
Blinking her eyes wearily, she was confused at first on where she was before shuddering in pleasure when she felt her son's hard cock twitch inside of her. Their naked bodies tangled together in bed, after having fuck last night.

Smiling gently, she lifted her head from his chest, trying not to move too much and faced him.

'God, he's so cute.'

She thought as she caressed his face softly, not even caring that her husband was a few doors down from them. She brought her lips to his, kissing him gently before laying her head down once more on his chest.

Slowly placing her head down, facing the small table where he has his clock, she could see what time it is. 4:38AM, before closing her eyes as she went back to sleep.

'Wait, what!'

Her eyes shot wide open in horror as she saw the time. Her husband, Jake, usually wakes up around 06:30Am, but he has to get to wake up early today as he to get everything ready at his job.

'Damnit, how could I have forgotten about that! Luckily, I had just woke up in time and can be in bed before he wakes up. But I don't want to leave my son's warmth yet.'

She could only sigh sadly as she moved to sit up, placing her hands on his chest and pushed herself up. Biting her lower lips to suppress the moans threatening to come out from her mouth.

When she was finished sitting up, she was left panting with desire as she sat on him cowgirl style. Looking down on his sleeping face, she steeled her heart as she made a move to get off him.

As she slowly lifted up she could feel every vein, every bump and every ridge of her son's cock in her pussy. She could even feel her pussy tightening around him as to not let him go. In the back of her mind a thought came to her,

'God, if he is this big now what will he be like when he is a fully grown man.'

As she thought this she had still been moving, even though she was getting off her son, she wanted to feel his cock as much as she could, even if it was for the next few seconds. She cold never get enough.

With a soft pop, his penis has her wet, hot folds of her pussy and couldn't help but moan in both pleasure and loss. As she arose, there was nothing holding back his seed from spilling out after being plugged by his cock.

A mixture of their juices poured down onto his cock where the liquid pooled underneath his testicles. She had to fight the urge to lick his cock and balls clean until she decided against it.

If she did, she wouldn't be able to stop herself from putting his cock back into her needy pussy and fucking him again. She gently stroked his face before gathering her lingerie pieces and headed to the door without noticing her son groggily waking up.

His eyes caught Beth's alluring backside as she left the room and shut the door behind her. It was only once she had gone that he was fully awake. Sighing softly, he went about his morning routine, but not before cleaning his junk as it's sticky.

Making sure there was nothing leaking behind her, she made her way to the bathroom in the hallway, where she could take a shower. Washing away any evidence of her last night fucking she had with her son.

Finishing off her quick shower and gathering her lingerie, she went back to her room and put them in the laundry. Gathering her lingerie from last night, she put it back on as she made her way back to bed.

Easing herself next to her sleeping husband, she slowly laid herself back in the bed and pulled the semi-cold blanket over her and closed her eyes. Acting like she has been sleeping there all night.

Not a 10 minutes later, she heard the alarm clock ringing loudly and her husband waking up. Groaning in displeasure, she turned away from the loud noise and her husband, acting like she was trying to fall asleep again.

Keeping her ears open, she could barely hear her husband opening and closing the bathroom door. After barely hearing the soft click, she left out a breath of relief.

'Nailed it.'

Snuggling into her pillow, she thought to herself,

'I really need to set some grounds rules now as that was too close. If I had came a bit late, he would have been wondering where I went. Maybe even suspect me for having a secret affair.

'Not that he is wrong, but I don't want him to be paranoid as he will cut into my sexy time with my son. At least this way, we will be safe and figure out what is the next step is.'

With that, she falls back to sleep as she dreams about the future with her son, sister and niece, surrounded by children. Happily laughing and playing with each other.


Alex came out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist as he fetch a new pair of clothes. Putting them on, he then made his way towards the basement, while checking on his family member's on his phone.

He was surprised to see his father was already up, but then frowned in disappointment.

'It seems my dad is the only one who will be spared from having to drink [Purity] and [Ignorant] today. Lucky bitch, but still, I need to drug the other two.'

After checking the rest of the people in the house, he was happy to know everyone was still asleep when a thought occurred to him.

'Can I make these liquids in a pill form?'