mouth slipped out and down unto the bed covers.

All the while she was almost suffocating her poor son by pushing her hips more forcefully down on his face, crushing and suffocating the poor/happy boy.

With two hard swallows, she managed to gulp down Alex's cum in her mouth. She let out one last satisfied sigh, before she fell down unto the bed beside him, while they both took a small moment to catch their breaths.

No words were exchanged as they basked in each others presence and their respected orgasms. Slowly, he brought himself up to look over at Beth's glistering naked body.

Even though he had just shot 2 big loads in the past hour, he still wanted more. Crawling on his bed until he was between Beth's spread legs, he slowly leaned down over her before he pressed his body down upon her.

His shaft was rubbing against her wet pussy, while his began fondling and teasing her big tits. Her moans kept increasing in intensity every time his shaft would rub against her pussy.

"P-please master...Don't tease me any more...ahhh~...I-I need it in me~..."

She moaned and pleaded for him to stop teasing her and give her what she want, his cock. Gazing down at her begging face, he decided to give her what she want as he can't hold himself back anymore either.

Wasting no time, he lined his cock up before entering her with one piercing thrust. Even though her pussy was extremely tight, he had no problem thrusting his cock all the way through her walls and hitting her cervix.


She moaned as she threw her arms around his neck. He slowly dragged his long cock out of her trembling cunt and slid back in a moment later. Fucking her slowly at first before slowly picking up the pace as his thrusting became harder.

He paid no mind to Beth's arching back or wailing body. His only focus was to make her orgasm her brains out. Nothing would stop him as he ravaged Beth's hot wet walls.

Her pussy walls continuously accommodating to his cock that slipped in and out of her walls, with each pump going deeper and deeper. All his thrusts hit her cervix, the resulting silent scream and juices coating his ramming cock made it easier for him to fuck her at a smoother pace.

Hie mushroom head brushed up against the entrance to her womb as Beth's toes curled, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and drool streaming down her mouth.

Hips still pumping at a fast tempo, they could feel the others heart beating through their connection. Moving his eyes up, he looked into the blank stare Beth now had as she bounced back and forth off his pole.


With upmost passion and love, he kissed her like an animal, tongue sloppily covering her own in his saliva while keeping the thrusts deep and powerful.

She could only moan lewdly beneath her son as each and every thrust jarred her entire curvaceous body. Her sweaty tits bounced in his face and impacting his chest.

The sweet feeling of Beth's hard nipples against him, while looking into her erotic, glowing face made him plow into her again and again. His thrust becoming harder and harder after briefly leaving her tight pussy.


Was all she could say when she felt her son suck on her sweaty milk jugs that he was trying to inhale. She then rasped out.

"Fuck me! Fuck your mother's pussy!"

She begged through hangered breaths and shrieks of pleasure when her son slapped her rippling ass.

"Fuck you're so tight, mom!"

He said through gritted teeth.

"What a dirty slut you are!"

Slapping her ass as he got a pleased yelp from his lover. Placing his hand behind her head, he laid completely on her body and moved his hips in a jack hammering motion. His hips became a piston of power for Beth's hungry cervix.

"You're mine forever!"

He claimed with a deep kiss. Moaning shamelessly, the two were drunk on the feeling of one another's bodies that clung onto each other's sex.

Now in a lotus position, he released Beth's mouth and threw his head between the crock of her neck. His hot breath brushed against her sweaty skin, making her more aroused. Her hand's sunk into his sweaty hair, making sure that his licking tongue made a mark on her beautiful flesh.

"I-I'm gonna' fill this pussy up mother!"

With a harsh whisper, he announced his coming release inside her.

"Let me cum inside! Let me make you pregnant! I want you to carry my child and fuck you so hard you'll never want anyone else!"

He roared out, spanking her ass until it was bright red. Beth's tight cunt walls continued to wrap itself around her son's cock until it was actually inside her womb.

Her head flung back, gasping in pleasure as she felt him enter her womb which left her breathless. Once she got her bearing, she shouted out her pleasure,

"YES! Fuck me master! Make sure my pussy knows that you are its master! I don't want anyone else but my son's manly dick inside me~~!"

She squealed out as her walls twitched around his twitching cock. With a growl, he captured her mouth in a kiss, while exploding inside, filling her womb with sperm.

Lustful eyes gazed into one another while moaning in release. Shuttering after such an amazing combined climax. However, that didn't stop him as he continued to fucked her for next three hour, in various positions that he could think of.

(A few hours later.)


She moaned, breathing heavily while lying face down. Alex was currently fucking her from behind, while his body was leaning on her back.

"Mother, here's another load!"

He announced and only a second later he climaxed, overfilling her womb as cum leaked out the sides of her walls. She had no idea of how many times either of them had cum.

She had given up a little over and hour ago, when her son shot his eighth load into her. She didn't have the power to cry out in pleasure anymore. Her body's only way to express the satisfaction was the spasm of her hips.

After her latest orgasm died off, she slowly drifted into unconsciousness. A content smile was seen on her face. He also smiled at the sight of his woman. She looked so peacefully and content.

Giving her one last kiss on her head, he carefully rolled them over, until she was lying on top of him. Making sure his cock was still sticking in her exhausted pussy. Occasionally he would thrust softly inside her as to squirt out any remaining cum in her womb.

When he couldn't cum anymore, he pulled the blanket over them and started to fall in asleep next to her.